Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 189 - Thing you need

Chapter 189 - Thing you need

Several months later

Perseus slapped Peg hard on the back. "Come on not even that one?" He asked as he pointed to yet another maiden that had been brought in for the night's entertainment.

Peg shook his head. "No sorry. I'm just not interested in any of these women." Peg forced down the burning amber liquid in the glass that had been place before him more than an hour ago. Perseus and several of his friends had been pushing woman after woman at him for more than a month now, insistent on him progressing to the next stage of manhood by taking one of the loose Trollip's that frequented gathering such as these. What he hadn't bothered telling his dear friend was that the only woman that had ever drawn and held his attention was the man's own wife. Peg let out a long sigh. "I'm heading back, you guys have fun. Tell Ry I'm sorry I missed him." One of the first people Perseus had introduced Peg to was his half-brother Orion. They had gotten along well enough, but the man was a complete rake. Ry, Perseus, and the god Zeus... apparently his uncle... seemed in competition with one another to see who could bed the most people. Perseus seemed to stick primarily to women of loose morals while Zeus and Ry seemed to hold open fascination with either sex. They had both taken multiple people to their rooms on more than one occasion.

Peg shook his head as he scaled the back stairway of the castle. He paused at his new bedroom door, his eyes studying the door across the hall. Andromeda... The faint light of a candle flickered from beneath the door. He walked over and knocked lightly. "Andy? Are you still awake?" He pushed the door open, not surprised to see she had fallen asleep with a book open across her chest. He smiled as he studied the beauty that was her sleeping form. Her dark soft lashes laid across her rosy cheeks. Her dark, curly hair contrasted with her creamy, porcelain skin. The pale peach dressing gown she wore did little to hide her womanly figure underneath. He ran a light caress across the back of the hand resting on top the book. He carefully lifted her hand and removed the book with his other. He folded the edge of the page and set it on the table beside her chaise. He couldn't help the widening of his smile as he brushed the loose curls away from her face. "You are so beautiful." He whispered. When she didn't respond, he bent and scooped her into his arms. Turning toward her bed, he carried her over and set her gently into the beds center. He pulled the covers up over her and bent to place a light kiss to her forehead.

" Peg?" Her groggy words brought a smile to his lips.

"Yes, it is I." He responded in a low whisper.

"Um..." She sighed sleepily as she smiled. Her hand came up to find his arm and pull him closer. "Would you lay with me for a while? Until I fall asleep?"

He chuckled, "I believe you are already asleep." Despite his words, he kicked off his boots and climbed into the bed beside her. "Roll onto your side." He whispered. When she did as he asked, he curled his large body around hers and slid one arm under her neck and the other around her waist, pulling her tighter against him.

"I had the worst dream." She mumbled. "You'd fell in love with one of the women Percy introduced you to, and I never got to see you again." She tightened her grip on his arm that was around her. "Promise you'll not leave me, even if you do find someone you care for."

He kissed the top of her head as he tucked it under his chin. "Not to worry, you will be the only woman to ever share a bed with me." He placed another kiss to the top of her head. "Sleep well, Love."

When her breathing was even once more, he carefully removed both hands from her and got out of the bed. He walked over to the candle and blew it out, before leaving quietly out the door.

"Does Percy know you frequent his wife's bed late at night?" A husky voice asked from the shadows of the darkened hall.

"Ry? Is that you?" He pushed open his own door. "Come in don't lurk in the hallways this late at night."

Ry nodded and pushed himself away from the wall. "They said you'd already left when I got there tonight. I had assumed it was because you didn't want to see me. Seems I was wrong."

Peg frowned as he lit the candle on his nightstand. "It's not as you think. I was simply caring for her, where Percy seems not to bother any longer."

Ry arched a brow. "Well, I suggest if you're going to make it a habit of coming in and out of her room, you make your intentions clearer."

