Chereads / Reincarnated as the Fated Villain / Chapter 62 - Chapter 17: The Theurgist

Chapter 62 - Chapter 17: The Theurgist

Chapter 17: The Theurgist.

I minutely glance down to look at the new pair of shoes I bought and can't help but feel somewhat thrilled. I can't believe a new footwear can make me feel this hyped.

Or maybe it's just the contagious lively ambiance the streets of Ak'hilheim is to blame.

We were currently walking by the main roads of the city. I still feel so compelled to observe everything around me as if it was my first time. Though the first time I did came here, I was inside a body of a boy because of the runic stone I consumed. And now, I'm disguised as a boy to hide from those who are looking for me. Maybe this city is like a checkpoint for some diety, making sure I am a boy every time I stay here. That would be crazy if it's true.

Most people in the streets are dressed in multi cultural garments and equipments apt for traveling. Some uses plain hoods, some cloaks, and some turbans. Weapons and shields are worn like a common accessory. There are many different races too. I've never seen Demi's inside the continent but there are plenty of them roaming Ak'hilheim.

Ak'hilheim is the grand port city of the southermost Kingdom. It's where the warden of the south lives. He's called Sultan Ulf of House Rahn, father of my friends Ifrit and Maru. I met them from our adventures here few months ago when I was travelling with my brother. So that's me, Aeron, Levi and...



Was there another one with us?

I lifted my eyes and saw Aide glancing left to right. She's leading the way. We are supposed to look for an inn. Scias on the other hand is fanning himself with a paper fan he randomly bought few moments ago from some street vendors. He's sweating as much as I am.

That's another interesting thing about Ak'hilheim. Their seasons in this part of the continent seems to be different from the rest. It's suppose to be winter season but the heat of the weather today is immense! I can feel the sting of the sun as though I am boldly bathing wide open to the scorching rays of daylight without any garb or any means of protection, when in fact I'm wearing a hood, a wig, and other multi layers of clothes underneath. Added that my chest is tightly wrapped in bandages. Damn, this is torture!

It's hella windy though but even the breeze felt warm. I don't get it why it feels like we're in the middle of a desert or something yet in reality this city is actually located near the seas.

A shadow minutely rolled by, casting a temporary shade. I gaze up at the sky and saw an airship idly passing from above us. There were also birds flying around it, as if they wanted the shade as well. I can't blame them though. It's so hot today. I sweep my eyes pass the airship and to the vast azure sky with its almost nonexistent clouds hovering. It's quite peaceful here. I wonder how Greenrun is...?

Will they be okay with the rot unresolved?

... at least the progress of the rot would become slower without me.

Aide turned in a corner and suddenly pointed at an inn. "Let's check-in there and wait for the others!"

"FINALLY! I thought I was being sun dried like a freakin tomato." Scias muttered, "What is up with this weather?!"

He threw me a look as if I could answer his inquiry. I just shrugged, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Well you live in this continent, you might have answers."

"I'm from Greenrun..." I grumbled, "And I don't really control the weather. We're all dark magus here."

"Wow, you're as stingy as the weather." he stated in exasperation. "You used to be so nice!" He says in a feign sob.

I can't help but to chuckle. "I'm sorry, Scias. I didn't mean it that way!"

"Enough making a scene, Scias. Let's just head in!" Aide says as we proceeded towards the said inn.

We all went to the front desk and she paid for a room. Aide turned to us and showed the room key. "We'll wait for Faram in here." says she, spinning the keys in her index finger before she tossed it up and then grasp at it. "I'm sure Emis is looking for us by now. We sho—!"

Aide is cut off by a sudden commotion coming from the outside. I can see the streets going restless from the windows.

We all glanced at Scias.

"Hey! I didn't do anything!" He scowled. "Let's check it out though!" he added, heading towards one of the windows. We followed after him and gaze outside.

A battalion of soldiers are seen marching the streets like a procession of sort, with flagmen leading the pace and holding red and black banners.

I looked closer to the crest on their banners and realized I know that crest! It's house Morlock.

"The Osteell Empire." I murmured.

"Them again?!" Scias grunted.

Behind the battalions are iron automobiles, about six of them. For sure, Levi is in one of those automobiles. People on the streets immediately made way as the men marched forward and perhaps towards the Palace of the Sultan.

I tagged my cloak lower, unknowingly, and stepping a little more to the side from the windows.

I appreciate how Levi is on the move to look for me but...

I don't want to be found.

"What the fuck?" Scias gasps, "It's those weird stuff again!"

