We arrive home out of breath and ready for bed when, (Slenderman) " WTF!! WAS THAT!!! (Takes deep breath in) What are you? 😠" Grace "I..I Don't....." Slenderman "Maybe we should just kill you." (Grace is in shock) Masky "Leave her alone she just saved Our Lives." Slenderman storms off to his office. Grace "Th..Th..thanks masky." Masky "No problem." They al head to bed. (in her dreams) we are back with Water Lily (Lily), Rose, Flame and Windstorm (Storm). Lily " We should have taught you how to use your magic before giving you the crystal but it's a bit late now so might as well begin training." ( They spend hours at a time showing her different fighting techniques, defense mechanisms, and just cool tricks she can do with her magic.) The next morning, Toby " Grace get out of her and as far away as you can. (Toby is out of breath like you just ran here). Grace " No I'm done running from my fears." ( Grace storms down the stairs, or well tries at least, she don't have very much weight to her so it's not really a "storm" it's more of a quick run down the stairs she sees Masky and Hoodie trying to stop slender from going up the stairs) Slenderman "I've let you stay here long enough! NOW you either tell me what you are or I kill you!." Grace " I am a dreamwalker with the power of Darkness." To be continued