"What do you mean?" Peg asked as his frown deepened. He placed his boots by the table and walked over to the dressing mirror and began undoing the many fastenings of the clothing he wore.

"I mean if you are going to be seen coming in and out of a married woman's bedroom at all hours, you better set a clear picture as to... your tastes... that are not of her like."

"I'm still not following you, brother." Peg said as he fumbled with the buttons.

"I'm saying you should play the part of a man who only likes the company of other men. If anyone, especially Percy, was to find you in her room otherwise it could be trouble for the both of you." Ry replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You like her do you not?"

He met his brother's eyes in the mirror. "She is my closet and dearest friend... The only one I need."

Ry sighed, "I know you want nothing to do with father, and I can't say I blame you half the time, but I do wish you would give the rest of us a chance. Arei is still eager to meet you. You don't have to isolate yourself from us as you do. Get out of this palace, it may do you both some good. This thing you have with another man's wife is unhealthy for the both of you."

Peg turned angerly on his brother. "And what do you know of it?"

Ry sighed again. "Enough to know what results can come from another man's jealousy even involving his own sister." He walked over and clamped his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I know you do not see me as family yet, but hopefully in time you will, and you will realize I only offer this advice now as a way of helping you. Be careful little brother..." He released Peg and turned back toward the door. "And give the rest of us a chance." He nodded to his brother and closed the door behind him leaving Peg to stare blankly at the door.

Current day, Athens Embassy bar

"What do you think they are talking about right now?" Arei asked as he nervously scrolled through his phone.

Peg eyed his brother. He hadn't seen the gigantic man so worked up since the last time he'd seen Jos. "Knowing Andy, she's probably got both girls entangled in the embarrassing story of our time together before getting married." He arched a brow as Arei kept flipping through different apps, growing more irritated with everyone. "What are you looking for?"

"Have you heard anything from Ry?" Arei asked as he scrolled through his contacts list. "He hasn't sent me a message or anything which makes me suspect he's done something stupid, even more."

Peg forged surprise. "Ry, do something stupid, surely not!" When Arei didn't joke back with him, he frowned. "What is it you think he's done?"

Arei held Peg's gaze as he pressed a button and moved the phone to his ear. "I think he's dragged the kid onto Calypso's island in an attempt to lure out the goddess and somehow seduce her into lifting the curse from Jos."

Peg's eyes widened in real surprise this time. "You're joking right? He can't actually be that dumb, can he?"

Arei shrugged. "We were pretty desperate during a few of our brainstorming sessions. I think he's taken it upon himself to see this particularly bad idea out to the end. Especially with what happened before they left." The ringing ended as Ry answered.

[Ry here, is everything alright?] Ry called out over the phone. "Just hold, still will you?! If it doesn't work, you can just heal anyways." He called out away from the phone.

"Fuck you! You're not using me as bait for that crazy bitch and you sure as hell not going to cut into me with a dull rusty pocketknife!" Russ argued in the background.

Arei let out a low growl as he rolled his eyes. "You did it, didn't you? You're on Calypso's island, aren't you?"

[Yes, but as usual she's nowhere to be found-] Ry was interrupted by Russ's angry yell.

"Because you haven't tried to look for her! You'd rather give me tetanus instead of walking a few fucking feet!" Russ's yells reverberated in the phone.

Arei held the phone away from his ear and pressed the speakerphone button instead. "Listen, I agree with the kid. It's probably best you don't have her summoned to you. We had to put Jos to sleep using magic because the pull of the curse was making her sick. It's hard to tell what would happen if Calypso recognized you and tried to force Jos there."

[Well hell, way to ruin my fun. Alright, so what would I be looking for exactly? Because you know good and well most of the things on this island are deserted.] Ry replied as he put the pocketknife away. [How is Jos doing now? Is she better now that we are actually on the island?] He asked as a side thought.

"She's doing better. She's in the room right now with Andy and Shelly." Arei said the nervous energy returning to his voice.

