Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 101 - Shift of plans

Chapter 101 - Shift of plans

Arei's white knuckles ached as he clinched the steering wheel tighter as he searched for a suitable hotel off the busy interstate exit. The wolf leaning across the center console whimpered as the body she laid across began to convulse uncontrollably. "Hang in there, Kitten, hang in there." A hotel sign reading jacuzzies in the room and pets welcome came into sight. Arei whipped his car off the road, its rear tires skidding as he slammed on the breaks in front of the hotel office. He didn't take the time to shut the car door behind him, instead, he practically ran inside the office. In less than five minutes he was getting back into the car and quickly pulling it around to the backside of the building. "Easy does it, Kitten." He said as he lifted Jos from the passenger side and waited impatiently as the wolf leaped from the car as well. He kicked the door closed with his foot and hurried toward the stairs taking them two at a time.

Once inside the room, Arei wasted no time filling the large jacuzzi tub, balancing Jos's body in one arm as he worked. When it was half full, he laid her down in the water and turned toward Shelly. "This should help some. Stay with her, I'm going to try finding a pet store or exotic fish store." He ran a nervous hand over his hair as he lumbered toward the door. With any luck, I'll be able to find one of those saltwater kits for a large aquarium." He watched as the wolf paced around the tub, sending worried glances every few steps before grabbing the 'do not disturb' sign from the backside of the knob and hanging it on the outside after closing the door behind him.

Shelly paced the floor whimpering as she watch Jos's unconscious body shiver harder causing her teeth to chatter loudly. when more color drained from Jos's already pale skin, Shelly nudged the hot water on with her snout. the wolf's vivid blue eyes widen as a tentacle crept over the side of the tub. {Oh no, oh no!!! What do I do!?!} Shelly's mind raced as another tentacle emerged. She backed slowly between the two double beds and squeezed her eyes tightly shut as ink began to fill the clear water of the tub. A slight splash sounded from the tub, but shelly couldn't bring herself to look up, instead, she just backed up more and hid her face against the mattress and whimpered into the stiff cotton sheets.

A loud slam of the door caused Shelly's head to snap up in attention. Arei was rushing in a large sack over one shoulder, his other arm quickly extending out to the knobs of the tub. He shot a questioning glance to the wolf. "Flooding the room isn't going to help, you know." He sent her a halfhearted smile before turning back to the tub and lowering himself down on his knees beside it. He tore the bag labeled as aquarium salt open and poured the contents rapidly into the waters. He gripped the edge of the tub as he tried speeding the spread of the salt with his other hand.

Shelly inched forward as he worked, curious to know if it would work; but froze mid-step as a tentacle crept out over the tub and over Arei's white knuckles. Her eyes bugged and her mouth dropped open wide at the large man's tender response. Instead of jerking away like she had figured he'd do, he turned his attention to Jos's face. he clasped the hand that had been stirring the water and brought it to his cheek. Rubbing his face against the sleek wet tentacle, he brought the hand that had been gripping the tub to Jos's face.

"It's ok, Kitten, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere just relax." He cupped his hand and brought scoops of the water up and poured them gently over Jos's head and chest as he continued to caress the tentacle encircling his wrist with his sharp stubbed jaw.

Curiosity won out as Shelly moved closer to the tub. Her bright canine eyes moved in shock and awe between Arei and his tender nurturing words and Jos's beastly form. She jerked her paw away as one of the tentacles laying across the floor moved toward her.

Arei didn't take his attention away from his care of Jos or break his soothing even tone as he spoke. "Don't be afraid. She's scared and only wants to make sure you are still here." He brushed a strand of white hair out of her face. "It's true she doesn't maintain nearly as much of the human mind frame as you or I, but she's still Jos..."

He set there for several hours talking softly to Jos and telling Shelly fragments of information and memories he'd shared with Jos several hundred years ago. Shelly slowly released the tension in her body and adjusted to the feel of the sleek wet tentacle that wrapped gently around her paw. Before she had even realized it, she'd drifted off to sleep. Shelly found herself jerking back awake. Arei's soft whispers filled the room along with soft moans as Jos fought against the fever that had yet to subside.

