Three years later...
In a wide, clean yet empty room within a tall apartment building at Western Alina City, two girls, both pretty, young, and full of vitality, were unpacking boxes after boxes of items, pieces of furniture, and clothes.
One of them, the girl with long slightly curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, stood up and with her hands on her waist, stretched her body, bending her back a bit while letting out some groans of frustrations.
After pouting her luscious pinkish lips, she glared at the other pretty woman in the place who was busy pushing a cabinet to the nearby bedroom.
A feminine voice filled with misgivings and tiredness sharply resounded all over the place.
"Sofia, tell me the truth, why am I the one you have called here instead of your parents or brother? It's so tiring having to carry your stuff here back and forth! But then, I still have to help you unpack and arrange them? Tell me, do you have any recent grudge against me?"