I abruptly glanced at Scias and saw him gazing at the far end of the parade. Suddenly shadows were casted to the windows. I looked back and saw military looking automobiles passing by in front of the inn, and covering the view of the sun; pulling behind them are gigantic machines covered in white linen. They intimidatingly stood about twenty feet tall.

Dozens of them.

And after thinking that was everything, four massive and long container trucks followed the parade.

They look out of place.

This is clearly a grand demonstration of Osteell Empire's military prowess.

For a world almost dependent only in innate magic, those machines seems like a threat. I wonder what my uncle say about it?

Does he even knows Osteell are manufacturing such things?

Oh god, Levi. What are you planning to do with those machines?

"Looks like you're fiancé arrived and ready to kill the four of us." Scias scoffed, perching by the wall next to the window; he crossed his arms together.

He turns his focus at me and smirked. "Whatcha' planning to do now?"

"Hide. I don't want to go back yet." I answered with conviction.

Scias nodded and closed his eyes in a sigh, "Good to know!" he grins and reaches for my head and patted it vigorously.

"Shit! The security checkpoints at the airship ports would be tighter for sure." Aide growled, grinding her teeth tightly. "Change of plans! We need to regroup." Aide walked away from the windows, "Aerra, you go ahead and wait for us upstairs." She tossed the room key over to me. "I will go look for Faram."

"I'll find Emis then." Scias says as he unwinds his arms.

I caught the keys by a hand and just watched Scias as he walked away and step outside the inn.

"Give me your hand a sec." Aide stretched an open hand forward. I placed my right hand on it and she closed it between both of hers. Slowly, I felt a tingling sensation at the back of my hand. "This is just a temporary mark. It won't mean anything unless everybody approved, but with that we will be able to at least track you if ever we get separated. Don't take it off with your Null, ya' got that?"

She releases me and I saw an emblem at the back of my hand.

I nodded.

"If you try to take that off, I'll take it that you're leaving the group."

"I won't! I promise." I beamed at her.

Aide smiled. "I... trust in you, kid." She pats my head.

"See you later!"

I walked the opposite direction, paused and looked over my shoulder.

I saw Aide walking out the main door.

Aide is very kind.

I climbed the stairs and soon found the hallway where the rest of the rooms are found. I looked at the key and began to search for our assigned room.


I pondered about the Osteell Empire's arrival

I pondered about the Osteell Empire's arrival.

Such a dreadful display...

For now, Levi might have brought those soldiers and machines for the search.

Search for me—

I feel bad for hiding from him. He might feel so upset thinking I've been kidnapped by the Ouboros the second time around.

I wonder...

Should I face him and tell him to stop?

I'm not sure how strong those machines will be against the Ouboros mercenaries, but just thinking Levi is going all out for the intent of hunting down or even annihilating the Ouboros entirely is something I can't accept.

I hope I'm wrong.

I opened the room indicated in the key and saw a vast room with three bunk beds. There are two windows in one side of the wall; an end table with a basin of water in one corner; a rectangular wooden table with six chairs; and at the far end of the room is a door that seems to lead to a balcony.

I sat at the edge of one of the beds and blankly stared at the parquet flooring.

If the search subsided, I wonder what Levi is planning to do with those machines...

Surely, he had those made for other reasons other than to search for his 'kidnapped' fiancée.

—ex fiancée, that is.

Levi must be really worried by now though...

Setting aside the titles, he's my childhood friend.

Even before all of these Ouboros stuff began, it was just us twins and him playing and spending most of our lazy afternoons together...

He is the first friend we ever had.

Our first playmate.

Our first childhood friend.

I sighed and stood up.

If I keep thinking about these stuff I might end up convincing myself to face Levi.

I don't want to break my word, I already told Scias I will hide.

I headed to the other door and opened it. True enough, it opens into a small balcony that enabled me to see the streets from below.

Unlike the roads over the bazaar and certain districts, the roads below don't have those canopy of cloths hanging above from one building to another. I believe this is the main road, maybe that's why.

I looked ahead and caught a glimpse of the Sultan's Palace at the farthest end of the road.

That's where Maru and Ifrit live.

I sighed some more.

I'm turning my back to all my friends for the sake of this journey.

I looked up

as the dry winds blew, calming the heat of the scorching sun that's blasting at me.

I squinted as I gaze at the clear blue skies.

The weather is beautiful though.

I should stop thinking about complicated things and just live the moment.

At least with this decision of leaving Greenrun, my parents could live. And I won't have the most important people in my life get hurt.

