Chereads / Needle and Thread / Chapter 4 - Four

Chapter 4 - Four

The cold and damp air fills my lungs as I begin to walk up. I remember that I am not at home. Where ever I am I am with Anne Lee. The cold and tar like sensation of fear cascades over my back.

My eyes are blurry and the while world almost looks like it is in gray and white. I see Abby curled up on the floor. The floor that is made from cement and a few times laying around. Dewy is not here.

" Abby. " I whisper. She moans and I go to make my way over only to see and find out I have chains over my hands. They burn for a second. " Abby, where's Dewy. " She looks up from her ball of human.

" I don't know. Anne Lee took him somewhere. I think he's dead. "She whispers back. I stare at her wide eyed. He can't be dead can he. She stares at me and I stare back. I don't know what to say to do to be. Is this really real. Please let it be fake. My life is at question. I don't understand, it makes me a little mad. Why can't I understand it.

" What do you mean. " I say a little loudly my strange anger in my voice. Abby whimpers as she curls up a little more .

" Shut up Wish your going to get us both killed. " She says and I stare at her. I have been intensely for some time.

" Does it matter. She'll kill us like she did to Philip Hemsworth. We're chickens in a slaughter house. " I shot. My voice is still to loud. I know it. There is another whimper from Abby.

" Come on just shut up. Do it for Dewy. " She whispers so she's nearly silent.

" Use Dewy to black mail me. " I whisper as I glare around the cell. Right now I have this strange boiling anger in my veins.

The slow creaking of floor boards makes a cold tar like sensation slide down my back. Fear.

A slow scratching song rings out.

" Little dolly's from far and wide, little women and little men. Lovely death and harmful life, we will all live in strife. I hope my dolly's have nice hair, oh we can wish,"

Anne Lee with a torn comes in the door. She repeats the song as she looks at us. Me and Abby stay petrified.

" Little dolly's. I know you are wondering where your favorite little boy boy is. He is fine. He need a little outfit change. Your next lovely. " She says and her bony skeletal finger wind together in pleasure. She takes slow steps toward me.

" Me? " I croak to my dread and surprise. She nods. I feel a little relief she didn't hurt me.

" Ναι Εσύ "  She speaks in foreign language. I think it may be Chinese. Or piglatin. I don't know anything for sure except the fear racing through my body.

{ The language is Greek it means Yes, you. I may use a little bit more Greek further on. }

She leads me to the door Abby screams.

" NO. PLEASE, DONT LEAVE NE HERE ALONE. PLEASE! " Her screams are horse and make a cold shiver down my spine as I stay to cry a little. Anne Lee laughs as she slams the door. I hear Abby continue to scream. I hear banging. Anne Lee freezes her bony finger close firmly around my neck and she scowls under her breath.

" I have your friend by the neck so shut the hell up! If I hear another sound I'll kill you painfully. " She yells back and the banging stops. I hear a fee choked sobs. I look around.

The place we are in is like a fairy tale house will no charm. The walls have vines growing on then and there are a few holes in the walls. The dust that fills the air almost sparkles. As we go down the hall I see crooked paintings of a family. The paint is so worn down I can barely make put the faces. We turn down a hall way and there is a hall with just doors. About seven of them. We go down the to the second door on the right.

We go inside and I freeze. Anne Lee pushes me forward. There is a chair that you would sit in at the dentist and a bunch of human sized doll clothes. She practically throws me on the seat when I don't cooperate. I lay back and start shaking so bad my teeth chatter. Anne Lee glares at me.

" Stay still you pesky child. Your not a dolly yet so I can kill you. " She sneers. She grabs a pair of old fashioned metal Scissors. Long and sharp. Coming to me she pushes me to a sitting position. She takes the scissors and starts to cut my clothes off. The scissors worm finely as my clothes peel off. I shiver as my upper body is exposed to the damp air. Anne Lee laughs a little. She cuts my pants off and I sit there with nothing on. Laying me back down she parts my dirty hair and pats my head. She smiles down at me. She attaches a few things to my body. Next she gently presses a rag to my face as my vision fades I see her taking a scalpel and some rubber gloves.

Missing Teens Dead?

We are beginning to lose hope at finding the teens. Wish Dewy and Abby. We are begging Anne Lee to return the Teens back to safety and for her to bring herself to justice. Philip Hemsworth also deserves this justice. Any information about the disappeared teens will have money rewards. If you find one alive we are offering a 50,000 dollar reward.

Thank you.

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