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Chapter 1 - dragonborn

Chapter 1: Dragonborn.

"Here you go Gajeel." said Macao "One hundred gold Septims." he handed Gajeel a small pouch filled with coins. Gajeel Redfox, a male Nord who was known as the Dragonborn, savior of all of Skyrim an Tamriel, looked at the Jarl's Steward with disgust.

"This is it?!" Gajeel growled "I slay a fucking dragon, got attacked by giants and trolls and all I get fucking one hundred Septims?! Do you know how hard it is to kill a fucking dragon?! HARD! Just because I'm Dragonborn doesn't mean the dragon is gonna bow down to me!" Macao backed away slowly from the angered Dragonborn, any more anger and it could get ugly.

"T-terribly sorry Gajeel! Here is the rest of your reward. T-that was only an extra bag because your reward was so big! Here you go!" he handed Gajeel a much bigger bag of septims. The Dragonborn looked at Macao with a smirk.

"What I like to see." with his gold in his bag, Gajeel made his way out of Dragon's Reach.

The bright sunlight shined high in the sky that afternoon, signaling it was mid-day. Gajeel walked across the bridge to Dragon's Reach and listened as his dragon-plated boots hit the boards with a distinct clomp. He could feel the heaviness of the dragon bones that decorated his boots as he took each step. This was one of those days he missed his old ebony armor; but after so many battles and so much damage, the armor finally gave in and Gajeel had to get new armor. Fortunately, the past several weeks he had been working on his smithing skills and managed to create a set of armor no one ever thought about before: armor made from dragon bones. Well, tonight Gajeel wasn't going to need the armor; tonight was Gajeel and his wife Levy's one year anniversary as a married couple. And tonight, he was going to make it a very special night for her.

Gajeel made his way to the local black smith's where he was going to finish his anniversary present to Levy. He arrived at the black smith's, changed his clothes to that of a black smith's and began to work at a forge, melting the metals that were needed, hammered the metal and added a secret item to it: Dragon scales. They would bring a lot of protection to his wife so he'd never have to worry about her being terribly injured or worse. He was planning to head to the Jarl's court mage's enchanter so he could enchant the gift for his wife. Once the hand-crafted armor was finished, Gajeel put the armor into his bag and quickly made his way back to Dragon's Reach to enchant it.

He arrived home an hour after enchanting the items. It was a gorgeous manor that Gajeel built with the help of a vampire that he and Levy befriended nine months ago named Minerva. Three months after Gajeel defeated Acnologia, a dragon who threatened to end the world, Gajeel and Levy joined the Dawnguard, a faction that believes in ending the vampire threat. Before long, they met the vampiress Minerva and learned her father planned to block out the sun forever. With her help, they succeeded in killing Minerva's father, freeing her from the chains of her father, Minerva was free to live her immortal life as she chose. With her help, Gajeel managed to build a home he and his wife always wanted. A library, a training ground, a place to eat their warm meals, a few bedrooms (even an extra bed incase Minerva ever came to visit). He walked to the front door, pulled out a key and opened the door.

He immediately felt the warmth from the fire that seeped into the stone foundation and felt the chill of the outside leave his body. The pitter patter of small feet grew louder and louder before Gajeel was tackled by two small children.

"Pa!" said a boy "You're home!"

"Papa!" said a girl "You're back!"

About a month ago, Gajeel and Levy were in Windhelm, searching for a serial killer when a little girl with dark blue hair came up to them asking if they'd buy the flowers she was selling. While they searched through them, a little boy tried to pick pocket Gajeel (only to be caught in the act), revealing it was a scheme the kids were running. They took the two to a local tavern and learned they're names are Romeo and Wendy, two orphaned siblings that were a result of the war. Feeling terrible for them, Levy offered them to adopt them and raise them as their own (much to Gajeel's chargin) and soon, Gajeel and Levy were parents. It took a while to get used to having children running around the house (which meant no foul language or leaving his weapons all over the place for Gajeel), but they grew acoustomed to it.

"Hey ya brats!" Gajeel chuckled. He looked up and soon found his beautiful, blue-haired Nord wife Levy, wearing her tavern gown, walking over to her husband with a smile.

"Welcome home dear." she glowed. A large smile appeared on Gajeel's lips and soon, he pulled himself up to kiss his loving wife.

"I assume the bounty went well." a voice suddenly broke out. Gajeel looked and found an unusually tall, black furred, white muzzled, round eared Kahjiit with a crescent shape scar on his face and a Hammerfell accent named Pantherlily.

