Chereads / The Harvester / Chapter 404 - Reverse Ifrit

Chapter 404 - Reverse Ifrit

With her usual soft and impassive expression, Ceresta stared jealously at the unconscious form of Evelyn, currently getting a lap pillow from Rakna. The doll-like girl's eyes narrowed slightly as if to convey both her envy as well as her fascination for that very same new emotion.


"Well, that was fun," Alcina giggled as a few authorized guards from Old Eden entered the tower and repatriated the dead bodies as well as the spared members of the Jill family. 


"Hey, if the girl needs help developing her demonic powers, you can leave her in my care," the little girl added with a smirk.


"Back off my guild member," Enya scoffed. "I am more than enough to teach her."


"Heh," the Oni sneered. "You sure? Do you even understand what a True Devil is?"


"Don't even entertain the idea of being more knowledgeable than I," the sorceress narrowed her eyes derisively. "I could give you a hundred different ways to kill your race on a genetic level. I'd be willing to bet that you don't even know ten of those."


"Hmph, arrogant bitch. Can you even actuate any of those shitty theses of yours?"


The two women glared at each other, a very tangible clash of aura filling the air, which was enough for even Rakna to grunt, though it was nothing he couldn't breeze through.


"Hey, calm down now," Cain spoke up with a placating smile. "Fighting has never led anywhere in our council. You'll just tire yourself out."


"I suggest you listen to him," Azheim added calmly and the two girls huffed and looked away from each other. "Now, it is about time, isn't it?" He nodded. "Does anyone here need elaboration about the recent 'Global Quest'?"


Immediately, the tension in the air peaked and, without exception, all members began to pay much more attention to their surroundings. Even Kryas sat up with a sigh.


"Hm, I would like to hear a few details," Karvienth said. "Unlike Hosts and Locals, we Wilden have not received any prompt enlisting us in a war. We received a warning, at best. On the other hand, I heard there was additional information on your side that went further than that."


Azheim nodded at the dragon and subsequently eyed both Rakna and Karyu. "The Beast Emperor has indirectly provided us with information about the Abyss Empress through the Wolf Matriarch, Lucrecia Alt Lupus."


"I met Karaskan," Rakna decided to explain and a few people scowled at him. "He spoke of both the Empress' power, which might surpass Eternal Night's, as well as a 'legend' potentially capable of being our weapon against her."


"…can we even trust the words of the Mad God?" Koden, the cloaked lich, countered. "The news of your relationship with the Kind Demon has even reached the Wilden territories. Why would you put any value in the words of your uncle's worst enemy?"


"Because he's precisely my old man's worst enemy," the therian retorted. "I met the guy; I figured out the kind of bastard he was at first sight. People like him do not lie because they know the truth hurts more," he stated flatly. 


"Well, I believe you for one," Cain casually raised his voice and everyone looked at him. He didn't even blink at the attention and glanced at his comrade. "What about you, Kamiria? You lived in the Celestial Plateau for a while. Do you have an opinion of Karaskan?"


The Goddess of Steel narrowed her eyes and viewed Rakna with a cold gaze. "The Mad God… is not an evil being. He is wicked; madness itself. Evil deceives, but madness is honest. That's all you need to know."


Hans quietly snickered at that, but otherwise, everyone was mostly silent about it. Azheim sighed again, lamenting to himself that every meeting was as stale as this one.


"If nobody has anything else to say, I will start recounting everything we know…"

* * *

For the next fifteen minutes, Azheim divulged everything known about the situation. Starting with what Meuro truly was, the Abyss Téra's power, the Scorpions and Vampires' treachery, the Grafted found in Plateau Zero, the 'Miracle Story', and finally the goals of both the Abyss Empress and the Phantasms. Of which the latter was 'generously reiterated', as per his own words, by Hans.


"The Realm Synchronization, huh?" Cain muttered faintly, but everyone heard him since there was not a single person around without transcendental senses. The tone in which he had said it seemed almost forlorn.


"Cain…?" Kamiria showed uncharacteristic worry.


"Haha, it's nothing," the first ranker shook his head. "The motives on every side… the desperation sort of reminded me of a few sad things," he explained with a strained smile.


"…" Hans squinted at the allegedly strongest man here. "{Xiorra,}" he called through telepathy and the therian acknowledged it with a grunt.


"{I know,}" Rakna responded; Crystal Sight glowing under a layer of Eye of Symphony. He hadn't gone as far as trying to peer into Cain's status and contented himself by observing the aura that surrounded him. "{He's not like you or King Gulon, but there's something similar… alien.}"


"{At least, we agree,}" the azure-haired boy hummed. "{Even I fail to read his essence. There may be unknown circumstances blocking my sight. Hm, Cain Unsworth… and Eden.}"


"{Yeah, I had noticed that one,}" Rakna snorted in amusement. "{How literally we should take it is the question. What do you think?}"


"{Nothing much,}" Hans deadpanned. "{I do not care about the mysteries of the System. If you want an answer, I suggest you either bide your time or simply go ask the man himself.}"


The therian rolled his eyes. 'Of course,' he thought to himself and glanced at Cain again. 'I guess I'll just wait and see...'


