Zane took me to the future with Pixel and I Future Zane told me that I'd become a Mystic Art Master and Zane would become a Master Assassin. Christmas ended, and I met some friends who spent the New Year's Eve with me. Zane, Goldie, Marine and Pixel. We had lots of fun. A few days passed, and I found out what Zane's and Pixel's life was like. Pixel gave me a gift and I was so happy that I gave him a big hug. Then to return the favor, I planned on giving him a necklace that was similar to mine but colour blue. I went to the future and asked Future Zane about Pixel's future.
Future Zane: His future is horrible. His insane self broke free and killed thousands of citizens. He felt bad for what he did, so he locked himself away from people for their safety.
Ariettey: Do you have any evidence of this?
Future Zane: Just one *Shows him the picture that was torn in two*
The right half of the picture says "DON'T FIND ME" and the other half says "I'M SORRY"
I became speechless and I didn't want it to happen. So I gave the evidence back and I went to the hills. When I came by to his house, he barricaded himself. He was always a depressed boi.
I teleported in the house and I hugged him tight while the darkness overshadowed me. It was getting hard to see by seconds but I still didn't let Pixel go. Then I began to sing to keep him calm like I always did. The darkness disappeared and sunlight began to shine through the cracks of the barricaded windows. He fainted and I tucked him in bed. I made the necklace and wrapped it up. Pixel woke up.
Pixel: What are you doing?
Ariettey: *Gives him a gift*
Pixel opened it and had a big smile on his face. He hugged me and was so happy. He wore the necklace. And then, some random stuff happened.
Now you're at my present time! Yay!