Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 28 - Ignoring

Chapter 28 - Ignoring

The next day, I woke up and checked my phone before rolling out of bed for school.

Me: Yes ^_^ I miss you

Was left on read...

Hmm I thought, Kenji must have forgotten to text me back. :) Hopefully he had fun with his friends. I can't wait to see him tonight. Gosh, my heart pounds just thinking about his reaction. I'm so excited! I can't wait to tell Carina.

*At school*

C: Soooo, are y'all dating yet?

Me: No, I haven't had the chance to tell him yet.

C: why not? I thought you both skyped every night?

Me: well he has plans last night.

C: haha, ok ok. Let me know how it goes. But Ori, as your friend, are you sure you're ready for a new relationship? I'm not saying you shouldn't be in another one yet. But I just dont want to see you hurt.

Me: To be honest, it will be complicated, but I've never felt like this with anyone before. I just want to give it a shot cause I have faith that Kenji and I will make it through. I have faith he's different from any other guys. Especially like seriously, how many guy out there can be understanding about education and actually wait and respect your choices?

C: That's true, it's rare people value education nowadays. But, I'm so happy for you. Let me know what happens!

Me: I will, but gosh I'm so nervous!

C: hahaha relax. you got this Ori!

*Later that night- I worked from 4-7* once again in the jewelries.

I was organizing the jewelries and setting them out, but I was lost in thoughts....

(My thoughts)

Hmm, how would Kenji react???... Would he smile? or Would he be in tears from being too happy? Hahah No, no he shouldn't cry. I dont want him to cry. Hahaa if he cry, I might cry too! Hmmm, what should I wear later?. Well... first I need to shower.... should I even do some light make up?

Lost in thoughts, out if no where I snapped out of my daydream when someone jumped from behind me, yelled my name and grabbed ahold of my shoulder.


I jumped and turned around, to see Jackson.

J: Hahahha! Oh my God, you actually jumped!!! ahahahah

Me: shut up

J: what were u thinking about? I've been calling u for the past minute.

Me: why?

J: Cause I'm taking over for your break dummy! go on your 15 minute break! Give me ur ear piece & go.

Me: ok. *I handed Jackson my ear piece.

J: Remember 15 minutes, not 16! I got my eyes on the clock

Me: go to hell.

J: Haahah, gosh always soo angry!

*I walked into the break room and checked my phone.


Hmmm... I wonder what Kenji is doing?

I texted him.

Me: Hey you :] How was the party? are you busy tonight? Can I see you?...

*I waited... no reply

*15 minutes later.. still no reply.

Hmm, strange. Well, I guess college is a busy life too. I'll try again when I'm off work. I walked back to the floor.

J: what did I say. I said 15 minutes, not 17!!! I'm going to tell on you.

Me: Go HEAD! I'm not scared

J: you should be, cause I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

Me: Ew I hate you.

J: woah. Hate is a strong word.

Me: Nah, it's perfect for someone like you.

J: yes I know, I'm perfect. thank you.

Me: Ewww gross.

J: Disgusting!

Jackson walked away and I turned around continuing on my work, still thinking why Kenji hasn't contacted me yet...

***For this part, I'll be writing as Jackson***

I walked back to the men's clothing after taking over for her break. geez I just dont get people, especially her. Why is she so angry all the time?... I arrived back to where Sammi, my colleague of 5'9, male, 17 years old was.

Sammi: Where did u go?

Me: Had to cover Oriana's break in jewelries.

Sammi: how was that?

Me: boring and slow, but Oriana is moody, like always!!

Sammi: haha really? I think shes a nice girl once you get to know her. She was my secret santa last year and she got me very considerate things.

Me: hahaha, that's shocking.

Sammi: I'm serious.

Me: Haha, ok Sam, if you say so

Sammi: come on Jack, you dont think shes nice?

Me: ehhh.

Sammi: well, do you at least think shes cute?

*I froze thinking about that question....

Me: eh, she's alright...

*In my thoughts...

*Im having flashback to us working in jewelries a while ago, and how she talks to Carina and other colleagues....Is she cute?....I asked myself.... Hmmm... I guess I never looked at it that way... but u know when you actually think about it and look at her.... She IS cute... not to mention.. she has nice hair and a nice ass too....

**Back to writing as Oriana**

My shift finally ends and I check my phone again.


Well, he saw it at least?... Well, I'll call him when I get home. That said, I called him on Skype when I got home.

9:30 PM

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

**Sorry the person you're trying to reach is not available


*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*.....

*Sorry the....

*I hung up.

Maybe he's sleeping already...?.. It is pretty late. well, maybe tomorrow.....

The next 3 days, no matter how hard I tried, Kenji never answered Me, or called me back....