Chereads / Scale / Chapter 7 - Behind the door

Chapter 7 - Behind the door

Justin did not like what he was doing. From inside the room he heard footsteps and then the door on the other side of the house gave a soft thud. Justin moved towards his bed and sat on it. From under the pillow he retrieved a picture of a blond young woman. She had a pixie hair cut, grey eyes and she smiled a mysterious smile. He did not like it, what he was doing but he had to. The picture made him overwhelm with emotions.There was something about it that felt off. He closed his eyes. Cassy's face popped up, her eyes when he had first met her. She ambience and the vibe around her felt safe. He did not feel any uneasiness, because no part of her body showed signs of lies. It was true, she was absolutely truthful to him. She trusted he would understand, but she trusted a wrong person. "How innocent of her" he thought. There was a rush of contradictory feelings. He pityed her and was also surprised on how this emotional fool managed to rule such a large empire of companies. Was he developing a soft corner? He opened his eyes all of a sudden and looked at the picture in his his hand. He had a job to do and he would do it. He would ruin her. He again felt unsure. Was he doing the right thing? He opened the cabinet drawer of his bedside table and placed the picture carefully inside and closed it. He believed his gut and married her, but now he was having second thoughts. Was it because he thought she was too truthful betray someone or was it her beautiful face with those sparkling eyes the glowed in the darkness of the room earlier. He laid down on the bed, he felt the fatigue kick in and he slowly drifter off to deep sleep.

On the other part of the house Cassy laid on her bed wide awake. What was she supposed to do now? How was she going to retrieve this company of hers from this bastard? Why did he marry her? Why was he confusing? Why would he act both hot and cold? Why would he feel both near and distant? Was he a friend or foe? She had the answer to the last question. He stole her company and betrayed to marry her. He was a defenitely a foe in disguise to her. May be the confusion he created was a part of his tactic. She got her answer. What was she going to do about it? She knew it. She had to play the same game.

Her mobile buzzed, the screen displayed "Brit", "Oh no.. this is not a good sign" she thought.

Brit was her oldest brother, the one she was a little emotionally distant to compared to her other brothers Jaden and Rodnie. Rodnie being the youngest of the lot was a lot closer to her. He worked for Garment factory as a manager. He was always in town for Cassy when she was a mess. Jaden on the other hand lived in Japan with his wife. He moved out of country when Cassy was 15. He was a rebel. He worked as a guitarist for a band when he met his wife Rino. She had not heard from him for more than two years now. Her oldest brother Brit was different. He was the most responsible human being on earth. He had guided her at all times of crisis in her life. He played the role of a strict father ever since her father died. They only met a couple of times a year, though strict he was a caring brother. The only problem was he telephoned people only when there was some serious bussiness to be taken care of. He had come to her wedding. He saw the drama Cassy caused. He was the only man Cassy was genuinely afraid of cause he did not know it was all acting at her wedding.

"Hi, Brit", Cassy answered the call. He hands were shaking. Even though she had no courage to face him, she did not want any more silence. Brit had not even called her after her wedding, she was afraid he would be the first to call her and banshee screem at her for all the drama. But no, he had been silent and now he was calling her at the break of dawn and she wanted to know why.

"Cassy, are you up?" he asked with a mild tone.

"Yes, I am. What is it Brit?"

"Well, then. I am coming down to the park near your house by today evening. Are you free to meet me?"

"Oh.. yes, Yes.Let's meet up. Around 4pm then?"

"Ok. Meet you there. Bye."

He cut the phone. "He wanted to talk. Why is he not mad at me. He screamed at Justin back then. What is wrong?" she thought.

Jaden left, following his passion to much of Brit's anger, had lost all contact with family. Brit hated how irresponsible Jaden was. He just wished her luck for her marriage just the day before. He called just Cassy out of all the people in the family. Now she had done the same thing. She had acted irresponsible at her wedding. She did not know what was to come.