Arei rang out a wash rag and placed it on her forehead but didn't remove his hand from her face. He stroked her temples with his large thumbs. "Come on, Kitten, come back to me." He smiled down at her. "This isn't the worst I've nursed you back from. Remember that first night?" As if in protest her body shook harder nearly taking her head under the water. He stood and pulled his shirt up over his head. "Have it your way." He said as he stripped down to his short boxer breifs then carefully stepped into the tub. He lifted her slightly as he slid into the tub behind her, cradling her small misshapen body in his lap. He used both hands to scoop more water over her upper body. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you then, and I be damn if it does now." He placed a light kiss atop her head. "You remember that night? The struggle to keep you alive?"

Shelly's ears perked up at the interesting story Arei was whispering against Jos's now soaked hair.

Zakynthos, Greece 1563

Areion stroked a large hand over his hair as he adjusted the clothing Orion had been wearing moments ago. He glanced over his shoulder to catch a final glimpse of the large bear that was Orion's animal form, make its way across the beach before turning and marching straight into the cave. His breath caught as he stepped through the gentle splatter of the falls overhead. "Damn..." He sighed. He let out an unsteady breath as he slowly forced his legs forward.

There was a trail of blood leading from the mouth of the cave and he followed it farther into the dark scantly lit portion of the cave lifting a burning stick from the fire as he went. Damp and dank air filled his nostrils, caring a the metallic twinge of blood with it. His breath caught when the light fell on the small ball of a child curled up in a dark damp corner of the back wall of the cave. Drops of water from the falls above fell from the ceiling making the chilled air even more despairing. He bent down beside the tiny body, but she let out a pained whimper and curled tighter into the ball. "Shh." He tried comforting her and stroked a slightly trembling hand over her wet hair. "I'm not here to hurt you. Let me see your injury. I need to mend it." He stroked his large hand down her arm until she finally released her grip and let him lift the small, frail arm. The color left his face and he let out a gasp. The entire hand was now missing. "Shit." He growled.

Mistaking his anger, the small child turned tear-filled eyes up to meet his. "I sorry!!!!" She cried, "I hungry... I hunt bring us food is all..." She turned her face away in embarrassment as she continued to sob.

Arei scrunched his brows. "Shh..." He cooed. "But we had just ate." He gave a light laugh. "Well I guess you didn't eat much..." Then a thought dawned on him and he reach down and tilted her face back up to his. "Do you not eat... cooked... food...?"

She shook her tiny tear stained face. Her sad, tear-filled aqua eyes twinkled under the light of the flame, melting his heart completely.

He cupped her face tighter, "It's okay. I forgive you..." He thought over his next words. "My horse forgives you... and I'm sorry you were hurt." He looked away pretending to examine her for other injuries but in truth didn't want her to read the lies he was telling. "You look alright other than that hand, but we need to tend it straight away." He said as he turned his gaze back to her. He sat up straight and pulled Orion's shirt up over his head then carefully wrapped it around her bleeding nub. {Orion is going to be pissed that I used his favorite shirt as bandaging, but...} The thought brought a smile to his handsome face as he tied the last knot and slipped one large hand under her. "Come now, I'll carry you back to the fire. We can't have you catching ill on top of it." He lifted her easily enough, cradling her in one massive arm. He stood up and held the makeshift torch out in front of them. He smiled down at her, the light flickering across her blushing cheeks as she wiggled in his grip, the tears in her eyes still flowing but at a slower rate. "Easy, Kitten. You don't want me dropping you and causing more injuries." His smile widened as her eyes bugged and she went ramrod still.

He tossed the stick back into the fire. He used his foot to push some of the furs Orion had stacked by the fire apart and lowered them down onto the soft nest. He kept her cradled against him as he untied the bandage, and to his surprise most of the bleeding had already stopped. "Well it doesn't need cauterized, lucky girl." He smiled reassuringly down at her as he lowered down onto his elbow placing her gently beside him on the furs. "Rest well, little one, I'll watch over you through the night to make sure fever doesn't set in." He carefully pulled his arm out from under the girl shifting his attention back to the fire. He waited for a long while, but when he continued to feel her curious gaze on him, he let out a chuckle and glanced back down at her. Her cheeks were still flushed, and silent tears streamed down her face. A thought struck him as he recalled the reason for her injuries. "Couldn't you shift and heal?"

