on the desolate road, theres a girl dress up with red colour head to toe, she's walking alone thinking something.
'its nice to use red lipstick,but they said im not suitable with red lipstick its frustrated! aside from that what dress i should use today? she mumured to herself, while walking she saw bunch of red stuff inside a shabby shop, she asking herself " Red Heart shop, were that store really there before? why it seems like i never see this before? she keep questioning herself.
she stop by and saw a notice front of the shop door it says
'sell only red outfits, red cosmetics
shop manager: rosy'
as soon she finish reading those,she smile and said
'this is are dream came true' her thought filling her mind.
for a few minutes she already inside the shop, her eyes sparkling like shooting star while watching the golden red lipstick. An old man wearing red butler suits came and asking "hello madam, have anything in this shop has caught your attention? he ask with a smile in his face..