I nodded at the thought of that and smiled contentedly.

'Yeah, I need to look at the positive things more.'

I hear a soft thud to my side.

I turned to it and surprisingly, I saw someone.

A young boy is standing on a balance over the baluster railings of the balcony.

He wore a brown torned hood and a white mask that only covered the upper half of his face. There's a symbol of a vertical eye on the mid-forehead part of the mask. And a red scarf tied around his neck with a design of a white diamond shaped patches embroidered in them in such a way that it seemed like its a grinning mouth.

He squats down, facing me; only the half of his feet is on the baluster, his soles are arched up on a balance; and then he tilted his head to the side, studying me.

"Oh—! Sorry, wrong room!" he says, suddenly smiling profoundly. He doesn't look apologetic at all. I can see his short but sharp canine teeth jutting out from the rest. Does he belong to some other race I haven't yet heard of? I wonder...

"Have a nice day!" and off he shoots himself up high in midair, then lands at the rooftop of the building where my sight can't reach.

Weird, I thought.

Hmm. The mask has that sense of Ouboros in it though...

Well if he is, I bet I'll meet him some other time.

I shrugged and shook the thoughts off.

I raised and looked at the back of my hand where the reddish-black tattoo Aide made is seen. I wonder if this is the emblem of Ouboros or something.

I decided to head back in.

So I turned around and stepped back inside, closing the door behind me.

Maybe I should take a nap while waiting for the others.

Suddenly, knocking sounds are heard coming from the door that leads to the balcony.

I turned around

and reached for the doo—

—BAM!!! 💥



—Yo! What're ya doing kneeling behind the door?" someone stoops before me

just when I fell on my knees after being sent flying to the wall when the door swung full open.

"I WASN'T KNEELING! YOU THREW ME TO THE WALL!" I retorted, scowling.

"If I threw you to the wall then why are you on the floor?"

I glared at the guy, kinda annoyed.

Ah. It's the same guy awhile ago!

The guy squatted down to level his eyes with mine then took his hood off, showing a mahogany-red colored hair. He slides his mask up like a headband, revealing his face with his vivid obsidian-colored eyes. He has a huge white dangling feather earring on his right ear and another, but smaller, feathers clipped at the side of his head. Multi coloured beads covered a bundle of his hair near his left ear, it somehow looks like a bracelet the way the beads are stocked together like that.

There's a small symbol, a tattoo, under his right eye, it's a familiar symbol from this world's second set of writing system. If translated, it means FIFTH.

Ouboros' fifth member???

My eyes sweeps down at the huge emblem on his shirt, just underneath the scarf of sort. It almost resembles the one at Aide tattooed at the back of my hand, but not quite. His symbol is encircled while mine has a longer line protruding from the bottom part of the circle.


"Hmm... I can't be mistaken. I can smell it!" He muttered to himself, sniffing in midair.

He did mentioned Aide's name few seconds ago. Maybe he's referring to the tattoo Aide left me with.

"You mean you can smell this?" I raised my hand and showed my tattoo.

I can see genuine shock in his face.

But then it softens just as soon as his eyes widened. "Wooah. Cool!"

He sweeps his eyes at me. "Whose apprentice are ya?"

"Faram." I said simply.

His brows raised, "Really?!? Are you sure? You mean the silver-haired guy with pale complexion and vermillion eyes, right? The one who doesn't talk much but has a sharp-tongue; he can be very abusive with his silence; and he broods like the world weighs on his shoulders? —that Faram?"

The stranger moved closer, I just noticed... when he curls his lips widely into a smile, he reminds me of a cat. He has upturned nose too. He's cute but his expansive reactions and energy is somewhat... too much.

I mean, sure Eriol is playful and lively too but he's actually level-headed most of the time rather than a vibrant airhead like the aura this stranger gives off.

"Helloooo???" the stranger waves his hand in front of my eyes. "Do we have the same definition of Faram?"

I snapped out of it and nodded fervently to reply.

"Amazing! So he took in an apprentice after all! And I thought Stray would bear that symbol."

Stray. That... sounds familiar.


I feel like I have heard that before... think, Aerra. Think!

"You... do know your nose is bleeding, right?" he murmured, pointing at my face.

I abruptly reached for my nose and realized he was right! Maybe it's from getting hit by the door directly to my face awhile ago. My pain tolerance has dramatically increased that's why I don't feel pain despite my bleeding nose.

I began to earnestly wipe it off.

The guy laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! What were you thinking about Faram, you perv!"


"I wasn't thinking anything like that!!!"