"Gajeel! Fight me!" before Gajeel could even blink, a pink-haired Nord ran towards Gajeel, but was hit square in the face by Gajeel.

Pantherlily was Gajeel and Levy's Steward for their house in The Pale. When they first met the Kahjiit, they were surprised by his accent since Kahjiits come from Elsweyr and not Hammerfell. They learned that Pantherlily was raised by a family of Redguards after the Kajiit Caravan that was ran by his birth parents, were slaughtered to death while traveling in Hammerfell, leaving him the only survivor. As for the pink-haired Nord, he was a bard by the name of Natsu Dragneel (which made them question if he had any relation to Jarl Zeref of Windhelm). Pantherlily hired him to play music for the family when they moved into the house and learned he's a graduate from The College of Winterhold (though not really top of his class) and decided to take the job of a Bard to help pay off his bills. He just happened to have been born lucky with the fact he can play and sing, but mainly he just looks for a reason to fight Gajeel.

"Alright," Gajeel puffed "I'm gonna get outta this armor, the wife and I are heading out to celebrate our big day, Gihihi. Lily, you're in charge until we get back."

"As you wish Gajeel." Lily bowed respectively. Gajeel then went to his bedroom and changed out of the armor into something more comfortable. He took his wife's hand in a loving way and the two Nords left to enjoy their night out.

He took Levy to their favorite tavern in White Run, enjoying their moment together and celebrating their anniversary together. Once they finished their meals, Gajeel walked with Levy to the Evergleam tree. A tree that not too long ago, Gajeel helped replace.

"Happy Anniversary Levy." Gajeel said while turning to his loving wife and held both her hands.

"Happy Anniversary Gajeel." she smiled "I have your gift." she pulled out her bag and began to dig through it, she soon found a hand crafted great sword, made from dragon bones.

"Holy shit! This thing's fucking awesome!" he took it and began to give it a few test swings, noticing a spark coming from the blade "Enchanted eh?"

"Enchanted it last night while you were away." he smirked at his wife and began to dig out of his bag for her gift.

When Levy's eyes laid on the Dragon Scale Armor Gajeel crafted for her, it was like a child who seen so many presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

"Gajeel," she gasped "you made this for me?"

"Entire set!" Gajeel replied "Gauntlets, armor, boots and even a helmet if ya want gihihi. Enchanted to the point where ain't anything gonna harm ya. Even if it did I'll fucking kill them." she smiled at his words and then leaned in for a warm, passionate kiss. Their tongues began to divulge into each other's mouths and their hands began to explore each other's bodies.

"Excuse me?" a voice asked. The voice was ignored as Gajeel picked up his wife, placed her on the bench and began to grind on her. Levy began to wrap her legs around her husband in a sexual manner.

"Excuse me?" the voice asked. Gajeel stopped his actions, let out a feral growl and turned around.

"WHAT?!" Gajeel lashed out. The Nord couple looked at who interrupted them and realized a group of what appeared to be ten to twelve people, wearing matching robes and masks were staring at them, Levy could tell they were feeling awkward about witnessing their...activities "Who the fuck are you assholes?!" one thing about Gajeel Levy learned during their year of marriage; you do not interrupt him when he's getting in the mood.

"Are you the Dragonborn?" one of the cultists asked.

"Yeah I'm the fucking Dragonborn! Why the fuck does it matter to you asswipes?!"

"You're lies fall on deaf ears deceiver!" another cultist howled "The True Dragonborn comes... You are but his shadow!"

"The f-" before Gajeel could blink, the cultists began to attack the Dragonborn and his wife. But they were very, heavily mistaken. Gajeel took the anniversary gift his wife had given him and beated three of the cultists to death with the sword, one cultist managed to slash Gajeel's arm with a knife but in the end Gajeel killed him. Levy had concealed under her skirt a dagger and stabbed a few of the cultists to death, leaving behind a large pool of their blood.

"RII...VAH ZOL!" Shouted Gajeel. When he Shouted, a purple aura omitted from Gajeel's mouth and took the soul of one of the cultist, killing him. The cultist soon rose from his death and began to attack the people he once called his comrades. Killing and slaughtering each and every one of them until there was none left. Once he finished, he stood in his spot before turning into ash.

"What the hell just happened?!" Levy asked her husband in shock.

"They ain't bounty hunters that's for sure." Gajeel opined "I ain't ever seen these fucking weird clothes before."

