Skye was furious that this human would ask for her father's aid. "How dare he ask us to send our troops to die for his people!" Skye shouted angrily after the strange man had retired to his room to change leaving her father, Isaac, and Skye as the only remaining parties in the throne room.
Skye had been pacing back and forth angrily for more than five minutes before the outburst. Isaac knew how she felt about the topic because the had discussed it many times before in their military studies. Skye was always very open about her negative feelings toward the subject. Isaac also knew the best thing to do when she got this way was to keep his mouth shut and let her express her feelings. The one and only time he tried to silence her on the subject she drew her bow on him and shot without hesitation. She left a scar on his left cheek, he knew that at that moment if he was anyone else she would have killed him or at least done some severe damage. Being a high ranking General at such a young age was hard. If she didn't demand respect, other people would insolent or even insubordinate. Skye had to pick her battles and people following her orders was the biggest. She didn't care if they didn't agree with them as long as they were followed she could care less. However, a lot of people still refused to follow her orders.
Due to this Skye had a temper, it was especially bad when men treated her like a child or a woman who knew nothing about military affairs or politics. Being the only child of the King she had been learning about affairs of state since the age of the three and military affairs since the age of five the only thing she knew more about was archery. She first held a bow at six months old and first shot at two. A master archer by six and by eight years old she was the best archer in the Kingdom. She was teaching soldiers 50-200 years her senior how to shoot.
Many of the male soldiers resented this and some even urged the leaders of the university to pick a different teacher however after she became the archery instructor at the military academy female attendance increased 100 fold. This was a great thing for the elven Kingdom and because many of the new recruits admired and respected her she was appointed to be the head of the whole military program at the academy as well as she was promoted to a 3-star general.
Isaac smiled slightly touching his cheek when the scar has since faded away but the memory was still there. No matter what anyone said Skye was a smart, determined, and capable leader. He loved this woman, he loved how she was vocal and spoke her mind she was like no else he had ever met.
"Skye! Bite your tongue, he is a guest of this family and he will be treated with the respect he deserves." Her father yelled in a booming voice that seemed to shake the whole castle.
The only one who could ever stop Skye when she got to this point was her father, and it was only because she had too much respect for him to disobey. He was regularly referred to the best militaristic leader and king that the elven kingdom had ever seen.
"Yes Father," Skye said as she flopped down onto her throne next to her father's empty one.
You could still see the disdain over her face but she wouldn't argue.
There was a knock on the closed oak doors that rang throughout the hall. It was Prince William, he had bathed and changed and was dressed for supper.