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Chapter 37 - LIFE

I always say there are four things that make up life. Love. Intelligence. Fear. End. L.I.F.E. Life.

Love: We all wonder at least once in our lives about love. Who will I fall in love with in the end? Which dress do I love more? Which team do I love more? Do I like or love this dumpling? What is love? Why do we feel love? Questions only you can answer for yourself. It is different for evey person. But, It should be found, and cherished by everyone.

Intelligence: Brains, smarts, call it what you want. We are all smart in our own way. You call yourself dumb if you can't work something simple to someone else. You say your dumb of you fail a test you stayed up all night for. But the truth is no matter how dumb you may feel, you have intelligence in you. You use that intelligence when you tell yourself not to touch that shard of glass. When you tell yourself not to go out with someone if they give off a sketchy vibe. We all use, and interpret intelligence in a different way. You get to make the choice on how you use it.

Fear: Though fear can be used as evidence someone is weak, it truly isn't just what it is. It's the brilliant way our body warns us. People who fear have a better chance of survival. People who don't fear, sure they can get credit for being brave, but in the end it will lead them to death. A person who fears pain, will watch themselves as they roam a crowded city. They watch out for traffic, and glass, gangs. Someone who is fearless gets themselves into dangerous situations because they don't think. A fearless person walks a busy street without a care in the world. The could get hit, and die. All for what? To prove they are fearless? What will fearlessness get you when you are dead? What will it get you in life? Fear is something that helps us stay safe. Though it can be a pain sometimes, it is important. Just like you are. Fear may not be the best of our qualities, but it helps keeps us safe. It ensures we are alive to have something to fear. If you fear death, it's okay. We don't know what comes next, or if there is a next. We don't know how society sees us. We fear so that we can live. It may not make sense, but I promise, it will. Because oneday, you will thank that fear for keeping you alive in this twisted game of life.

End: In every life, there is an end. We may not know where we go afterwards, or if we go anywhere. The one thing we do know is that it is coming. We don't know how, when, where, or why. We just know we can't avoid it. We all have a beautiful life we should cherish. The chance of you even being here is 1 in every billion of sperm, and eggs that are in other human beings. The chances of your two parents meeting was already 1 in 7 billion. Can you imagine? The chance of you reading this is even smaller. You are one of the few people in life who is able to read this book. Some of you have skipped this part because you don't want a talking to. But to those of you who stayed, thank you. Thank you for reading this book. This is only the story of one family. The earth has over 7 billion people. There are so many other stories out there. Each is important. Each is brilliant. All of our lives is a book. We are all the author of our book of life. We choose how the pages are written. We choose the dialog. We pick the characters. We choose who to hang out with, who to share your story with. Life is a book that never ends, each day is a new page. Each and every second is important. Just as each and every person. We are all a character in this book of life. Some of us stay in the shadows, while others live it to the fullest. You choose what to do with your character. You have the choice. You can do good with it, and bad. Which will you choose? Which character would you want to be remembered as? Life is an open book of mysteries, secret riddles, and amazement. Weather you see the good in it or not it is there. Just like you. We may not all see you, but it's okay. Because the people who truly see you, will always be there. Will always have your back. Will love you with all your imperfections. That, that is life. The small jist, of something bigger.