Chapter 3 - 3

Jimin's Point of View

(When they arrived to the house)

The cab came to a halt and Hoseok tapped my shoulder. I got out and grabbed my bags, along with the rest.

"Alright, so there's tons of bedrooms here. I'll take my boyfriend's room, which is at the top floor. You guys can pick any room you like," Jin says.

Leaving our bags there, Hoseok and I go find our rooms. Once we reach the top of the stairs to one of the floors, Hoseok stops me.

"Jimin, lets pick out each other's rooms," Hoseok says.

"Okay. I'll go this way and you go the opposite way," I said pointing to my right.

Hoseok nods and runs off to find me a room. I sighed and walked down the long hallway, picking the room at the end of the hallway. When entering the room, I could feel that it was perfect for Hoseok.

"Jimin!! I found the perfect room for you!!" Hoseok yells out while looking for me.

He steps into the room when he found me standing in the middle of it.

"Hyung, I think this will be the perfect room for you," I tell Hoseok when he enters.

He looks around the room, making sure that he likes it before approving my choice. He soon breaks out a smile.

"I like it Jimin! Wow. I hope you like the room I picked out for you," he says grabbing onto my wrist and dragging me to the room he picked out on the other side of the hallway.

Hoseok opened the door to the bedroom and turned on the light. I looked around the spacious yet modern designed room. Everything was in the different shades of grey, making it somewhat dark but not too dark. Just the way I like it.

"Wow Hoseok. You have great taste in bedroom styles," I tell him.

"It seemed to scream out your name. I came across it and knew this room would be perfect for you to stay in," Hoseok says.

I smiled at him before looking around the room. It was everything I always wanted in a bedroom.

"Now that we have our rooms picked, lets go grab our bags so we can start unpacking," I said before racing down to the front of the house with Hoseok close behind.

"I won!" Hoseok exclaimed as he grabbed his bag.

"That's because I had let you win," I said.

"Mhm sure. Keep thinking that," he said before walking back up the stairs with his bags.

I sighed and grabbed my bags to walk back to the room when there was a knock on the door. I gently set my bags down and walked towards the door to answer it. Opening the door, I see three men outside. One was about my height, maybe a centimeter taller than I was, while the other two were taller than both of us.

The tallest out of the three men had faded pink hair in an undercut pixie like hairstyle. He wore a dark grey cardigan like sweater and a scarf to match it. Underneath the sweater was a light blue jean shirt and off green color pants. The pair of glasses he was wearing was similar to a pair that I own. He had a friendly smile on his face, allowing his dimples to show.

The guy in he middle was slightly shorter than the tallest one. He had bright blue eyes and silver hair that made his fair skin pop. His aurora was alluring and he kind of made me feel scared of him from the intimidating stare he had. Other than that, I can tell that clothes and anything visual was something he can pull off easily.

Then the shortest of the three guys at the door had porcelain skin. His dark reddish brown skin made him glow. He had a red beanie on and dressed in all black. I was head to head in height with him, minus the one centimeter he had on me but I wasn't going to open admit that.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" I asked.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon. Is Jin here?" the tallest one, Namjoon, asks.

"Yeah he is. Want me go get him for you?" I asked.

"No no. I can get him myself," he says walking into the house and heads to wherever Jin is at.

The other two guys walked in the house as well. I shut the door and picked up my bags. Turning, I faced them.

"You guys can umm make yourself comfortable," I said.

"Is Jungkook here as well?" the second taller man said.

I nodded and he made his way to whichever room Jungkook is. I looked at the third one, the one that's my height. He didn't make eye contact with me, just looked at the floor.

"Is there anyone in particular that you want to know is here?" I asked.

He looked up at me and shook his head no. Something about him makes me want to just hug him and stay in arms. But I just pushed that feeling to the side.

"Since your friends went to go look for a couple of my friends, you can come up to the room I'm staying in and hang out with me while I unpack," I said with a slight smile.

He smiled back and walked up to me, taking my bags out of my hands. His hands brushed against mine as he did so, and shocked a good way. It wasn't your usual shock feeling you get from the static, but like a spark of warmth within me erupted. Made me want to jut lean in and never let go.