[Andy, Andy?] Ry asked in surprise.

Arei nodded shooting his gaze over at Peg. "Yeah, Peg's here with me right now while they have 'girl talk'." He made air quotes with his hands.

[You realize I can't see you, right? I know you're doing that thing where you talk with your hands. Anyways, Andy huh... Does that mean some of her memories are coming back or did you just decide to throw them together for good measure.] Ry asked. The sounds of two pairs of large feet crunching through gravel sounded across the line.

"Neither Jos went to them in hopes of getting some of her memories back." Arei answered hoping Peg would elaborate for the both of them.

Peg frowned. "She told Andy that someone had told her to come there. Andy said she was holding a tiny yellow post-it note in her hand."

[Did Isha and Raven visit before they were forced to leave?] Ry asked. "Watch your step there are traps all over this island. See the spots like that, hard to tell how far you'll fall before hitting the bottom or being impelled by sharpened poles." Ry held the phone away slightly as he directed Russ. "Your island most likely also still has these, too."

Arei and Peg exchanged questioning looks as they listened to their brother and the young wolf's conversation. "Yeah, they both stopped by before they left. I guess one of them could have given her the paper and directed her to Andy, but I don't know how they would have been able to make the connection."

Peg nodded. "Isha. She'd been asking odd questions and going through old case files before you guys got here and had doubled her efforts after. I'm actually surprised they didn't get suspicious and kick her off the council before they did." He nodded to the bartender as the man slid drinks toward them. Peg took a sip and slid it back to the bartender. "Really? If you're here to mess with us, why not as yourself Father?"

Arei's eyes shot up to the bartender as the man grinned widely at Peg. "Father? What? Ry I have to go, keep me updated." He hung up the phone and turned his full attention to the bartender. "What the hell are you doing back here?"

The bartender looked around the large room. "I promised our dear Jos that I would help her, so here I am. In disguise of course."

Arei rolled his eyes, "Of course."

Poseidon arched a brow. "I really am disappointed at how little you are able to recognize your own father. Do I really mean so little to you boys?"

Arei leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "So what help are you providing while working in a bar." He looked around. "And where is the regular bartender?"

Poseidon shrugged. "I gave him the night off."

Peg arched a brow in suspicion. "He's tied up behind the bar, isn't he?" He turned his attention to Arei. "He used to do shit like that all the time before I finally gave up and started to openly talk to him."

When Arei sent his father a questioning gaze, Poseidon looked away guiltily. "He may or may not be... He's not having to work and who knows if it wasn't one of his kinks before, the man my have discovered a new one. He doesn't seem to be fighting the ropes nearly as much as most of them do." He shifted his gaze to the floor behind the bar.

"Most of them? How often do you do this." Arei asked in idle curiosity.

Poseidon shrugged, "As often as the need arises. You know how bitchy the council gets when they believe one of the gods are playing favors. Hell, even Zeus himself is frowned upon here."

"Can't say I blame them there. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't gotten involved again this time." Peg said, lifting up from the bar stool and leaning over the counter for a bottle from the well. He nodded and saluted the bound bartender with the bottle of whiskey he took. "Don't worry though, the seeds I gave her will also work against any mind tricks he tries to play this go around as well. It's one of the reasons I directed her to spread the usage out for so long... that and I hoped that by the time she'd gotten the biggest majority of her memories back she'd be out of this hell hole."

Arei shook his head at the mention of the lotus seeds. "I'm still not sure how I feel about that." He watched as Peg filled three shot glasses and pushed one toward him and one to Poseidon. "How did you deal with Perseus and Andy's relationship for so long? Wasn't it hard seeing them together... Knowing another man was touching her and being there for... with her in a way you couldn't?"

Peg nodded. "It was hard, but I made sure my time with her meant more than anything their limited physical involvement could ever provide." Peg emptied the shot glass then refiled it again as he elaborated further.