Chereads / Lustfull Aura / Chapter 30 - A new house

Chapter 30 - A new house

The following morning the girls woke up one by one and prepared breakfast, sophie went down and noticed the big mess the group made.

"Hey everyone I am planning on house looking today anyone want to come with me" Kayden asked

" Me ! me! Me!" All of the girls said excitedly

"Well that's settled let's go and clean up."

After an hour the group was ready to go

" Where are we going?" Eliana asked

" We are looking for a house, I was thinking of buying a new one."

"Thats good the old one were staying is too small considering your hobby of collecting quiet a few of us don't you think?" Anna said.

Kayden laughed.

The group went to a real state agency and started looking for houses that can fit their needs, they looked and looked until they found one which was big enough.

" That will be $15,000,000" the agent said.

" That is too expensive!" Anna said, but she could not help but marvel at the size of this mansion and how it is designed for celebrities and most importantly it is in a safe neighborhood."

"Nothing is expensive for me and I have rich sugar mommies" Kayden though off her new upcoming adopted mother Joyce, and contacted her, this way he won't have to spend a dime of points from the system

Kayden texted Joyce, telling her if she could buy him this mansion and he would pay her back in the future. 

Eliana on the side smiled knowing fully well her mother would be happy to buy him this mansion.

Minutes later , while waiting Courtney and juniper offered to buy it, but Kayden shook his head and told them he would handle it.

Joyce texted him back that she would take care of it and the mansion will be his she sent money to kayden's bank account considering it as his allowance. 

Kayden heard a ring, ($20,000,000) has been added to your bank account. 

"Damm my adopted family is really rich." kayden can't help but awe.

He paid the fee to the agent, the agent smiled and escorted them inside the house a mansion with 15 bedrooms, 15 restrooms, a swimming pool, a garden, 2 kitchens, a movie room and many more.

" We will be living here from now on I cannot believe it" Anna said

Kayden happily smiled " This is only the start once I dominate this world we will have more".

"I love you kayden" Sophie said

"We love you too" The girls said

They spent the day exploring their new home, but after a few hours the group returned to the old apartment to get their belongings.

" I don't know where to put all our clothes and shoes." Anna said

" I think we can manage, I will be working with the company and we can save some money so we can have a bigger wardrobe, " Sophie said, when suddenly kayden went to them " Who said you can work I wont allow it I will spoil all of you from now on!"

" But what will we do if we dont work" sophie said

"Hmm besides the night of love, how about cultivating? I can teach you so that you guys can be safe even without me I can teach you starting tom, courtney, juniper , eliana and evelyn of course they would be the best teachers." kayden said

" Okay!" They nodded

The girls finished packing and the next day, the movers came to get their things, and in no time the group was settled in.

Kayden was the first to wake up and he got to the kitchen to prepare food, minutes later sophie and the others arrived and they ate breakfast together, " We have to go to the company and tell the CEO, we are resigning." Anna said.

"No need I called the CEO last night and he was sad I was leaving" Sophie said, after all she knew that the CEO has been looking at her with lust for the past few months now I can finally free myself from him.

The girls started there cultivating journey under Kayden's initial guidance for the first few hours.

"You should try your hardest to advance" Kayden said.

The girls nodded, and for the next few days they practiced until they finally managed to advance to the first stage.

Sophie, Ashley, and Anna were all able to reach the first stage even if it is just a minor entry it was still an achievement worthy of a reward so late at night all the girls had another love session with kayden.

Loud moans can be heard on the master bedroom until late night.