Chereads / Nieve Lone (On Hold) / -1 | General Gaming/MMORPG Terms

-1 | General Gaming/MMORPG Terms

These are a list of general gaming terms that will be often used. Ignore if you are used to such terms or have no interest in a little explanation. This is meant for those who didn't know and are interested to know. This is not necessary to understand the storyline.


MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

1. Generally has a story/plotline that the players follow

2. Massive Multiplayer usually means either an international-wide server or several large servers for a specific area

3. Characters are differentiated into different roles and/or classes with different skill-sets which encourages team-play in the game.

HP = Health/Hit Points

MP = Mana/Magic Points

EXP = Experience Points (needed to level up)

Status Effects = several statuses that can affect a character's movement, attack, strength and other attributes whether positively or negatively.

Soul-bound = an effect that makes a certain item or equipment unable to be traded, dropped or sold, nor can it be given away since it is bound to the character.

PVP = Player vs Player (officially done in the arena, and has no death penalty unless agreed to beforehand)

Deathmatch = An unofficial PVP where the characters must fight till the other dies. Since a deathmatch is unofficial, death penalties are given as per usual to the characters. Results in the winning party PKing the losing party.

PK = Player Kill/Killing (usually used in reference to one sided killings or the result of deathmatches)

Arena = Where system-acknowledged PVP is held

Party = A team made up of players who work together

Quests = System-acknowledged missions with system-rewarded items and/or skills as repayment for accomplishing said-missions. Usually has to do with the main storyline/plot of the game

(Solo/Mercenary/Guild) Missions = Player-requested quests with private listing and rewards. Not recommended due to increasing scamming rates and the inability of the system to completely control these missions.

Grinding (levels/grade/skills) = Continuously killing certain respawning monsters to upgrade grades, skills or earn EXP

Dungeons = A place where certain monsters and boss monsters spawn to be cleared by players/parties

Farming = Gain items or equipments by repeatedly doing dungeons or grinding