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The Wanderer -A 'Breath Of The Wild' Fan Fiction-

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In the wake of Calamity Ganon's near destruction of Hyrule, life has persisted in spite of it all. While the ever-repeating battle for the Tri-Force rages, life goes on. This is the story of two adventurers that won't be remembered by time, though their journey is no less daring. Reymie Kleinenkade is a young girl on an adventure to fulfill her "list," though what exactly that entails is not widely known. During her journey, she encounters a young man known by most as simply: The Wanderer. Who he is, and why he is wandering... Well, her adventurous heart won't rest until she finds out!

Chapter 1 - The Adventurer, The Wanderer, And The Beast In Between

Kakariko Village… Despite what I'd heard, I'm still in awe of how beautiful it is. All around me was color, culture, and a vibrancy that seemed to flow through the village, as if carried by the wind itself.

I'm a stranger here, and though I feel as if I'm being watched… Each pair of eyes I fall under has been welcoming, yet observant. The protectors of this place greet me not as a stranger, but as a familiar face they had never seen before. I felt a connection with this place and its people from the moment I arrived.

"Welcome to the Curious Quiver!" Chimed the archery shopkeeper as I entered her shop. She was middle aged with beautiful silver hair, not unlike the rest of the Sheikah that reside here.

I raised my hand to her and smiled awkwardly. "Hi."

"My name is Rola," she said with a wink.

"...Uhm… My name is Reymie," I replied.

"Reymie? That's an awfully effeminate name for a boy," she said. "Though it does suit you…"

"Well… I'm a girl… So, I guess that's why my name is… you know… Can I buy some arrows?" I asked.

"A girl?!" She looked like I had just diagnosed her with cancer.

"As far as I can tell, yea," I replied.

"It's just… You look so boyish… and your clothes are baggy… and the bow and knife. Have you always been a girl?" She was desperate for me to be anything other than a woman.

She would probably settle for me being a Bokoblin, provided it was male.

"I'm not sure what you're expecting me to be wearing," I said. "I need this stuff to survive out there…"

"Well… Girls like you should look like princesses for a strapping young hero boy to-" I cut her off.

"-I'm not sure if you know, but the last princess Hyrule had went to fight Gannon and never came back." I said as I laid twenty rupees on the bar and left with five arrows.

I wandered around the village for a bit. The evening sun was beginning to set.

I called out to a few children playing nearby.

"Hello, tiny Sheikah people."

They stopped what they were doing and looked at me strangely.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked.

A man behind me chuckled softly.

I turned to find an elderly Sheikah painting by a shrine to Hylia.

"Not so good with children?" He asked.

"Children… Adults… Wild animals… Some plants… I struggle with a lot of things," I shrugged.

Again, he chuckled.

"Is there someplace here that will let me buy food and sleep?" I asked.

"You mean… an Inn?" He replied.

"Sure." I said.

Again… more chuckling as he pointed to a nearby building.

I stood outside it, fiddling with my coin purse and counting out my remaining rupees. It was a quaint little building, but it sounded lively inside.

I pushed open the door to find a small bar surrounded by a half a dozen people. Four of them appeared to be travelers, the others, Sheikah. When I came in they all turned to me.

"Ollie! Did that guy want the sauce or no?" Came a voice from a room in the back.

"Uh... Yea!" A man whom I presume to be 'Ollie' replied as he looked to one of the patrons. "You wanted the sauce, right?" He asked. To which the man nodded.

I took a seat at the bar and waited patiently.

"Uhm… Hello newcomer." Ollie greeted me… lazily.

"Hi." I said. "I would like to buy food… and no I do not want the sauce."

"Our secret sauce is well known far and wide, though!" He said.

"Secret', and 'Well Known' probably shouldn't be used together like that," I stared blankly at him.

The men around the bar began to howl with drunken laughter.

Why does everyone around here laugh so much?

"She's got you there, Ollie," said a Sheikah nearest me. "Whatever she has is on me."

"Are you serious?" I asked in shock.

"Get whatever you like," he said with a genuine smile.

I took my backpack off and laid it on the counter.

"Can you just fill this up with meat?" I asked Ollie. He looked at the Sheikah near me.

He laughed awkwardly. "How about maybe just order a meal?" He suggested.

"Tch." Should have known it was an empty offer. "Uh… I guess in that case I'll just get a… this… I can't pronounce it… but the picture looks good," I pointed to a steak on the menu.

My stomach growled as I waited for the meal. Soon the awkward silence faded, and the others began to speak once more… I suppose… I don't want to speak to them… but the trail goes cold here. I need a new lead.