"And they called you a liar! Gajeel, something really weird is going on here, I think our best bet is to search their bodies for any clues."

"Thinking the same thing small fry." the couple began to search through the many corpses that they just created until Levy spotted something crumpled up in one of their hands. She pulled it out of the rigor-mortis riddled hand and pulled out a note.

Levy opened the note and read it before her eyes widened.

"Gajeel..." she unsurely called out "I found something..."

"What you find?" Gajeel questioned. His wife took a deep breath and began to read the note aloud:

"Board the vessel Northern Maiden docked at Raven Rock. Take it to Windhelm, then begin your search. Kill the False Dragonborn known as Gajeel Redfox before he reaches Solstheim.

Return with word of your success, and God Serena shall be most pleased."

"The fuck is Solstheim?" Gajeel baffled.

"It's an island." Levy explained "It's an island off the coast of Morrowind. Skyrim once owned it; but we gave it to Morrowind after the Red Mountian erupted for the first time in over 200 years, causing many Dunmer to lose their homes. Gajeel, do you know anyone from Solstheim that I'm not aware of?"

"Nope." Gajeel assured "Never even heard of the damn place till now."

"Well this isn't good." Levy ordered while putting the note in her bag "If someone from Solstheim is after you, there has to be a reason. I think we need to head home, talk with Lily and Natsu and tell them what happened." realizing that this was there best bet, Gajeel agreed and they made their way back to their home.

Gajeel opened the doors to his manor and rushed inside with his wife, making sure the door was locked when he got in. Pantherlily and Natsu were sitting at the dining table, having a cup of warm mead while sitting by the fire. They spotted the couple come in and smiled.

"Looks like you two couldn't wait long enough huh?" Lily smirked. His knowing face suddenly changed when he noticed how disheveled and tattered the two looked "What happened to you two and Gajeel, what happened to your arm?"

"Are the kids asleep?" Levy asked.

"Lily and I put them to bed an hour ago." Natsu replied with concern "Why?"

"We need to get into the cellar." Gajeel ordered "We gotta tell ya what happened." exchanging glances, the bard and Kahjiit didn't argue and went into the cellar with the couple.

"You were attacked by a group of cultists?!" Pantherlily bellowed. Gajeel was pacing around the cellar he built nine months ago, the place was mainly made of stone, wood structuring and was filled with weapons, a forge, a smelter, safes to keep high priced items in, a target practice spot and a few display cases.

"Gajeel has no idea who they were." Levy explained "They just came up to us and started attacking."

"You have any idea where they're from?" Natsu asked.

"Just this note is all we know." she pulled the note out and handed it to the Kahjiit and Nord. They read the note and exchanged glances.

"Solstheim huh? Damn, those guys came a long way."

"God Serena..." Lily sounded out "I've never heard of that name."

"Neither have we!" Levy admitted "I don't know what to do!"

"There's only one thing we can do." Gajeel grumbled, the three looked at him in surprise "I think we'll have to go there ourselves."

A pregnant silence spreaded across the room from Gajeel's words, no one expected him to go this far.

"G-Gajeel!" Levy baffled "A-are you serious?!"

"Got no choice." he smirked devilishly "Too much of a fucking milk drinker that you send people to attack me and my wife? Then I go and rip yer face off myself. Simple as that."

"B-but what about the kids?! If we have cultists after you, it's only a matter of time before they attack Romeo and Wendy!" realizing his wife was right, he looked at Pantherlily and Natsu with a serious look.

"I'm gonna need to ask ya a big favor."

"Gajeel," Pantherlily explained "you and Levy gave me a friendship I've never had before. Normally Nords look the other way with me and would be racist but you've accepted me into your home and family. I'll always help you in a time of need." Gajeel smiled at Lily's kind words and began his orders.

"I need ya and the idiot bard over here to pack up everything you can. " he explained "Valubles, coin, food, the kids' stuff,whatever you fucking can. After ya do, get the horses, carriage, and get the kids up. You're to take them to our house in Solitude."

"Hey!" Natsu protested when Gajeel called him an idiot.

"Shut up!" Levy suddenly stepped in and looked at them.

"When you arrive in Solitude, get the kids to the house immediately and leave them in Lucy's care." she added "She's Gajeel's Housecarl in Solitude, Jarl Layla's daughter and is caring for the house while we're gone. I'm going to write to Jarl Layla the Heartfillia and tell her what has happened. When you arrive, drop the kids off in Lucy's care and take the letter to Layla. It will ask her to boost guard activity and to not let any suspicious people into the city. Do not, tell the kids what is going on."