"With that said," Azheim picked the conversation back up. "Putting aside the Ghoul King's eventual answer, I would also like to organize a raid of Nesslyria's territory. If we are to believe Karaskan's claims, then swiftly dealing with at least the Vampires is our best course of action."


Ulquiel raised his hand. "If it's against the vampires, the Church will contribute. Nesslyria has been a thorn in our side for a while now anyway."


Kryas lazily opted in. "I'll put in the resources for the raid."


Azheim nodded. "Thank you. Who else here is willing to participate?"


Cain, Zialtra, Rakna, and Cura all mutely raised their hands. Although the therian had yet to reach the Plateau where Nesslyria's territory resided, the 650th, he could easily rush the Trials. Getting there in time for the raid was feasible, unless too many trials forced him to waste long periods of time to complete.


'Hm… I could ask Eva,' Rakna thought. 'As a special case, maybe she can temporarily allow me entry to an upper Plateau.'


Meanwhile, Merlina and Lux seemed to be awaiting Ensis to say something, but since the elderly warrior abstained from saying anything, they also held their tongue.


Aside from the Hosts, Karvienth lifted one claw and waggled his wings. "I'm in," the dragon simply said. "There aren't many on our side who like Nesslyria. Well, maybe except all the lovers she takes for herself," he snickered.


Rakna sweatdropped. 'How bad is she that nobody here has qualms raiding her territory?'


"I will naturally aid in whatever the Kind Demon's Kin demands of me," Fiora placed her hand over her chest as if she was swearing allegiance. The smile on her face was full of happiness at being able to display her loyalty.


Lacros Hortensia smiled wryly at the behavior of his Basilica's founder.


"Hm…" Lanata pursed her lips. "Then, me too, I guess," she smiled sheepishly.


"My presence is required along His Majesty to collect the Miracle," Hans said whilst pointing at Gul with his chin. "Since I have pledged my assistance, I shall obviously come." 


Several council members immediately stared at the young-looking boy, still unsure of what he was since he hadn't bothered to explain his origins whilst describing the Phantasms.


"I'll see if I can place bounties," Ratten interjected. "I can try to send a merchant to bribe a vampire willing to betray their Queen as well. Though chances are she holds more than social control over them."


Azheim acquiesced, "Please do. Anything can help. Qing Yue and I will be contributing to the battle. And there are chances I can convince Vanren to help."


"Ah, that insane guy," Zialtra deadpanned to whom the name referred.


The mediator could slump in defeat. "Yes, I can't deny that," he conceded. "But despite his oddities, he's still one of the strongest Locals we have. For obvious reasons, he will have a personal stake in this battle, and his power will be more than welcome."


"Hm, so? When can we expect the raid to start?" Isael spoke from next to his brother.


"To give us the time to prepare and gather more strategic information, let's settle for thirty days at least," Azheim declared. "I will have the System deliver a message to all of you."


"One moment," a synthetic and mechanical voice sounded and everyone turned toward the large robotic figure of Orion. "Eva's announcement of the 'Forefront Plateau'… do none of you have data on the matter?" He asked. "It could affect the plan depending on what she intends to do in regard to this 'war'."


"Hm, he has a point," Alcina mused out loud. "What did Eva mean by remodeling Plateau Zero? She also announced it at the same time as the Global Quest, so there must be a connection, no?"


"Based on the name…" Lux muttered. "Could it be something like a battlefield? Or a gathering point for those willing to fight against the Téra?"


"Should I seek a meeting with Eva?" Azheim suggested.


"Let me do that," Rakna calmly said. "I'm probably closer to that brat than most of you. I'll ask her myself since I have a few things to talk about with her either way."


The Old Elden mayor looked at him in surprise but, after a bit of contemplation, nodded. "If that's the case, go ahead. Please relay anything of note to me afterward."


"Sure. I'll go see her tomorrow or a bit later. I'd like to rest after the mess with Kratos," the therian shrugged. "Until then, there's still plenty of groundwork to be done, isn't there?"


"That's understandable," Azheim smiled. "On that note, this meeting is adjourned," he stated and stood up, rolling his stiffened shoulder. "You can leave the Myth Tower at will. If you stay for more than an hour, you will be automatically ejected," he said, mostly for Rakna.


He then quickly turned around to leave, but not before calling out a pair of names. "Sariel, Hybran; meet me in Old Eden, we have to discuss," he said and waved over his shoulder at everyone before vanishing from the grass field entirely.


The remaining Locals were the first to exit, with Gaelius bidding goodbye to Rakna. Qing Yue also wordlessly bowed to the therian as if to show her respect before disappearing.