"Ahem," once again everyone grew quiet. "I was wondering… well… I'm searching for The Wanderer…" I said.

"There's a lot of folks wandering these days," said one of the men.

"You know who I'm talking about," I barked.

"Wow ok calm down now," he backpedaled.

"I am sorry… I'm just... "My stomach rumbled.

"What is someone like you doing looking for someone like him, anyway?" A woman asked.

"I… - Oh thanks," My explanation was interrupted by my food being set down in front of me. I checked underneath the meat to be sure there was no sauce hidden there.

"You…?" Another prodded.

"I just… Reasons…?" I pleaded with my eyes for them to stop asking me things. It's not that I mind telling them, it's just hard to chew and explain my reasonings at the same time.

"I heard he defended a caravan from a White Lynel single handedly," Said one.

"Really? Because I heard he slaughtered an entire caravan and their guards single handedly," said another.

"I wonder if it's true," said the woman. "That he really does wield a sword black as night, a failed Sheikah forgery of the master sword."

"... Well… There's a bit of truth in every rumor… At least that's what they say, right?" Said a young man across the bar from me. He hadn't spoken yet. Truthfully, I hadn't noticed him really until he spoke.

"Sparked your interest, did it?" Asked the Sheikah near me.

The young man just shrugged and returned to his drink. He looked lost in thought, disinterested in the world around him. His dark green eyes and black hair were mostly covered by the hood… An introvert… kind of like me I guess.

"I hadn't given it much thought, but a man with a black sword was heading towards the fairy fountain not long after I got here… barely a few hours ago." Said the woman.

Simultaneously the young man and I stood up and headed for the door, arriving at the breach at the same time.

"Oh… Uh. After you," I said.

"What a gentleman," he said taking his leave.

"I'm a… Nevermind…" I sighed as I followed.

As we stepped out I turned left, and he right.

I took a few steps and stopped. I turned and saw him walking to the east.

"Uh… Hey!" I called out to him.

He glanced over his shoulder, still walking.

"Are you going to the Fairy Fountain?" I asked.

"That's the plan," he replied.

Ah. So, it's NOT to the west. Good to know. I think I'll just… follow him.

As we made our way up a hill on the southeast side of the village he stopped.

"Need a break?" I asked.

"No. Just thinking," he said with a shrug.

"I see… Well, could you point me towards the Fairy Fountain? I would like to hurry," I said.

"Why are you so intent on finding him?" He asked. As he spoke his eyes rested on a nearby shrine. It glowed with an orange hum, bathing us in its soft light. They had, until very recently, been dormant and dull. Though I have no idea what caused them to suddenly 'awaken,' I've added it to my list of things to look into.

"He's on my list," I replied.

"You have a list?" He asked.

"I have a list," I said.

He just grinned and nodded.

"I think I understand," he said.

"You would be the first," I said.

"Haha… My name is Kite," he said.

I nodded.

"...Can I have your name?" He asked.

"Reymie… Reymie Kleinenkade," I said.

"Sounds like a girl's name," he said.

"Do I really look like a boy?" I asked.

"Are you not one?" He asked.

I let my hood down and shook out my short hair.

"How about now?" I asked.

… He only stared blankly at me.

"Didn't help, huh?"


I jerked out my list and added: try to be more "girly" or something, to it.

"Anyway. If you follow that path there, it should take you to the Fairy Fountain," he said.

The path was lined with various flowers and definitely seemed like it would lead somewhere magical.

"Not coming?" I asked.

"I've got to take care of something, first. I'll catch up," he said.

I shrugged and headed down the path.

Before I rounded the bend, I glanced back at him once more.

He was still there at the shrine, his eyes looking out to the night sky.

The image of him remained in my eyes as I left him there.

It wasn't long before I came to what could only possibly be the Fairy Fountain. It was certainly flamboyant. The bulb of a massive, yet to bloom flower encompassing the entire thing.

From behind it, I heard a voice.

"Come out now before I cut you out." The speaker sounded gruff, and irritable.

I rounded the corner and found him standing at the base of the fountain.

Our eyes met.

"Hi." I said

"You're not the forest fairy," he said.

"Sorry to disappoint," I said.

In his hand was a black sword. It looked nearly identical to the Master Sword.

At last, I had found him.

"The Wanderer," I whispered.

"Come here a second, would you?" He asked me.

I nodded and approached him.

"Forest Fairy," he said boldly. "If you can hear me, come out… Or I'll kill her."

"...I would prefer you did not," I said.

