Strange doesn't it sound?
People nowadays falling into depression and diseases are so common today, it seems a long forgotten distant memory that thousands of years ago, the same human race were survivors of a catastrophe that brought the doom of mighty dinosaurs.
Comfort of lives sometimes bring the frails of mind and heart. Humans are no longer that enduring they once were. And so when some comes up stronger and harder than usual, it is a strange, wicked wonder.
Deserts aren't deserts because they are not favourable for comfortable human settlement, they are deserts because they are deserted. Only if one can see through its beauty, it too is a kind of heaven on Earth. The kind of its own.
Of such a kind, was a small town. Built o'er such a desert, not afar from shore.
"Golden to the up, golden to the down, golden to the right and so to the left " , were the thoughts of the founder of the town, Ardous Niel, the first time he saw the desert with nothing but its blazing golden glory.
An aspirant of peace and good company, he raised the town with decency naming it "Laurelwen" which meant 'Golden Heart' in the Elvish language invented by Late Sir J. R. R. Tolkien.
The people for generations have maintained the balance of solitude and brotherhood. No introvert or extrovert was ever discriminated for their natures and individuality. Where traditions remained strong and new changes were adopted accordingly. They didn't try to change the desert into something else, rather they embraced it as it was.
The Town was dwelled by the people of loving natures but one pair was known specially for being the sweetest of all there ever were.
Anna and Eddie Winston.
The mingling of these two sweet souls was described by the people as Honey among Humans. They weren't some exceptional beauty or charmer. Just a decent man and a woman whose hearts were unmatched by any sort of physical beauty.
Eddie was a wise man who cared for the people as if they were his own kin. Anna on the part was a faithful and supportive woman.
When one thought life couldn't be merrier, Anna discovered she was expecting their first child. A daughter. Eddie with all the people was overjoyed by the the news. They were blessed beyond measure by the God to be offered to nurture another soul, blossom another life.
Even for the thoughtful persons Eddie and Anna were, it was an entirely new phase of life for them. They delighted more to sit with the learned elders, taking advises. Anna was enthused like a child to such extent that she began carrying a notebook to pen down whatever she heard and felt necessary. They have had many opportunities to become better humans. Now they had the opportunity to make a better human.
With all the joy and ebullience, they were also well aware of the responsibility that is to come. The need to be careful and the hope to spread goodness in the world.