I could feel somebody grabbing my arm...
I got pulled inside the car and I almost passed out, because of how scared I was. I looked at the kidnappers. It was.. "Isamu?" I said. He was really, like REALLY pissed at me. "Why the hell are you still out there? Did you know what could have happened to you if I wasn't there?!" He was shouting at me. "I'm sorry.. " I said. I know he would still be angry, but at least I apologized? He hugged me. I was shocked. "I'm sorry for shouting at you.. I was just worried.". "Mr. Tae-young, should we catch the man?", "What kind if question is that?! Of course, and send him to jail!", "Yes sir!"
The man got arrested.
Where is my mother?
"She won't pick it up.." I said and sighed. She has never done this before. It's weird. "Can you drive me home?" I asked. He said okay. We started driving, Isamu and I were sitting in the back together. "Isamu..?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes. He was shocked "What happend? Are you okay?", "I'm scared if something happend to my mother.." I was shaking, I was scared. Isamu could see that I was scared, so he moved into me and kissed my forehead, "it's gonna be alright, Kat." He smiled at me. I leaned closer to him. He hugged me.
When we arrived at my home.. Something was off. The car wasn't home. "That's weird. She should be here.", "Hey Kat! Look over here. I found some paper." Itook the paper and read it. It said:
Kazumi Sumiko. I'm leaving back to New York. Also with your father. We will live happily and rich. See you when you are successful.
- Mom and dad
I was so shocked and then I started crying. I falled down. "Kat! Wh-what's wrong?!" Isamu was worried. "They left me.. "
"Mother, why..? "