"You have my word." Lily promised.

"Levy," Gajeel ordered his wife "you're going with them."

"What?!" Levy replied "No way! Not only am I a Housecarl of your's that's sworn to protect you, but you're my husband! We've been a team for over a year! I'm not leaving your side one bit." Gajeel was touched by her words and hugged her tightly.

"Yer the best."

"You're my husband, I love you you big idiot." she leaned in and gave her husband a kiss.

The sun was rising the very next morning when they were getting their stuff into the carriage. It was snowing outside but thanks to Gajeel's abilities as Dragonborn, he managed to end the snow storm with a Clear Skies shout. The kids were woken up earlier than normal, and watched as Gajeel, Natsu, Levy and Lily packed up the carriage and prepared the horses. Wendy cuddled with her doll while Romeo let out a large yawn and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Gajeel and Levy were both decked out in their matching dragon armor and were getting ready to put their kids on the carriage.

"Here's the letter Lily." Levy said while handing the Kajiit the letter "I wrote it before the kids woke up. You remember what to do."

"Of course." Lily smiled.

"Mama," Wendy suddenly said "why aren't you coming with us?"

"Mama and Papa aren't going because something came up with the Dawnguard." Levy lied "We were called in last night to report for duty."

"How long will you be gone?" Romeo asked.

"For five weeks. Maybe six." Gajeel shrugged "Not even sure."

"You're going to Solitude for a vacation," Levy lied once again "Aunt Lucy will watch you, along with Natsu and Lily." knowing something was up but choosing not to say anything Romeo and Wendy hugged their adoptive parents, got into the carriage and left for Solitude with Natsu and Pantherlily. As they watched the carriage slowly fade in the distance, Gajeel and Levy quickly Fast Traveled to Windhelm Harbor to find the ship known as the Northern Maiden.

They arrived in Windhelm Harbor, looking for a ship called the Northern Maiden and learned it was easier said then done. All the ships looked a lot a like and made it difficult to pick which one was the Northern Maiden. After asking around, they learned the Northern Maiden was the one in the center and the captain was an Imperial man named Droy. They soon spotted the Imperial who was tall, heavy looking, and odd black hair cut and was chowing down on a chicken leg. Gajeel could swear he could hear the ship creak under this guy's weight he was that heavy. Without hesitation the married couple walked right over to him.

"Excuse me," Levy asked kindly "Are you the captain of this ship?" the captain looked up and he moment he spotted Levy, a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Y-yes I am." said Captain Droy "Why? Is a pretty woman like you looking for passage?"

"Hey pal!" Gajeel growled "That's my wife. You ain't touching her or I'll murder yer ass."

The Imperial paled at the sight of Gajeel and was shocked learning he was married to this beautiful Nord in front of him.

"We want you to take us to Raven Rock in Solsthiem." Levy explained. The Imperial paled to the point he was now begining to have beads of sweat drip down his face; he was frightened.

"A-are you insane?!" asked Captain Droy "I'm not going back there! You can't make me!"

"You ain't got a choice chump!" Gajeel growled.

"No! You don't understand!" he let out a sigh before continuing "Two days ago, people dressed in strange clothes came up to me wanting passage to Skyrim, before I could even give them an answer, I lost my vision and the next thing I knew, I woke up here in Windhelm docks with my ship and they were gone. It's not right to lose whole days like that. Strange things have been gong on on that island lately, I can't even explain it! But you won't make me go back there no matter what." Gajeel suddenly picked the Imperial up by the shirt and harshly threw him into the wall, giving Captian Droy a nasty glare.

"Those fuckers who you brought here tried to kill me and my wife!" Gajeel hollerd. His voice was so loud, the ground began to shake, Levy recalled that when he started out as Dragonborn, the ground would shake under the power of his voice when he lost his temper, it got better over time but Gajeel really must be pissed to lose control like this "Thanks to them my life and my family are in danger, and it's your fault because you helped them! You owe me!" frightened to the point he may actually pee his pants, Droy swallowed hard before looking Gajeel in the eye.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" he croaked out "I didn't know they intended to kill someone! I'll take you to Solsthiem immediately! Just please, don't hurt me!" Gajeel let the captain of the ship go who then began to order his men to prepare the ship; they were going to Solsthiem.

