Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 8 - One sly wolf

Chapter 8 - One sly wolf

She arched a brow, "Hahaha…." She laughed sarcastically, "But no not really, the waves here aren't big enough to really get into it. I paddleboard every now and then though." Joslyn forked at the cake until the rich liquid chocolate inside began to flow out.

"Then why come to a surf shop opening?" Xavier asked as he poked one of the sausages with his fork next.

"Ah Shelly, the other werewolf with us, has been kind of a groupie of that band for a while. She really likes their drummer." She stuck the bite of dripping cake into her mouth. "Um… this is really good! Thanks." She smiled up at him as she chewed the cake.

He laughed again, "Your welcome, glad you like it. It's one of my favorite things here. Anyways that's cool. The band is friends of mine so maybe I can introduce them." He glanced back up at her.

"She'd definitely like that." Joslyn said with a bit of an aggravated undertone.

"What? You don't approve of your friend's choice of romantic interests?" he stopped the fork halfway to his mouth as he waited on her answer with an amused expression.

Joslyn let out a sigh, "It's not so much that I don't approve. It's just that she has been chasing this guy for the past two months, pretty forcefully, and… well… I guess I just figure if he was truly interested then he would have already made a move or something and that anything past this point between them would just be a quick screw for him and heartache for her."

Xavier's smile faded as he looked back down at his food. "I see. You're probably right in that case. Forget that I offered." He continued while he scooted a piece of pancake around his plate. "You seem to really care for the both of them… As more than roommates or just friends…"

Joslyn sighed again, "Yes, I do. They are the closest thing to family that I have other than my mother, but she lives overseas. I've known them both since they were babies and I love them both very much." Joslyn sighed again, "I'm sorry that was probably a little much for a first date, huh?"

Xavier quickly jerked his head up to look at her, "First date? Does that mean there will be more?"

She laughed nervously, "Um… We'll see."

They both finished their meals while making light conversation. Once they were done Xavier insisted on covering the check. He took her by the hand and escorted her back to the passenger side door. Then he helped her into the jeep again. When he got back into the vehicle, she directed him to her apartment on the edge of the university.

"It's this one." She pointed to the middle building. "Thanks for the ride." She said as he pulled to a stop in front of her building. "Really, if Russ had thrown up one more time, I would have probably started puking too!" Joslyn leaned over the console of the wrangler to place a light kiss on his cheek.

Xavier caught her face before she could set back up and placed a firm kiss on her lips, he continued to kiss her until she sighed and returned his kiss. He pulled away reluctantly, "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Hmmm…" She moaned as she leaned forward for another kiss. "Okay."

"Do you want me to walk you to your door?" He asked hopefully and gave her another kiss.

"That's ok. I'm sure my roommates are home by now and I can only imagine what horrific terrors await inside." A disgusted, somewhat frightful look overtook her features.

"Yeah, you're probably right! I've never seen that much vomit from one person, before." He laughed.

"Yeah, he has been drinking a LOT lately." She focused on the handle of the jeep not wanting him to see the pained expression on her face. As she pulled the handle of the door, he grabbed her other hand and placed another light kiss on the back of it.

"Till tomorrow then." His voice was a soft soothing purr. She couldn't stop herself from leaning back for one last kiss before she exited the vehicle and headed up the stairs to the apartment.

She looked back over her shoulder before she started up the stairs to see his vehicle still waiting. She waved over her shoulder as she stepped up onto the first step. The jeep began moving forward by the time she stepped onto the 5th step and was out of sight by the time she made it to the top landing.


The scene Joslyn walked in on made her want to run as fast as she could back out the door! There was a trail of vomit leading all the way down the hall to Russ's bedroom and from the sounds of things he was still going at it hard. Shelly was in the kitchen filling up a mop bucket with hot soapy water. She stared at the water in somewhat of a daze and it began to overfill.

"Um… Shell your bucket is over filling." Joslyn called out and watched as Shelly visibly snapped out of her daze. She shook her head as she continued down the hallway to Russ's bedroom.

"Russ, damnit at least try to hit the toilet!" She could hear Raven yelling before she even opened the bedroom door. Apparently, they were in the master bathroom. She walked through his room, surprised his floor wasn't covered in vomit as the hallway had been.

Raven looked up at her from her position on the floor beside Russ. She was holding his long, soiled hair back out of his face and the toilet bowl as he threw up yet again. "OH, THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE!" Raven exclaimed as Joslyn entered the bathroom. She hurried to stand up from the floor letting go of Russ's hair. "You are ten times better at dealing with his bullshit than me, it's your turn! Plus, I have a feeling this is half your fault anyway…" Raven said as Russ began to dry heave.

"Can you get him a glass of water or something and I'll try to get him into the bathtub." Joslyn said as she took a hair tie from the second drawer of the vanity. She walked over to where Russ was bunched up over the toilet and began pulling his hair into the tie. After she got it up, she began to lightly massage his shoulders. "Come on big guy, let's try to stand up."

He turned slightly to look up at her. "Ugh… This is so embarrassing!" He struggled for a minute to get up but ended up just falling back against the toilet bowl.

"Here, take my hand." Joslyn extended her hand out for him to take. She managed to get him to an upright standing position and guided him back against the wall so he could lean on it while she helped him get his soiled shirt off. Joslyn fought the urge to stare at his body as she helped remove his clothes. She could feel her face heat as her hands accidentally touched his bare skin in places.

He was down to his boxers by the time Raven came back into the bathroom with the glass of water. "Well, it is a damn good thing you've gotten so used to seeing him naked lately." Raven snickered as she headed back out of the bathroom. "Or this would be awkward!" She blew Joslyn a kiss as she left the bathroom and then the bedroom laughing the whole way.

Joslyn sighed deeply, she had just flushed the toilet and turned around to see Russ fumble over his boxers that were currently bunched up around his ankles. {Oh god! Why me!} Joslyn silently yelled as she hurried over to help balance Russ before he fell headfirst into something. She averted her eyes so as to NOT see his nudity but found herself face to face with a full front view reflected back at her from the mirrors behind the tub. "Ok, the only way this is going to work is if you transform! I'm sorry, but it's just not going to work like this! You are too unbalanced, and I will be damned if I'm going to scrub your body while it is looking like this!" She let her hands drop away from his muscled sides and took a few steps back to give him room to transform. Within seconds he was in wolf form, but even in this form he still seemed to be off balance. She walked over to the tub and began running water. "I can't believe I'm doing this…" She mumbled under her breath as she felt the brush of soft fur against the back of her legs. She watched as he tried climbing into the tub but couldn't quite get his back legs in. She bent over enough to hook her hands under his nearest paw and gave him a light boost into the tub. After he was all the way in, she sat on the edge of the tub so she could better reach him. "Ok, just sit there and I'll shampoo your fur." He hung his head as she began to lather his fur with the shampoo. As she worked her hands through his thick coat her body began to relax; and soon, she found herself enjoying the feel of running her hands over his warm body. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily, letting the sensation of gliding her soapy hands across his smooth body ease her tension and stress. {WAIT!} Her eyes shot open as she quickly jerked her hands away from his sleek abdomen. Embarrassment colored her face as she realized he had shifted back into human form while she had gotten carried away washing him. Horror and arousal overthrew her senses as she struggled up from the tub.