He turned to me and began to raise the sword to me.

I quickly drew my own short sword and parried his own away.

He looked surprised.

"I have to say, I didn't expect a girl like you to be so aggressive," he said.

"A girl like me… you mean… you can tell I'm a girl?"

His sword faltered slightly.

"Well… yea…" he said.

I tucked my sword under my shoulder and pulled out my notepad.

"Exactly what was I doing that gave you that impression?" I asked.

"You realize I'm threatening your life right now," he said.

"You wouldn't be the first… and likely not the last," I said flatly.

He raised his sword and sliced outwards. I raised my own to block it.

"Gah-" I gasped as his blade cut through my own and tore through my hip.

Without a moment's pause he pivoted and sliced across, aiming for my head.

I threw myself to the ground and rolled away from his follow-up attack… narrowly missing my spine.

I cried out in pain as he grabbed me by my hair and forced me against a rock.

"I'll be honest, you're feisty, I'm impressed."

"Ack… You'll… Have to excuse me if I don't appreciate the compliment," I barked.

"Ok you two, break it up," came Kite's voice from above us.

We both glanced up to see him standing atop a ledge.

"Friend of yours?" The Wanderer asked me.

"If he rescues me I'll consider the possibility," I said.

Kite grinned and pointed at our feet.

The Wanderer and I looked down to see a magical seal had been placed there. I couldn't read the symbols, but I hope they don't say anything like "explode" or "burn Reymie alive."

"I don't think either of you are taking me very seriously," The Wanderer growled.

In an instant Kite disappeared only to reappear standing atop the seal placed between us.

"Let's get serious, then," Kite whispered as he kicked The Wanderer in the throat.

The Wanderer lurched backwards and raised his sword, to which Kite caught him at the wrist and redirected the blade, striking him in the gut with his free hand.

The Wanderer quickly swiped across with his sword, but Kite disappeared once more, and reappeared atop the Fairy Fountain.

"What IS this!" The Wanderer barked.

Kite grinned as he held up a magical seal in between his fingers. A simple strip of paper containing pre-made magical spells. Seal Users aren't exactly a common thing. I might have to add Kite to my list.

The Wanderer took the seal from beneath us and tore it to pieces. He looked back to Kite, a look of anger like no other I had seen.

"Tear all you like," Kite said. "I've got you now."

The look of anger faded to one of horror as The Wanderer noticed that we were surrounded by dozens of Seals. Some planted on trees, others along the ground. All around us… places Kite could instantly appear.

"It's over," Kite said. "You have something of mine… I'm going to need it back before the part of me that's let you live this long loses control."

"Big words for someone like yo-"

"Fine." Kite whispered as he leapt from the fountain. The Wanderer sliced outward to cut the falling Kite in half. Kite Teleported to a seal behind The Wanderer, maintaining his momentum as he did, and landing on The Wanderer's back. With two fingers he struck at his shoulder blade and as he did his left arm went limp.

The Wanderer cried out in pain as he threw himself to the ground in an attempt to crush Kite, only for him to disappear and appear in the trees above us, falling downward onto him.

The Wanderer lashed out with the sword one final time, but Kite caught his wrist and I heard a snapping sound as he broke it, catching the black sword before it could hit the ground.

He cried out in pain as Kite pulled a dagger from his own belt and buried it through his hand, pinning it to the ground.

Kite brought the sword to The Wanderers throat.

That was when I noticed the feral look in his eyes. Kite's left eye had turned red, and a black and purple discoloration had overtaken the left side of his body.

His impish grin was replaced by an unsettling smile.

He reared the sword back and plunged it towards The Wanderers throat.

And then… He vanished.

He appeared once more on the cliff where he originally appeared. In one hand he held the black sword, and the other was covering his eye. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain.

The Wanderer stood up, a slight trickle of blood flowing from his throat.

"Keep the damned thing…" he wheezed. "It's worthless. A forgery of the sword that seals darkness. It's nothing."

"...It's true… That it can't do what the Master Sword can… but I doubt those who made it had darkness within themselves… like I do…" Kite said. "This sword seals the darkness within me… It's the only reason you're still alive, and the only thing that keeps the monster in me in check."

"If that's your sword… Does that mean that you're The Wanderer?" I asked Kite.

"It does," he said.

"So that means that this guy is just some loser?" I asked.

Kite's mischievous grin came back.

The loser didn't look pleased with me.

"I guess you could say… from the very beginning, that his fate was… sealed. Heh." I quipped.

And for the first time since arriving in Kakariko village, no one laughed.