A day had passed since Gajeel confronted the captain of the Northern Maiden. Gajeel's head was lying on his wife's thigh and doing his best not to throw up. Problem with being Dragonborn was severe motion sickness. He had no problems with it before he discovered he was Dragonborn; but more powerful he got, the motion sickness got worse. Levy gently stroked Gajeel's hair as he did his best to keep whatever food was in his stomach still in there.

"We're here!" Captian Droy called out "I hope you can figure out what's going on here. Maybe these people can get some peace of mind." Levy looked up and soon spotted odd shaped buildings made of stone, clay and unknown substances. The arcitecture was obviously in the style Morrowind has their's (she knew from the books she's read over the years). There were plants scattered around that were not even native to Skyrim, the ground was a combination between ash and sand, the guards walking around the town were in odd looking armor and it was quite warm in this area, which was weird to Levy since she was used to the cold climates of Skyrim.

The ship ported in the dock and the Nords got off the ship, Gajeel heaved and breathed before letting whatever was in his stomach out on the side of the dock.

"Damn I hate this." Gajeel muttered while wiping his mouth. Just as he finished, a Dunmer walked over to the couple with a prestegious look to him.

"Pardon me," he began "but I've never seen you two around here before. I assume you're not from here so I hope you're both not here to cause trouble."

"We're here for a reason." Levy explained "We're looking for someone by the name of God Serena. Have you seen him?" The Dunmer looked at them in wonder and began to sound out the name.

"God Serena... I'm not sure... but I've heard that name somewhere! I know it sounds so weird, I never heard that name in my entire life but I know it somehow! It has something to do with the Earth stone... You best check that out."

"Thank you."

"Just remember, you're now in Morrowind Territory. No longer Skyrim, you're expected to abide by our laws."

"Yeah yeah whatever pal." Gajeel grumbled.

For the rest of the morning, Gajeel and Levy asked around town for the one called God Serena but they got the same reply that the Dunmer who greeted them gave them; they all heard of the name but weren't familiar with it, and it had something to do with the Earth stone. They asked for directions to the stone and soon found there way there. Gajeel and Levy stopped in their tracks and looked at what was before them, many people of the island working on the stone by adding odd ruins to them, all of them were in a trance and were saying the same mantra out loud:

"Here in his shrine.

That they have forgotten.

Here do we toil.

That we might remember.

By the night we reclaim.

What by day was stolen.

Far from ourselves.

He grows ever near to us.

Our eyes once were blinded.

Now through him do we see.

Our hands once were idle.

Now through them does he speak.

And when the world shall listen.

And when the world shall see.

And when the world remembers.

That world will cease to be."

Gajeel and Levy were unsure what to say about this before Gajeel found the correct words: "What the hell is this place?" as Levy looked around and she spotted a Dunmer with odd looking robes, pointed facial features (more pointed than normal Dunmers), reddish dark hair, purple colored lips and had another Dunmer next to him in lesser looking clothes. The robes the Dunmer was in were eccentric looking and very regal. Levy could tell he was someone of a high position. The Dunmer spotted Gajeel and Levy and made their way over to them.

"You there!" he called out "Why aren't you like the others?"

"We just fucking got here from Skyrim." Gajeel explained a bit harshly "Why the fuck ain't you like these bastards?"

"I see. Well, unlike these poor saps, I made myself immune to any form of control so the joke's on them! Anyway allow me to introduce myself: I am Jose. Head of house Porla and esteemed wizard of Morrowind."

"I'm Levy," Levy introduced "and this is my husband Gajeel." Gajeel grunted a hello to the wizard.

"So what are Nords from Skyrim doing out here?"

"Came here looking for some chump named God Serena." Gajeel explained. Jose looked at the couple in surprise at Gajeel's words.

"God Serena..." Jose expressed "Well, that's entirely impossible!"

"What do you mean?" Levy asked.

"Well, God Serena died over 1,000 years ago!" the two foreigners looked at the Dunmer with shock.

"The hell does that mean?!" Gajeel asked.

"I'm not sure... if you're looking for a man who died years ago... this is heavily unusual. Why are you looking for him?"

"He sent people to kill me! That's why!" Jose rubbed his chin with his hand hearing that.

"Interesting... If someone who passed away over 1,000 years ago sent people to kill you, it might have something to do with these poor idiots over here. I know he has a temple to west of here, you may wish to look into it." realizing this was their best lead the Nords thanked the Dunmer and went west to the temple.