He reached and pinched my nose. "Hold it like this, otherwise the blood won't stop, y'know!"

"Oh... t-thanks"

Wait. Why am I thanking him?

It's his fault my nose is bleeding in the first place!

"So if you're not having a nosebleed because of Faram then..." he gasps, as if realizing something.

Suddenly his cheeks flushes.

Ugh, why do I have a bad feeling about this?

I watch him stand up as I just sat on my heels, while pinching at my nose to stop the bleeding.

He rubs his nape bashfully, then turns his head away, "This... this is the first time someone nosebleeds for staring at me..." he says shyly. He then turns to me and smiled, "I'm not really sure what to feel since it's from a boy... but— Thanks, I guess!"

(≖_≖) ꐦ

I want to hit this guy...

I bolted up and faced him, "I was hit by the door because of you!" my voiced peaked few pitches than intended.

He frowns. "Oh..."

I sighed in relief as he just scratch his cheek, "That's just careless. I did knock though! Everybody knows it's not safe standing in front of a door..."

That's not universal knowledge, I thought. Apparently, I need to take note of that if it's him on the other side.

"Well, it's alright! Everyone learns from their mistakes! Next time you know! Doors are dangerous!" He shows me a thumbs up, "Cheer up!"

I just glared at him deadpan.

Something is wrong with this guy's head.

I just sighed in defeat and sat at the nearest bed.

"So, where's your master?" he asks, following after me.

"Faram went to look for Claude" I answered, as he walked in front of me.

"Can I see that tattoo again?"

I showed it to him as he sat beside me and took my hand, inspecting it.

He began sniffing at it.

"Odd. You smell like a girl."

I flinched and straightened my back.

Wait. How exactly can he define a girl's smell? That's just creepy.

I pulled my hand away from him.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jin! I'm the youngest member of Ouboros!" He points a finger at the tattoo of FIFTH seen under his eye, just by his right cheekbone.

He grins profoundly, offering a hand, "And you are?"

I took his handshake and replied,

"I'm Aerrandria. My friends call me Aerra but Faram calls me as Ri."


I nodded. "He said my entire name is too mouthful so he—"

"Riri!" Jin interrupted.

"No, just Ri."

"But it's too short. It sounds better with Riri! Rrrrrri–riiih! Riri? Ruhri... Rrr... Huh? It's kinda difficult to say Riri all the time after all. It feels like my tongue is itchy from rolling and vibrating. I'll just call you Aerra instead!" He laughs light-heartedly, showing his sharp canine teeth. He seems so innocent and pure when he smiles so bright like that...

His cheerfulness is kinda contagious too...

I can't win against this guy.

"Fine. Call me whatever you want..."

He nods, "So Aerra, where is Aide?"

He reaches over to my cloak. "You really smell like a girl" he murmured almost gibberish, poking the lock of my cloak.

I ignored it and answered his inquiry, "Aide went off to search for Faram. She decided to regroup when the Osteell Empire arrived few minutes ago."

"And the other two?"

"Scias went to look for Emis. We kinda went in a different direction after eating."

He chuckled, "Got into a fight again, I bet. Emis attracts unwanted attention when she eats in a tavern. She eats a lot. And saying 'a lot' is an understatement! Oh, and can you raise your hands up please? Thanks!"

I can't help but to chuckle too while raising both my arms. "Yeah, I agree. But Emis can handle herself so it's— WAIT, WHY AM I GETTING STRIPPED?!?"

I sprung up to my feet, grabbing my cloak which I didn't notice he was able to remove already. He was halfway taking my shirt off!

Good thing I have another layer of clothing underneath.

"I just wanted to check if you're really a girl!" he says, beaming at me.

"I am a girl!!!" I rubbed my temples. This guy is unbelievable.

"Oho! I knew it! Relax. I just wanted to make sure my senses aren't playing tricks on me!" And then he cackled in glee.

But my name alone already sounds like a girl...

He doesn't seem to be perverted though, in fact he just seem innocently stupid.

An airhead.

Or a single-minded and impulsive young lad with a bright smile.

I can't even get annoyed at him for too long...

So I just sighed in defeat.

"Don't undress people just to check their gender..."

He tilted his head to the side curiously, "How should I check then?"

"You don't!"

"Ehhh? But I'm curious..."

I ran my hand across my face.

"Oh I know!" he quickly stood up and placed his hands on my chest.


"See, this doesn't really check if you're a girl or a guy. It's flat!" He began to pat it around, "There's nothing he—!"



