Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 157 - I want you

Chapter 157 - I want you

"Believe me, Kitten, I want you, but as I've said-" Arei was interrupted by an irritated huff.

"Not until you've told me what you have to say... which you can only, for some reason, only tell me once we get home and meet with your brother... which also makes no sense..." She mumbled in a dull tone.

He set her feet back on the ground and stepped away as she turned toward the nearest shelf and began running her fingers over a vase. He moved over behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning over far enough to nestle his face against her neck. "Then you'll also remember the reasons, which will make perfect sense soon, why I said it was important to wait."

She grunted, still studying the various items on the shelf intently. "Because you don't want us to do something that I may later regret." She said in the same flat tones as she rolled her eyes.

"Exactly." He whispered against her ear as he placed a teasing kiss to her neck.

She bent her neck to the side giving him better access. "That is stupid, and you know it." She said in a pout. "You only want to tease and torment me... You don't really want me." She whined as he kissed a trail down the slender length of her neck.

The corner of his lip twitched upwards. "Have you already forgotten that I just told you, I love you?"

She shifted to meet his gaze. "Love?" She asked.

He nodded as he straightened and brushed the loose hairs from her face. "Yes... I believe I have for some time now." He smiled. "Maybe I should have waited to say this as well, but being my age and never meaning those words quite as much as I do now... I couldn't hold them in any longer."

She tilted her head, "Is it like lovers?"

He nodded, "It can be. There are many different forms of the word." He continued brushing her hair with his fingers as he studied her many different expressions. "It's something a family member may say to another to let that person know they care deeply for that person or if two lovers come to a point where they care deep enough for each other..."

She pulled away. "But you don't even want to be my lover." She said disappointment heavy in her words.

He gently turned her face to his. "It's not that I don't care enough to be your lover... It's quite the opposite, I promise you." He hooked a finger gently under her chin. "I can name you on just a couple of fingers the people who I love: My parents, though my father can be a titanic dick most days." He held up one finger. "My siblings, though they are often bigger pains in the ass than they are worth." He held up another finger as he lowered his face to hers, holding her gaze intently. "And you..." He held up a third finger and shrugged as he gave her time for the information to sink in.

Her eyes widened, "I... I am family to you?" She asked in equal parts confusion and happiness.

He nodded and took her hand and pressed it to his chest. "You are a part of me now, a part that is only reserved for those people who mean the most and will always be in here." He tapped his chest with her hand. "Regardless to how meeting my brother goes, my feelings for you won't change. You live here now... and forever." He said tapping his heart with his index finger, still gripping her hand tightly.

Jos sighed and took a step closer, resting her head against his chest. "Then I love you, too." She whispered. She peered up at him, her face half hidden by his broad chest. "Because every time I see you something in my chest flutters, every time you kiss me or touch me too... And when I think of you not feeling the same or the possibility this will all be over soon, it hurts... If that is because you are in my chest too... and that is love... then I definitely love you, too."

Arei smiled warmly down at her as he released her hand and moved his hands back to her face. He stroked both sides of her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. "That is exactly what love is, and it's exactly how I feel about you. My heart leaps every time you smile at me or look at me as you are right now, it flutters when your near, when you touch my skin..." he bent and kissed her forehead. "It beats so fast I think it may bust when you are in my arms or when I think you're in trouble." He placed another kiss to the tip of her nose. "The night I thought that ship may hurt you, I thought it would leap out of my chest... and when you vanished into the ocean, I'd prayed to the gods it would stop beating all together." He pressed a light kiss to her lips. "I'd never been so afraid in my life," He smiled down at her. "and I've fought in some of the bloodiest battles the world has seen." He kissed her lips again, this time letting his kiss linger longer before whispering against her lips. "There is so much more to love and being lovers than sharing our bodies." He stroked her cheeks. "There will be plenty of time for that later, for right now what we have is amazing." He pulled her closer, "And I wouldn't trade these moments for anything." He held her tightly against him, stroking her long hair soothingly. "What do you say? Are you alright continuing as we are? Slowly?"

Jos nodded as she traced patterns onto his shirt, following her fingers with her eyes.

