Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 86 - The Beach in LillyVill

Chapter 86 - The Beach in LillyVill

**For this chapter, I will be writing as Kenji.

It was the next day, Scotty and I helped his family prepared for the party.

Me: So, where exactly is this party going to be at?

S: It's actually going to be at a beach. It's a pretty private and quiet beach from here. It's wide enough and spaced out enough that a lot of people can be around in the area, but you won't see or be able to interact with each other due to reservation purposes etc.

Me: Oh, that's cool! How far is it from here?

S: Not too far, maybe a 15 minute drive? 20 at the most.

Me: Sounds good. What else do we need to load up?

S: I think we have just about everything. The only thing left is to pick up the cake. Do you wanna come with me? We can pick up the cake and then meet my family at the beach.

Me: Sure.

Scotty and I got into my car and we headed to the store to pick up the cake.

S: Why don't you wait here while I go get the cake from the back with the manager.

Me: Okay.

Scotty left and there I was looking at candles and something small for MayMay.

"Hmm, what a pretty cake...." I said as I looked at the other cake in the freezer.

Just then, while looking at the cake through the freezer door, I saw someone who looked familiar behind me.

I quickly paused and could not believe my eyes.

The reflection from the freezer door was Oriana.

I quickly turned around to see if it was her and to my surprise it was!

Oriana, was wear a white floral dress, nice hair and sandals walking to the other isle as I looked at her. I couldn't believe my eyes, so I quickly followed her, just to get a better look..

Yes... there she was... looking at things, with a basket in her hand.... My heart started to pound.. She's as beautiful as I remembered... I couldn't help but look at her, from her sandals, to her booty, to her hour glass figure....

I can feel myself getting a bit hard..

"Why am I getting hard?" I thought.. It's just Oriana....

Maybe.. this is fate.. Maybe this is when I should approach her and talk to her.. See how she's doing.. Yes.. I should... But wait! What if she doesn't want to see me???.... What if... She-

Before I can finish my thought, Scotty came up from behind me and tapped my shoulder.

*Tap tap

I snapped out of my thoughts.

S: Dude, what are you looking at? I've called you like 3 times.

I looked over to Scotty who had already placed the cake into our cart.

I finally found the words to say, "I think that's Oriana.. over there." I pointed to where she was standing, but she was now gone.

Scotty looked around too, but cannot see Oriana.

S: I think you're crazy and just seeing things.

Me: No, I swear it was Oriana. I can swear -

S: I don't see her... She's gone now... But come on, we gotta hurry! Family just texted!

I continued to look and see if I can see where Oriana has run off too. But I couldn't. Scotty and I checked out and went back to our car to go to the beach.

"I missed my chance," I thought.

The store was about 10 minutes from the beach but as soon as we arrived, Scotty's family was already all there. Food was set up, drinks were ready. All we needed was the cake to do the candles and then we eat and hang.

We sung Happy Birthday to MayMay and then Scotty and I grabbed some food and sat down at one of the benches a little further from the gathering since we had a lot of people.

S: Dude, you're so quiet. What's wrong?

Me: Nothing.. I just can't believe I saw her today

S: Are you sure it was even her?

Me: Of course. I know when it's my girl.

S: Hahah! Your Girl???

Me: You know what I mean

S: Sure sure, but I don't know. I didn't see. Just don't think too much about it. Remember, again you were the one who left her.

Me: I know.. but sometimes, you know I regret it.

Scotty Coughs*


Me: I don't know. Again, maybe its guilt? Maybe its because she's happy with someone else?

S: Dude! Aren't you happy with Jaylin? You gotta move on!

Me: I did move on.. It's just a feeling. Like don't you ever think about Carina?

S: Of course I do, but we're different. I've always liked Carina. I didn't break her heart ok? She rejected me.

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just ate.

S: You know what you need?

Me: What?

S: Some fresh air to clean your mind! Come on, hurry up and finish. Let's talk a little walk down the shoreline of the beach. Trust me, it's so beautiful, it'll clear your mind. Besides, the sunset will be happening soon. It's a great view.

Me: Sure.

We finished up, and started walking down the shoreline.

Me: You know, if people didn't know us. They'd think we were a couple.. haha

S: We've always been a couple. Haha! I give no fucks! No shame in hanging with a brother!

I laughed. Scotty always had a smart combat and it never fails to make me smile.

While we were walking, in a distance, I saw 2 people by the water. It looked like they were chasing each other and he tackled her into the water creating a splash.

Me: That looks like fun I said. It makes me miss Jaylin.

S: Yeah, I bet. But it's nice that this beach provides those kinds of privacy.

I smiled, continue looking at these two people at the distance... As we came a bit closer, my heart started to pound.

I stopped.

S: Why did you stop?

I looked closer at these two people and my eyes brightened.

Me: Scotty.. isn't that Oriana?

Scotty, unsure, turned around for a closer look.

S: Holy shit! I think that is Oriana

Me: I know it is.. I can recognize her anywhere.... & Look.. she's wearing that dress I saw her wearing earlier...

Scotty was speechless and so was I. We both just stopped and looked over at them.

From what we saw, Oriana was holding up a cake to the guy with her...and he pulled out something from the cake.. He then hugged her and leaned in for a kiss...

My heart ached. I was angry, I made a fist... I couldn't watch anymore.

I turned around. Noticing this Scotty turned around as well.

S: Dude, Bro are you ok?

Me: yeah, I'm fine. Let's head back... My heart sunk... Why am I feeling like this? Again, like Scotty said. I was the one who left her.. I should be happy.. but why am I not?... Oriana.. I'm missing you.. your smile.. and everything during those times we had over Skype..