"Ey, time to go then," Karvienth nonchalantly exclaimed as he hopped to his feet. The tiny dragon used his tail to salute while Koden silently left. "It was nice meeting you, Beast Emperor. See you soon," he grinned and vanished from the spot, though, unlike the others, it was as if he had dashed out of view instead of being teleported out of the Myth Tower's dimension.


Amongst the Hosts, Ratten, Orion, Ghura, Kryas, and Enya directly headed out. The latter did greet both Ceresta and Astraea beforehand but also gave Rakna one last glare as well.


"That woman… she looks at me as if I had insulted her whole bloodline," Rakna muttered, standing up and hoisting Evelyn in his arms.


"Hehe, she's just petty," Alcina said as she approached him. The Oni's height became much clearer when standing next to the therian. The tip of her horns barely reached above his waist. "Also, you got an interesting one over here," she said and tip-toed a bit to observe the newly born Half-Ifrit.


"You claimed to be able to help her, right?" Rakna inquired and she raised an eyebrow.




"Do you have some advice?"


"Well…" The Oni tapped her chin. "She's Half-Devil for one. Since being a Devil signifies embodying a certain aspect of vice or spite, the non-devil half can be quickly overwhelmed. In which case, you find yourself with a case of acute demonic blight. It's not pretty."




"Interestingly, this girl is a unique case. If she was half-human, half-devil, it would have been hard for the former to handle the Infernity. But instead, in her case, she was a Cambion and then turned into a Phantom after death. Her human half became a spirit. Today, her demon half evolved into a true Devil physique. And what brought it on was her spirit half evolving into an Ifrit."


"Ifrits are classified as Spirits, and more specifically, Specters," she said. "Their birth usually occurs after death. An outer part of the soul, filled with willpower or lingering emotions, detaches itself from the bigger whole and then materializes itself into a new physical body."


Alcina then pointed at Evelyn. "By any chance, does she have a mutated form of 'Blackening' as a Nirvana Skill or something?"


"I couldn't tell you for sure," Rakna shook his head. "It awakened today. But from what I've seen, it must have been something similar to that."


"Hm… I suppose it makes sense. Blackening is defined by an explosion of corrupted emotions. This process normally extracts the core of a soul, permanently harming it. However, your girl survived thanks to her Nirvana Skill, and the 'soul explosion' was repurposed."


"The core of her soul became a physical body instead of the outer parts…" Rakna voiced out.


"Yep," Alcina waved a finger. "It's like… a 'Reverse Ifrit'. Instead of expanding the soul into a body, it collapsed on itself and used its insides to make a body. 'Blackened Ifrit' sounds nice too. But that aside, the next step caused her demon half to evolve into a Devil."


"A burst of Infernity, isn't it?" The therian interjected with a self-affirming nod. "Her collapsing soul essentially ended her life in a way. But her emotions started making a vessel for herself and she unwittingly imitated the way a Devil is born by embodying her malevolent urges."


"Exactly!" Alcina smirked. "You're pretty smart!"


Rakna snorted. "Thanks, I suppose."


"The combination of Ifrit and Devil is one I've never heard before, but it could work," the Oni added with a pensive hum. "Ifrits are creatures of Arcane. They wield 'sentiments' to create a branched-out school of Soul Magic. Devils embody a 'sentiment' and source their power from it. It's a perfect combination in a way."


"Though…" Alcina's eyes glowed as she took a peek at Evelyn's status. "As a Hybrid, she needs to be careful handling her Aspect. She might lose her sanity otherwise."


"Her Aspect, you say…" Rakna also checked the half-devil with Crystal Sight. "Is it… 'Lust'?"


"Heh, apparently," Alcina chuckled. "Lucky or unlucky, I don't know. I would have pegged her to be a Devil of Vengeance or Wrath, but she ended up with Lust. Not a bad thing. Cardinal Devils are not weak."


"But how…?"


"Lust comes in many forms, you know?" The Oni grinned ominously. "Carnal pleasure is one thing for sure, but there are more. In this case, the cause was simple. Beyond her want for revenge and her fury, her mind was far more overtaken by the sheer pleasure of torturing the target of either."


"…well, damn," Rakna didn't know what to say to that.


"Oh, cheer up!" Alcina smiled sweetly. "It's easier to 'satisfy' than the other two! Just get her some good time in bed or let her torture a few people once in a while! Easy, right?"


"…" The therian's expression twitched.


Ceresta, Astraea, Zialtra, and Hans collectively stared at him, blankly and judgingly. Rakna groaned and briefly glanced at Evelyn's peaceful sleeping face with a strange expression.


'…I'm kinda scared of when she wakes up now…'


"{Look at the bright side of things,}" Fray chimed. "{You have Lust Magic. As it stands, your sexual compatibility with her is exceptional!}" He stated with a mirthful tone. "{You can make her devil half stronger; it's a match made in Heaven! Oops… my apologies, I meant in Hell.}"



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