Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 38 - The Short Relationship

Chapter 38 - The Short Relationship

Kenji... UGH! That asshole I thought to myself, a few days later after I kept thinking about his text message to me. I can't believe he actually called me saying all these things then right after texted me he doesn't mean it. Ugh! that idiot. Don't he know that by saying those words, it really messes people up? Ugh!!!! *breathe...

Okay Ori, don't get worked up about it. Its 7AM..... if its meant to be and all, hey it'll happened ok. just chill... you have WAYYYYY to many things to worry about right now... who gives a fuck about the guys... Just focus on how you're gonna survive work today, since you work a full 8 hours!!.....

Ugh, an 8AM to 4PM... GREAT!

*At Make It YOURS*

I checked the work floor set up. Jackson and I were working together at jewelries all day...

PERFECT I thought.... first a player, jerk dude whatever texted me a dumb message and now a loser to bug me all day. PERFECT WAY to spend a SATURDAY...

I punched in and made my way to the work floor. Jackson wasn't there yet so I started setting up stuff first but he shortly arrived and to my surprise he walked right pass me and simply just said "Hey Oriana" and started working. I was shocked... I mean... no stupid joke? no stupid humor? insult? nothing?.... I finally looked closely at him confused.... Hmm I thought. He seems down... I suddenly approached him.

Me: hey... everything ok?

J: yeah. its great. why?

Me: because I know you & this ain't you.

J: * hesitated. Psh, what are you talking about this ain't me? I'm Jackson, just doing my work. *continued organizing the jewelries*

Me: oh really? No insult? No smart comment? Are you sure you're Jackson?

J:... He ignores me

I stared at him.

J: What? Am I suppose to say an insult about you?

Me:... Nothing, fine ignore me. Just pretend I didn't say anything.

Jackson stared at me and before he can say anything, I left the area to go get some stuff from the back. When I returned Jackson was helping some customers so I set up the new jewelries at the bottom and set the boxes out. Jackson soon came over to me.

J: Hey, Did you need some help?

I stared at him, his face looking a little tired and the usual him ( LOL )

Me: Sure.

I smiled.

A little smirk came to his face.

J: okay.

And he took some boxes and started stacking them on the shelves below us.

* There was a moment of silent.*

J: So... about earlier

Me: Oh, no don't mind me. You don't have to explain. I was just curious.


I continued working.

J: Well, a lot has happened and it's just hard to focus right now or to think of stupid comments or jokes.

*In my thoughts, What is going on??? You ACTUALLY have stuff happening to you? LOL. Hahha jk. I mean he is just human, but realistically, what can bug a dude like Jackson??

Me:..... Ohhh ok, I mean I figured cause with that head of yours, yeah I doubt I would be able to come up with comments or insults either.... hehehe

J: >_<

Me: Hahah What? I'm serious. LOL. Just cause you're not yourself, doesn't mean I have to cater to that lmao.

J: Ok smart mouth.... :P

Me: Hahh You know it.

We continued working...

J: But honestly Ori... Can I ask you something?

Me: Yeah, why not.

J: What would you do if you found out someone was cheating on you behind your back...?

I was silent... because Kenji somewhat did that to me.... although we weren't technically "dating"

Me: I would kick his ass....

J: Seriously?

Me: Of Course.. Hahahaha Did you want to try me?

Jackson was quiet again

Me:... Realistically, I..... Well actually to answer your question, let me ask you another question. What can you do??

J:......Kick their ass... :P

Me: Hahahah, no seriously

J:....Nothing.... cause it's not our choice at the end of the day you know...

Me: Yeahh exactly... Why??? Did something happen with you and Vanessa?

J:.... Yeppp

Me: Did she...

J: Yep... apparently she cheated with Me... I was the "dude"

Me:...How did you know?

J: I hung out with her and I saw her text message when she went to the bathroom. They were Sexting with her boyfriend.


J: Yep, plus she was all secretive and stuff.. I kind of figured she was doing something, but I didn't want to believe it until my guys told me to and I did. Turns out, she's just a hoe and I fell for her trap. It was just a short relationship I guess...

Me: So what did you do?

J: I confronted her, of course, and I called it off and left her place and her on the spot.

Me:....So how are you?

J: What do you mean?

Me: Like..... How are you handling this?

J:... I'm ok.. I guess...

Me: How are you coping?

J:....Coping?? With what? This? Ori, little girl, there's no need to cope with this. It's not a major loss. The relationship just started, it wasn't that "intense" yet.

Me: So, in other words, you're hurting?

J: I'm not hurting.

Me: Sure sure, it'll hit you....

J: Will not

Me: Will too!!!!!

A customer approached us and we helped them but soon continued on the conversation and "Argument" you can call. Soon enough, we were teasing each other and picking on each other again making insults and stuff. The 8 hour shift flew by and we were just about to leave the floor.

J:....I know... this sounds weird, but Thanks....

Me:.....I think I just puked a little.. Hahaha

J: Shut up :P

Me: Lmaooo Make me!

J: You're just lucky I'm in a nice mood. One day I'll shut you up!

Me: Hahah Sure sure

Jackson took out his phone and he went to his gallery. He clicked on some pictures of Vanessa and him and he started to delete them one by one.

J: I guess, I'm finally ok to delete these.

Me: I'm glad. ^_^

Jackson smiled...

I looked over at him and for once, I noticed he DOES smile.....This was the first time I saw him smile. Not a smirk, but an actual smile...but there was something about his smile..... for some reason.... I found his smile.... very attractive..... The way he smiled, got me smiling too..... I felt my face heated up a little bit and my heart started to pound.....

I snapped out of my thoughts about the way he smiled when Jackson waved his hands in front of me.

J: Ori??

Me:.....Yeah?? Sorry, I was thinking about something

J: No worries, but we're done.

I smiled.. and we both walked back and punched out.

I grabbed my purse from my locker and put on my coat.

J: So.... Ori...

Me: ? Yeah

J:... Do you need a ride?

Me: Sure

We continued talking until we made it to my house.

Me: Thanks for the ride Jackson.

J: No problem. I owe you one. Thanks for today and the talk.

Me: You're welcome.

I unbuckled my seat belt and reached for the car handle door to let myself out.

J: Hey Ori?

I turned around and looked at him.

Me: Yeah?

J: .... Have a goodnight

Me: :P Thanks Loser. you too ! I reached for the handle door again and let myself out.

"Ori" Jackson said, as he rolled down his window.

Me: Did I forget something?

J: No.. but... Um... Can I skype you sometime?

Me: Sure, idiot. As long as you're not being dumb

I smiled.

Jackson smiled again as he rolled up his car window.

I got inside my house and up to my room... Still thinking about Jackson and his smile... Hmmm He's actually Kind of cute when he smile.... :)