I blinked my eyes and realized my hand had turned to black with all its black veins popping out.

I looked around and saw Jin across the room and face-planted on the walls near the windows.

"Sorry!" I strode towards him.

He laughs while adjusting his jaws back in place, "You have a good strength in you! That's good! I like you already!"

"Are you okay?" I asked as he slides down and abruptly sat up with crossed legs on the floor, "I'm fine! But hey! I'm looking forward in having a match with you someday!" he stated, beaming at me.

I knelt to the floor just a little beside him. "You seriously should stop goofing around, Jin." I took my wig off and my hair flowed down. "I'm just wearing this disguise for a reason."

"Disguise? Hmm. Let me guess..."

I watch him tap his temple with an index finger as he rest his elbow to his other hand which was folded across his chest. "You're hiding from some people... because of your powers, yes? Because if you're part of Faram's group then I assume you must be a Dark Magus like the rest of them. And in this weird cult-like continent, magi that controls such powers are considered taboo!"

Impressive, I thought.

"Not quite." I answered, "But it's something like that..."

He nodded, "I understand. You had it rough, huh? Good thing you decided to join us! We don't really have much rules here. The only thing you must keep in mind is to follow the rot!" Suddenly his eyes went circle "WAAAH!!! THE ROT!!! I almost forgot about that!!!"

He springs up to his feet and began to pace around while I tuck my wig back in place.

And then he switched his focused on me.

"Yo! Come with me! I need help with something. Quickly!" He grabs my wrist even before I could have said anything and dragged me along with him as he walked out the balcony.

"Wait. I was supposed to stay here and wait until Aide and the others return!" I tried to pull my hand away from him.

He turned to me, "There's not much time! It's our goal to make sure we to watch the rot! Otherwise the fragment will move into a different location! Claude will be sooo pissed at me if I lost it again! Argh!" he tousles his hair vigorously, looking so agitated.


He really seems to be in a pickle.

"Why do we have to watch the rot in the first place?" I murmured as he climbs on the balusters.

"Huh? It's Claude and Faram's main objective. It's why our group was created. Faram didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

"Well, ask him! For now, as part of Ouboros, you need to help me!" He stood up in a balance over the railing balusters then slides his index and thumb finger by his lips.

He blew a loud and sharp whistle that reverberated around.

Even the people below glanced our way.

"Come on, c'mon! We have to go!" He says, pulls his mask down from his head and wore it on more properly this time.

"I told Aide I'll wait here..."

"They will understand. This is important!" he argued persistently.

But... bad things tend to happen wherever I go. Is this wise? I wonder.

I took a deep breath and clenched my teeth.

"Don't worry, if the people looking for ya suddenly pops out I'll fend for ya'! I won't let anyone have you!"

I abruptly looked at him, as he flashes one carefree grin. Flustered at his words, I was left speechless.

"...Because if I don't I might as well die on the spot... Faram will hunt me down for sure! Hahaha!!! Hah... hah...ha... That guy is scarier than Claude!" he shivers as if remembering something bad.

Suddenly something screeched and a flapping sound is heard around.

I looked up and saw a... "A dragon?!" I gasped

"No, silly! She's just a wyvern! Dragons are ginormous!!! Oh... r-right! You don't have dæmon race and fiends in this continent... Anyway—! Her name is Naya. Beautiful, isn't she?" Jin stated as the wyvern flew down and hovered in alignment with the balcony.

"Dæmon race? There is such a thing?"

I can see people below are watching us.

Jin leaps up and lands to its back. "Jump!" He says, gesturing with his hand, "Time is running out. We'll talk about that later!"

I looked at the wyvern and I saw it focusing it's golden sharp eyes on me.


「You... you can hear, can't you?」

I can hear a voice inside my mind.

It's a woman's voice. Is it Naya?

I nodded at the wyvern, gingerly.

"Aerra!? Heeeyy! Are you spacing out again? Look, it's either I'll have Naya carry you with her feet or you can sit comfortably with me on her back. Your call!"

I paused and pondered.

Jin is going to 'watch' a growing rot. If I come with him, I might learn a thing or two about what they actually do with the rot without the need to ask Faram anymore...

"Don't blame me if I can't help you later on!" I told him and climbed the railings off the balcony. "Naya, I'll climb on your back. Is... is that okay with you?" I asked politely.

Naya nodded once in affirmation.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Jin was taken aback when I asked Naya for permission but then he smiled warmly as our gaze met.

I leaped up and landed behind Jin.

"Right! Now let's goooo!"