Coming back to my senses, I blushed and cleared my throat.

"Umm, you can follow me," I said in a quiet voice before leading him to the room that I'm staying in.

We made it to the room in 5 minutes. The guy remained quiet the whole time. I don't even know his name, just referring him to as the guy. He set my bags on the ottoman by the bed and just stood there. I decided to break the silence.

"Soooo, what's your name? I'm Jimin," I said.

"Yoongi," he said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yoongi," I said.

Progress. Now i ust have to keep the conversation flowing. How hard can it be?

Well let me tell you, it was harder than it seemed. Yoongi was very uncomfortable with the whole setting. I didn't do anything to make him uncomfortable....that I know of. I didn't overwhelm him with my cute attitude that can sometimes scare people away. I said sometimes, only because Hoseok beats me in that category when he's having a sugar or caffeine rush. And I hope I don't smell bad. I did sit in a train all morning and in a taxi cab.

Soon enough Jin comes walking in with Namjoon, I'm guessing that's his name, and Hoseok.

"Jimin, I see you met Yoongi," Jin said.

I nodded and continued to put the last of my clothes away in the closet. Namjoon went over to Yoongi and spoke to him privately. I couldn't hear what they were saying since it was all mumbles. Jin looks over at them and makes eye contact with Namjoon before blowing a kiss to him. As a response, Namjoon pretends to swoon as he catches the blown kiss before sending one back. I internally gagged at the sight, and I could see that Yoongi was feeling the same way as he visually allowed his face cringe at their cheesiness. Hoseok actually made a gagging noise which we laughed at.

I finished up sooner than I thought and turned to them.

"Where's Jungkook?" I asked.

"Most likely with Taehyung. Come, lets all go in the living room," Jin said and takes Namjoon's hand as they walked out the room with the rest of us following.

Jin went and sat on Namjoon's lap cuddling him on the small loveseat. Yoongi sat on the large sofa while Hoseok and I sat on the smaller sofa across him. Hoseok's eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook and Taehyung together as they joined us shortly after we came in here. Their hands were latched together and neither of them were letting go.

"Oh my lawd!!! You have a boyfriend too, Kookie????" Hoseok said.

Jungkook blushed and nodded. Taehyung smiled and kissed his lips in front of everyone, making Jungkook's face glow a bright red. Hoseok squealed and jumped around in excitement. I don't know how he has so much energy.


We sat and chatted among each other Hoseok kept asking how Jin and Jungkook met their boyfriends when Namjoon mentioned that Taehyung and him are brothers. I could feel Yoongi stare at me as I quietly sat there listening to the conversation. I just kept making it seem like I was really interested into the conversation to distract myself from him. Jungkook leaned over to whisper in Taehyung's ear. Taehyung looks over at Yoongi, and Jungkook goes up to him.

"Hey. Is it alright that I talk to you?" Jungkook asks Yoongi.

Yoongi nods and gets up. Jungkook tell everyone that he's getting snacks for us. We all said okay and went back to our conversation while Yoongi and Jungkook went into the kitchen. When they were fully in the kitchen, everyone turned to me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing," they mumbled.

"No, there's something. What is it?" I said.

"Bro he likes you!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Who?" I asked.

"That Yoongi guy. He just kept starring at you, and you payed him no attention!" Hoseok said.

"I think you have it all wrong. How can he possibly like me? We barely had a conversation together earlier while we were alone. Plus he hasn't said anything to any of us while we've been here," I pointed out.

Everyone sighed. But Hoseok wasn't gonna give up on it.

"I'm sure that he likes you. My guts say so. Just watch," he said before getting up.

"Where you going?" Jin asked as Hoseok stood up.

"I'm going to go look for some movies for us to watch," he said as he left the room.

And then there was 4. Jin looks over at Taehyung and Namjoon before coming towards me.

"Don't be so hard on Yoongi. He's always been a bit distance," Namjoon said.

I sighed and nodded. I was about to speak when Yoongi and Jungkook came back into the room with all sorts of snacks and drinks and Hoseok with all the movies. By the looks of it, it'll be a long night and break for me.