"The Uchiha Clan Head need not concern himself with this," Shimura Hiroshi gritted his teeth and replied.
With that, Uchiha Miyuki turned and escorted the three captured Shimura elders back the way he had come. These high-ranking Shimura members, tasked with liaising with Danzō's faction, were paraded through Konoha's bustling shopping district under Miyuki's deliberate arrangement. News of the arrest spread rapidly across the village.
Upon returning to the Konoha Military Police Force headquarters, Miyuki ordered the three captives to be interrogated. The mere mention of interrogating Shimura clansmen invigorated several skilled Uchiha interrogators. It would be a long night for the prisoners.
Miyuki, however, held no illusions about extracting confessions. The Shimura, especially those tied to Danzō, were die-hard loyalists. Even death wouldn't sway their allegiance.
But Miyuki's goal was simpler: *make an example of them*. The "chicken" had been slaughtered. Now, it was time to collect something tangible from the "monkey."
Miyuki waited in his office until nightfall before changing clothes and venturing alone into the village.
By midnight, Konoha's streets had quieted. Shops closed one by one. Outside the Yamanaka Flower Shop, a young blonde girl hummed softly as she carried potted plants indoors. Though still round-cheeked with youth, her beauty was unmistakable.
Approaching the shop, Miyuki caught the girl's attention. She turned, smiling sweetly. "Sorry, mister! We're closed!"
"Seems I'm late," Miyuki chuckled. "But might the young proprietress make an exception? I need flowers to honor my clansmen."
The girl—a certified connoisseur of handsome faces—lit up upon seeing him. "Of course! For memorials, cornflowers work! I'll grab fresh ones from the fridge!" She darted inside. "Yamanaka Ino" read the name on her apron.
"My thanks," Miyuki nodded.
A tall man emerged from the back. "Ino, head upstairs. I'll assist our guest."
Yamanaka Inoichi waited until his daughter left before addressing Miyuki. "The Uchiha Clan Head visits a flower shop this late… just for blooms?"
"Naturally. Those Sharingan recovered from Danzō… though we can't identify their original owners, they deserve proper rites," Miyuki replied.
"My condolences." Inoichi wrapped the cornflowers meticulously. "These are the Yamanaka's tribute to Uchiha heroes."
"Generous of you," Miyuki accepted the bouquet. "Your daughter's charming. I hear she's classmates with Fugaku's second son. Quite fond of him, they say."
Inoichi's gaze sharpened. "Childhood antics. Nothing more."
"How poetic—'childhood friends.' Perhaps our clans could formalize this bond?"
"They're too young for such discussions," Inoichi deflected coolly.
Unfazed, Miyuki continued, "You've led your clan well, Inoichi-san. Any advice for a new Clan Head?"
"My clansmen's trust is honor enough."
"Yet every clan has… *troublesome elements*." Miyuki's smile turned edged. "Today, we arrested a Root loyalist from your ranks. A 'Yamanaka Kaze.'"
Inoichi's eyes narrowed. "That traitor forfeited our name in Root. Deal with him as you will."
"Ah, but he *claims* he funneled 140 million ryō to your clan through Root." Miyuki leaned closer. "While I doubt Yamanaka integrity, Root's accounts *are* missing that sum. Perhaps you'll visit the Police HQ to clarify? For the Hokage's sake."
Inoichi's jaw tightened. "I'll come."
"Then I'll take my leave." Miyuki raised the flowers. "And convey my clansmen's gratitude… *again*."