She tilted her head not understanding his meaning.

Arei stroked a hand through his hair as he thought over a way to explain it. "Could you not change back into... what you were earlier to make the hand better... to help it grow back?" He pointed to the hand she held tightly to her body.

The tiny girl squeezed her eyes shut tightly and nodded her head.

Arei furrowed his brows in confusion. "Then why not do so? The sooner the better, the longer you wait the less likely it will heal fully." He asked in subdued irritation.

With her eyes still closed tightly she answered, "I deserve... could hurt you too..."

His irritation melted away and was quickly replaced by sadness and compassion. He wiped a trail of tears from her cheek and cupped her under the chin. "It wasn't your fault, I... My horse shouldn't have been as careless as to nap near a pond anyways. If not you, some other creature could have just as easily caught him off guard... and as for me, you wouldn't hurt me." When her uncertain eyes met his, he smiled a sweet smile down at her. "If you were going to hurt me you would have when this happened." He indicated her hand. When her eyes followed his to her hand then back to his eyes, he arched a brow. "Am I not correct in this?"

She thought it over then nodded.

He gave her a half smile, pleased with the ease with which it took to convince her. "Do you need help getting to the water or anything?"

She shook her head 'no' but when she struggled pushing herself up from the furs, Arei scooped her up once again and carried her out to the large lagoon. He waded out to his knees before lowering her down into the water. "Do you mind if I stay here while you shift?" He asked with absolutely no intention of leaving her alone or missing the chance to see the actual creature behind the sweet innocent façade.

She blushed and turned away but nodded in consent. "S... Stand back... I not good at control."

He took a step back to please her before asking, "You have trouble controlling the shift?" Then it dawned on him, "You have trouble controlling the creature..." Her worried eyes met his. "I see." He closed the space between them quickly. He moved his hand to her face very slowly not to startle her, then ran a long finger across her forehead and down to the tip of her nose. "Just stay calm..." He whispered in a low gentle tone. "Focus your mind on only shifting a portion of yourself, your arm." He nodded down to the injured nub.

Her worried gaze held his and she nodded. "Step back, please." Her words were a plea so he obliged her and just like she'd predicted, she couldn't control the shift. Her whole body began to contort and change. Tentacles began to emerge from her under her skirt and her arms began to shift into the long-barbed pads that they had been earlier when she'd attacked him.

Arei took another involuntary step backwards. The already nearly white hair turned a solid white reflecting the moon light from above. Her upper body developed out into a more womanly figure along with her facial features. His mouth dropped as he took in the contorted collection of squid parts and raw woman. The tiny slip of a dress she'd been wearing barely covered anything more than her torso. Her entire lower half was now a tentacled squid or octopus like body. His eyes traveled up the tentacles supporting her weight and over the now meager clothing to the full breast about to bust from the fabric, to the sharp jawline of the white haired beauty before him. He nearly dropped to his knees at the sight of her. {This is the monster we've been sent here to... kill?!? My gods, what happened? Did she turn Zeus down, piss off Hera, or something?} His breath caught as her eyes flickered open, the pretty aqua from before nearly completely washed out by a pale white. It nearly slipped his mind to notice the strange slit of her pupils. {Hell, I'm a horse eighty percent of the time...} He couldn't pull his eyes from the creature before him. There was a strange pull to her causing him to take several steps forward, but her eyes widened and she suddenly shifted back into the small child. He ran toward her as her tiny body collapse into the water. He brushed the wet hair out of her face as he lifted her and carried her back toward the cave. "It's ok, I have you." His gaze glided down to her hand which was now like new. "And good news, your hand is back."

She let out a slight moan but didn't open her eyes.

"Shifting must take a lot out of you... It's not uncommon. You'll feel better after some rest." He laid her back on the nest of furs and slowly sank down beside her. He pulled a fur up over her small frame and watched her sleep for the longest time before finally himself falling asleep beside her. He found comfort in the warmth of the fire and the slight form sleeping beside him.