Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 71 - College Bridge

Chapter 71 - College Bridge

With as much stuff going by, I can't believe school is coming to an end, for the semester at least. We have roughly a month left before finals and I'm free.. but what am I going to do during this time?? Work at Make It Yours! has been super slow... I need something else...

Just as I was thinking these stuff through, one of my friends in college approached me.

Lost in thoughts I didn't hear him say my name.

Ori! Oriana!! He was waving his hand!

ORI! tapping my shoulder finally having me snapped out of it.

Yea? I finally replied!

My friends name is Nile

Nile: What were you thinking of? I called you for a little bit now. Haha, lost in thoughts with Jackson?? What happened?? Hehehe

Me: Nothing... *Roll my eyes* If anything was to have happened, I wouldn't tell you anyways LOL! That, or I would have told you already! Hahaha. But sorry what were you saying?

N: I was just going to tell you about a job opportunity this summer working with incoming Freshman. We basically stay at the dorms for the summer and become their tutor/Teacher assistant. You should Apply with me! That way, we can chill all summer. It's called "College Bridge"

Me: That sounds interesting.. Hmmm I'll have to look into the application.

N: Here, pull it up onto your laptop and I'll show you! It's straight up and the supervisor is awesome. I'll totally put in a good word for you.

Me: Thanks!

I pulled up the application onto my website and submitted my job application.

Job Description for the job:

Select a class of choice for the program and become a student teacher (TA) / tutor for incoming students attending a university. Job role includes being available throughout the day, attending classes with students (taking notes as needed etc, for students to be successful) and attending study sessions in the evening. Meals are included, but feel free to cook your own food. You'll be in the nicest dorm here on campus. Right Hall on Ray's Place. You'll have your own apartment style suite with your co-TA. You'll share a bathroom/bath/kitchen. You'll each have your own room, locked etc. The timeframe will be from the 6th of June until the 30th of August. Pay would be straight $800 Bi-weekly.

Me: Well, that sounds pretty cool! Good money and experience. I mean what do I have to lose to apply? Nothing. So here goes.

I submitted my application and now just waiting for a interview - if even... Or a Phone call of some type..

Me: There we go. Thanks Nile! :)

Nile: Yep. Anyways, did you have dinner yet?

Me: Not yet.

Nile: Did you want to eat with us?

Me: I'll pass, Jackson is coming here after class and we'll be having dinner together tonight before studying and heading home together. You guys have fun.

Nile: Sounds good. Have fun and be safe!

Me: Thanks Nile! You too.

*** A few minutes later, Jackson arrived and we had dinner at a fancy restaurant down the street from campus.

J: So babe, how was your day?

Me: Good. I actually applied for a job today.

J: Oh really? Where at? Wait, are you leaving "Make it YOURS?" **Sad face, because I won't be seeing him anymore lol.

Me: No, I'll still be temp there, but it'll not be as often.

J: Okay, good cause I still want to see my baby lol. So, anyways, where did you apply?

Me: I applied for the College Bridge position to help students over the summer.

J: That's awesome! OMG. I was students in College Bridge! It's a great time and experience. You'll love it!

Me: Really? That's good. I'm excited. It sounds fun!

J: Yes babe, it really is fun. Let me know how it goes. If you get the job, we'll celebrate.

Me: Yes, for sure. I'll let you know.

Jackson smiled.

J: Oh... by the way.. if you do get the job... I can spend the night right?? I mean you will be at dorms... *He winked..

Me: I blushed, *unable to answer the question....*

"We will see" I finally said.

J: Well, let me know baby, just let me know.

We finished our dinner and headed the library to study for the night.