Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 56 - First Dance

Chapter 56 - First Dance

The weekend came by and it was already the night of the Valentine's Day dance....

OMG, as always, I freaked out! What should I wear I thought to myself!!!

My closet was a mess and dresses/outfits were everywhere!!!

Carina walked into my room.

C: Damn girl!! just pick something! Whatever you wear will be fine!!!!

Me: Omg, you act like you don't know me. You know how I am. and girl!!! This is the first time I actually have a date for this dance too, which is ironic...cause Jackson went all the time and I went all the time, but we never crossed path HHAHAHA

C: I guess, this is why y'all meant to be. Hahah

Me: Sure sure :P But forreals, help me pick out something!

C: What have you narrowed down to?

Me: This and this. *holding up 2 dresses

C: Hmmmmmm what does your heart want?

Me:...I kinda like the white one better

C: Hmmm, yeahhh Same, trust your guts! I'm sure Jackson will see you as someone sooooooooo beautiful, it wouldn't even matter.

Me: Are you sure?!?

C: OMG, Ori just wear it! Lol Hurry!

Me: Ok ok!!

C: I'll see you there! I gotta go back to my place to get my siblings!

Me: Okay!

I put on the white dress and turned around to look at the mirror.

The dress was white, a low high, tube dress with sparkles and diamonds across the front of the chest. My hair was down to my waist and curled. I had light make up on, mostly around the eyes and I wore flats.

Me: I think this will have to do, I finally said.

My phone ringed. It was Jackson.

I picked up.

J: Hey beautiful. I'm outside. Can't wait to see you. Remember to wear a coat, it's pretty chilly out. I'll see you in a few minutes.

Me: Sounds good.

I hung up.

Well, here goes nothing. I sprayed on some perfume and rushed down the stairs.

I said bye to my family and walked out the door.

Jackson was standing in front of me, facing away from me.

He was in black slacks, a white button up shirt- long sleeves, a black vest over, his hair spiked up to the side and he wore fancy shoes...

The moonlight shining down on him made him so dreamy that my heart started to pound..

Jackson? I said.

He turned around with a smile on his face.

J: Wow.... Look at you.

Me: What do you mean? Lol. My coat is covering my dress.

J: It doesn't matter, I told you already. You're beautiful in anything you wear sweetie.

I blushed.

J: Ready to go?

Me: Yes.

Jackson opened up the door for me and we made our way to the dance.

Upon arriving, Jackson and I parked a little distance away and we enjoyed the walk. Our hands locked together, and our smiles and laughter were endless. Once we reached the door and headed inside, we got our tickets and Jackson walked me inside, still holding my hands.

He say some of his friends and we walked over to them saying hi and all. We then found some seats where I finally took off my coat.

Jackson looked at me in amazement. You're so beautiful he said. I blushed

Me: You said that already dork.

J: Yeah I know, but I just had to say it again and again.

I smiled.

Jackson took the seat next to me.

Jackson and I sat down for a while, waiting for all his friends and their girls to arrive. Once they did we took some pictures as a group/as couples and soon enough, Jackson held my hands and pulled me onto the dance floor.

A slow dance song came on...


He placed his hands on my hips and guided my hands to be placed on his shoulders. He looked at me and smiled. The song played and my heart melted... his gaze in my eyes made me realize, why it didn't work with Kenji and the warmth he provided me gave me a sense of comfort.

We small talked here and there, but the most important thing was just being here with him and sharing my first dance with him as a couple in this moment. My heart cried a little, because I didn't want this moment to go to waste. I wanted time to stop and stare at us... I was so happy and I smiled non-stop to where he leaned in to kiss me on the forehead.

Sadly, the slow dance song came to an end, but even so he held my hand back to our seat. I then ran into Carina, who met us at the table and hogged me. Jackson and her "went" at it jokingly and the next dance, Carina stole me onto the dance floor having Jackson just sitting back and laughing. He understood us, which was great.

C: Soooooo what happened? What did i miss?

Me: Nothing! omg.


Me: Omg! We are a couple, what do you think?

C: Haha I know, I just wanted you to admit it.

Me: Omg

C: With Tongue?


C: Hahah I'm kidding, I know you don't know how to do that..... YET lol. I'm sure Jackson will teach you! HAHAH A


C: ahahah whatever

Me: You shouldn't be worried about me. You should be worried about yourself.

C: Why?

Me: Cause you need a bf!


Me: Pshhhh I'm sure you'll get a few # before the night ends ahah!

C: Hell no

Just then, Scotty walked through the door.


C: What?

Me: Guess who just walked in through the door?

C: Omfg, Don't tell me.

Me:....ok... I won't. hahaha Guess


Me: Guess!

C: It's that bitch!

Me: Who is?

C: Scotty!!

I laughed and Carina got away from the dance floor.

Me: I guess, you better hide!

C: Bitchh! I'm leaving!

Me: Hahahah ughhhh I dont know... there's 1 way in and 1 way out.. And Scotty is by the door

C: FML!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Just stay, I'll protect you! Lol

C: You better!!!!

The night continued on and consisted of other dances, where Jackson and I, along with Carina were both wild and jumping and line dancing etc, but regardless. It was a beautiful moment and time just being with him. Soon enough, hours flew by and our last dance came on. Carina did well avoiding Scotty at all cost, and had to leave cause her family headed out. However, Scotty and I stayed until the last song..

The MC: "Okay, Ladies and Gentleman, this is our final song tonight. And as you all may know, the theme here is without furtheradue, it's been a few hours since the night started... and out of all.. we all wanna know, who has capture your heart? Please bring that person to the dance floor and share this moment with them."

Jackson looked over at me and smiled.

J: I guess it's you Ori. You've captured my heart from day 1.

I blushed.

Jackson reached out his hands and I took it.

We walked out onto the dance floor with all other couples surrounding us...

The song came on... "You are the One"

Jackson and I again looked into each other's eyes and the world this time, seemed to really just focused on us... While dancing, Jackson embraced me, where I placed my head in his chest, hearing his heartbeat.

This moment was so beautiful I could almost cry.

I then looked up at Jackson and smiled, some tears rushing to my eyes.

Jackson looked at me and continued smiling. He wiped my tears and then He then tilted my chin up towards him. I looked at him, while he looked at me.. He then leaned in for a kiss where we kissed lips on lips.

The world stopped and stares and that night, I couldn't be happier to have Jackson as mine.