When I was working for some time I haven't paid attention to what is happening around me and I take only breaks to use the bathroom as I drank a lot of tea. When I was doing it I needed one longer break to use the bathroom and after it, I continue working. As I was doing it someone come inside of my office and when I haven't looked at who it is Mei said aloud "I need your help".
"What is happening," I said to her while stopping working and saving my files.
"do you have still this dress," she said, and then she shows me one dress I have but like most of mine I haven't worn but I take it to my new place as I wanted to have it with me as its nice black dress to some occasions. While I looked at it I said "yes".
"Can I borrow it?" she asked.
"Oh, your chest is too small to show up this dress good," I said.
"Oh, shut up I will help myself with it," Mei said while looking at me.
"Yes, I can but you need to come with me," I said.