He hooked his finger under her chin bringing her eyes up to meet his again. He smiled down at her encouragingly, "Thank you, Kitten, for being patient and trying to understand."

She nodded quietly but didn't say anything.

He tilted his head, "Would you like to know about some of the things in this room?" He asked.

Her eyes brightened as she nodded in a newfound excitement.

His smile widened, "Alright, what do you say we start with this one." He pointed to an old pot with a painting of Hercules wearing a lion hide. Before long Arei was completely immersed in the retailing of their history and Jos was hanging on his every word. They had been so distracted; they didn't hear the door open or the person enter until he cleared his throat to get their attention. Both heads turned toward the door and the intruder. "Father?" Arei asked. "I was just telling her about some of the old history." He said placing one of the statues back on the shelf.

Poseidon nodded. "There is a lot of history in this room, that is to be sure." He arched a brow. "But I'm surprised to find the two of you so... studious... when your sister and brothers have always sought other interests behind these doors." Poseidon said sending his son and Jos a devilish grin.

Arei pushed up from the floor and held his hand out for Jos. When she took it, he pulled her to her feet. When he was satisfied, he turned his attention back to his father. "As you can see, we are using it for its intended purpose. So, what brings you here? I hope it wasn't in the hopes of catching us in a compromising state." He narrowed his eyes at his father.

Poseidon held up his hands in surrender. "Never son!" A wicked smile curved his handsome face. "I'd never stoop so low as that to get something I wanted."

Arei arched a brow, "Oh really? I'm sure you wouldn't... indeed..." He turned to Jos taking her hand in his. "What do you say we head back to my room and pack."

Poseidon called out as they neared the door. "Oh, I did stop by to see if you would stay for dinner this evening. It won't be anything too extravagant, but I thought Atlantis should show the two of you off properly."

Arei gritted his teeth before pasting on a fake smile and turning back to his father. "Sure, father, we'd be delighted. Although, you may need to have something sent up for my date tonight. I don't believe she packed anything that would live up to your NOT extravagant dinner party tastes."

Poseidon laughed as he waved them off. "No problem, I'll have something delivered to your room in a few hours." His eyes burned with mischief as he added, "That should give the two of you plenty of time to bathe and rest up." He winked at his son.

Arei shot a concerned glance down at Jos. "I'm sure it will." He gritted out. "Now if you'd excuse us."

Poseidon gave them a sly smile as he stepped out of the way of the door, his eyes traveling from where Arei's hand rested protectively on the small of her back to where her hands clung to the front of his son's linen shirt. "Why don't you come see me in my study while the servants are getting this beauty ready this evening." There was no question, only orders. "I would like to go over some things with you before your departure... and before the ball begins..."

Arei nodded as he gave his father a suspicious glare. "I assume you refer to some of your guest list?"

Poseidon only smiled as he held the door open for the two to pass through. Once they had made it into the main library, he called out to Jos. "Until tonight, my dear."

Once they were out of the library and going down the now familiar halls to the room they'd been sharing, Jos asked. "What was that about?"

Arei let out an irritated groan. "That was my father letting me know, with no subtilty, that he knows we share a bath and do... other... things..."

She tilted her head up at him. "And?"

He let out another groan, "I fear he may be threatening to use that information against one or both of us."

She stopped, tugging his hand until he stopped as well. "What do you mean? Why would he do that?"

Arei studied her features for a long time before finally answering. "To force us together whether it's what we want or not. It's not considered proper for unwed individuals to do the things we do, Kitten."

Her head tilted to the other side, "But... but why would he do that?" Her brows furrowed, "Besides... isn't that what you want, too? For us to be together, after my last hearing?" Worry and confusion colored her words.

He brought her hand up to his mouth and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "It is, but I want it to be our choice... not his forcing hand."

"Oh..." She nodded and turned back toward the hallway. Her brows knitting together as she tried to work out the meaning of what he was saying. A thought occurred to her. "That doesn't mean you want to stop our baths and..." Her cheeks flushed, "and... the other stuff... do you?"

Caught off guard by her question, Arei's eyes shot down to hers. He couldn't help the laugh that burst past his lips. "I'd rather turn myself into an Eunuch than stop either of those activities." His lips parted in a mischievous smile. "I am still only a man, after all."