Chereads / I Met You In My Locker / Chapter 5 - Seriously Cameron?

Chapter 5 - Seriously Cameron?

Yuii woke up to find the stuffed animal cat in her arms. Yuii wondered where she got it from. She got dressed and went downstairs. Ash was in the chair sleep. Yuii made a sandwich but then she noticed Phantom was gone. She went to school worried. When she went to the school gate Yuii saw figures fighting from the distance with a crowd cheering them on. Yuii budged into the crowd to find Cameron and Phantom fighting. Yuii shoved through the front row of the crowd. Yuii grabbed Phantom that had a black eye. She took him to the nurse. "Phantom you shouldn't be fighting with people!" Yuii said while hiccuping. "Well that little biscuit started to talk about me in a rude way! He was whispering to his little friend Rin how me and you are dating! We aren't!" Phantom said angrily. "Ok ok calm down. I'll take you to the nurses office." Yuii said. "Oh my!" Ms.Brenda said surprisingly. "Please help my friend. He got into a fight with Cameron." Yuii said. "Ok. Don't worry." Ms.Brenda said sweetly. "Ok. Thank you Ms.Brenda. I will take my leave." Yuii said while bowing. Yuii walk in the hallway. She saw Rin. He looked sad. But Yuii didn't stop to talk. She just kept walking. She walked into science with a worried face. "Ms. Yuii please grab a lab coat. We will be making acid. Careful though. Don't drink it." Mr. Ivison said. Yuii grabbed a lab coat then sat the table with her 6th grade friend Rose. "Hey. I guess this is the only class we will be in together. I heard Puppet is gonna transfer!" Rose said. "Oh yeah. I remember when we all pranked my brother with a cenipede. It was humorous." Yuii said laughing. "Yeah I wish we could do that again." Rose said laughing too. "Girls please pay close attention." Mr. Unison said. After school Phantom kept looking around. "What's wrong Phantom?" Yuii said. "Nothing making sure that biscuit Cameron head isn't following us." Phantom said. "Oh ok. It's not like he's THAT creepy." Yuii said sarcastically. "Yeah sure. " Phantom said. They got home. Ash was still sleep. Yuii tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. She just left him. Yuii went to bed while Phantom was installing cameras around the house. Then he went to sleep. Fluffy jumped up on Yuii's bed and said, " Heh she doesn't know I'm puppet! " Puppet whispered to herself.