POV: Shui Qing
"My name is Shui Qing." I whisper with a voice calm voice.
'Oh! That's a nice name, can I call you Qi? If you want anything in return I can answer questions for you.' The voice that calls herself Mana Tells me while giving me a nickname.
"Ok then, my first question is why do you call yourself mana? Mana is not sentient." I ask her while saying a fact many have know for a very long time.
'That is just the name I was given and please wait one second.' She says while I feel like something was blocked off in my mind.
Why do I feel like this voice is trying to avoid the topic of mana not being sentient? If mana was always sentient then how do use it? do we borrow their power or what? Is the mana we have in our body also alive? I really have many questions. If this Mana lady is really sentient mana then I just made a huge discovery and I am now not incompetent. As I was thinking to myself I feel the wall in my mind was taken down and I once again hear Mana talk to me.
'Alright I'm done, so mana was never a thing you and all the other so called magicians were using your aura but now that I'm here you will be the first person to use actual mana.' Mana told me as if she was stating a fact.
"Wait, if we were using our aura then how can we conjure the elements?" I ask confused as the ancestors scriptures told that aura can only be used to enhance your body and can not conjure elements.
'Oh! About that, aura can influence spirits but if the spirits wish they can refuse that influence and make that person powerless. One more thing is that since I am sentient mana the spirits consider me as their master so now that I'm connected to you the spirits will protect you, although there are some spirits that resent me because I'm not corrupted.' Mana tells me after going quit and cutting our connection and restoring it again.
If thats true then doesn't that mean mages can't hurt me? That is great if that is the case because I'll be able to take care of these hunters with the help of Mana. Alright I'll ask her if she can help me with taking care of these hunters.