Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 65 - The Graduation Party

Chapter 65 - The Graduation Party

Jackson and I hung up the phone after talking for a while. I still couldn't believe that after all this time, He finally said it. It took the guy 6 months to finally say it to me. I was so happy that I tossed and turned all night, feeling butterflies in my tummy. I was just so happy.

But while talking it out and stuff, Jackson and I figured out a plan.

He would come to my graduation party first and stay until 12 or 1 and then from there leave and go to the tournament since it was local. In addition, he said that while we skype, the captain of the team messaged him back saying that they have the later games. Thus, it all worked out in the end. So now, All that was left, was to wait until the graduation party day.

Soon enough, the 20th came by.

We needed to prepare a lot of food and decorations, but Jackson was there from the start and helped out whatever he can. He hung out with me and helped me decorate my picture booth area, having a blue background with flowers and the words Congratulations hanging from the left to right. Afterwards, he helped set the table for the treats by the picture booth area. We had a nice size cake, mini cheese cake bites, a variety of macaroons, fruit cups and 2 giant watermelon cut up into the shape of a rose.

Jackson was working hard but didn't even once complained. I walked over to him handing him a waterbottle.

Me: Hey, thanks for everything. Don't work too hard now. * I handed him the water bottle.

J: *took the waterbottle. Thanks baby. All for you. *blows kiss

I blushed.

Jay (my brother): Lovebirds, get ready, guest will be here soon!

Jackson and I went to get ready.

I walkes upstairs to my room. I put on a sky blue colored lace dressed that was just below my knees. My hair was down and I quickly curled it putting some waves in. I took a deep breath and headed back downstairs. I honestly don't know why I get so nervous everytime I know Jackson is downstairs waiting for me.

I approached the stairs and there Jackson was. He was wearing a casual Tee in the shade of baby blue and black jeans. His hair was spiked up to the side as always. Seeing me, he smiled and my heart fluttered.

"Beautiful as always," said Jackson

I blushed as he kissed my cheeks.

Jackson and I headed outside to where thw guest were. My family, cousins, and friends were all there waiting for the party to get started, helping themselves to snacks and drinks.

The party began with my mini thank you speech & then food being served. The afternoon consisted of constant pictures and tease and endless question about the "man in baby blue..."

Carina - Congrats Love! Ouuu. y'all look so cute!!

Me: you think?

C: I know ! Hahaha. BUT omg girl. I forgot to tell you! Scotty Messaged me.... that asshole..being creepy as always...

Me: Lol. He still has the hearts for you! Hahah, What did he say?

C: He was being ugly as always.. but he actually asked about you..

Me: Ummm why?

C: He asked if you still miss Ke...

Jackson came and interpreted us.

J: Well, Well, Well, if it isn't Carina.... You angry women!

C: *rolled her eyes

J: See. My point basically! Haha ! Anyways, Wanna take my shift next Wednesday? I Don't wanna work

C: Ugh, no. Byee * She walked away leaving Jackson and I.

Me: You work next Wednesday?

J: No, just wanted to give her shit hahaha!

Me: Wow loser!

*Jackson slide his hand around my waist*

J: Yes Ori, I'm YOUR Loser. *kisses my cheeks.

I smiled.

J: Anyways, it's crazy how all your cousins are my Volleyball buddies.. lol small world! I'm terrified though.. cause all those smack talk on the court..might come back and haunt me now. lol

Me: You silly! you'll be fine!

Jackson smiled.

A few moments later, My brother Jay made an announcement....

Jay: I'm sorry to break the news this way Ori... but since families are here.... I have an announcement to make...

** Families including myself became quiet..*

Jay continued: This time around next year... Congratulations Ori. You'll be an auntie!

In shock, I was happy and the families cheered.

To be completely honest....a little salty (lol) that he announced this at my graduation party, but I was too excited to care during the moment! I was finally going to be an aunt!

I cheered along with my family...then Jackson came and whispered in my ears...

Jackson: Congratulations boo for being an aunt.... but when will you be the mother of my children?

In complete shocked, I didn't respond. Jackson wrapped his hands around my face as he pulled me into a kiss.

J: I love you Ori. I love you very much!