Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 89 - Heading Home

Chapter 89 - Heading Home

**For this chapter I will be writing as Kenji

Ever since I saw Oriana with that other guy from the beach.. I can't help but keep thinking back to it. The moment there, and seeing them together and me from a distance, was like a reply in my head, over and over again. Seeing her happy.. with someone else who wasn't me...

Again, I don't know why I'm having these thoughts or ideas or anything. Like it shouldn't matter, but it does and it's making me angry! I can't believe I was so angry that right at that moment, I even made a fist...

Lost in thoughts, Scotty snapped me out of it


Me: What?

S: You're crazy. How many times am I going to have to snap you out of your thoughts? It's only been the weekend and I had to snap you back to reality like what? 4 times? You do know the weekend consist of 2 days, so that means I snapped you back at least 2 times a day.

Me: You idiot, I can do math. I was just thinking.

S: Uh huh! Here you go again, thinking thinking thinking. Bro, how are you sure that's even Oriana? Like it could just be someone who looked like her. It's not guaranteed. Besides, we were so far away. Are you sure?

Me: I know what I saw..

S: Fine fine, but again. Don't think too much about it. That's your past. You have Jaylin now. It's none of your business who she's with.

Me: I wish I can say the same, but its a feeling I'm having

S: Yeah yeah yeah. I know I know. But hey, maybe it's good that you haven't come to LillyVill since. You're seriously crazy, I can't imagine what would happen if you were here more then this. You'd probably be so crazy I'd -

Me: Oh stfu.

Scotty Laughed. "Anyways, I came to see if you were ready to go. My parents said you said your goodbyes to them already and just came to grab a few things. You ready?" Asked Scotty.

"I guess so," I replied.

Scotty and I headed downstairs where I once again said farewell to Scotty's family and I got in my car. I waved goodbye and headed home...

Once again, looking outside my car window as I was heading home.. I can't help but continue to think about Oriana and see what I saw at the beach, again and again in my head....

I guess, it's good that I was heading home... I need to see Jaylin or I'd be crazy.