Chereads / Careful Not To Break Reality / Chapter 180 - Chapter 45: Ring of Instability VS Amplifier

Chapter 180 - Chapter 45: Ring of Instability VS Amplifier

'And that is what you want?' Brakagi asked, returning the pistol back into the belt, 'why?'

'Well, my employer hired me to take you down, for a price.' Miss D shrugged uncaringly, 'but I am here, for the thrill. I am Miss D, D for danger!'

As she spoke the last word, Brakagi was actually the one approaching her first, as he dipped down before springing back up and charged towards Miss D, his artifact activated as his hands reached forward. Before he closed the distance between the two, Brakagi looked into the system level mapping of Miss D, and the loops and layers of enhancements even surprised himself. Her movements are obviously sharp ever since the first time Brakagi has his eyes on her, and her body is also carefully enhanced biologically.

It is obvious that whoever wants to take him out have prepared carefully for this, as it appeared the enhancements are a more recent addition to Miss D's body compared to the rest of her powers. She is extremely well trained in all of the aspects, and yet she is no match for the Ring of Instability!

Reaching into her neural pathways, Brakagi then put his finger down on the path that controls motor movements and prepared to push it off course, when a blast blew his physical body away and back and forced him to return his focus back into the fight at hand. He crashed into the work table that the negotiations were held on, and the impact spilled the glass of water all over the surface.

'What the hell just happened?' Brakagi tried to find his bearings again as he pushed himself back up. There was a sound of a clap, and the next thing Brakagi knew was the sensation of his body flying through the air. He looked at Miss D with both hands held in front of her and her palm glowing. Then, she clapped again.

Brakagi can visibly see the shape of Miss D's hand distorting under the immense air, it wasn't her hand. It was never about her hands.

If she would have amplified her physical strength or speed just now, the motion of the clap itself would have happened much faster. No.....instead, it was the medium that everything traveled through. She amplified the sound waves travelling through the air particles generated in her clap! And the exaggerated mechanical waves are able to alter the density of air around her hands, which creates a similar effect to heat distortion where paths of light are affected by changing densities of air around heated surfaces.

Enhancing her own physical strength and power would be desirable for physical maneuvering and attacks, but it will be far less effective compared to if the sound waves themselves are enhanced if that's Miss D's chosen way of attack. Brakagi was able to roll sideways away from the full frontal assault of the blast, and the table that he was leaning against was pushed all the way back against the window.

Tapping onto his personal interface, Brakagi tried to call for Jozzor again, but once again, there is no signal coming in or out of the room. Hell, at this point, Brakagi isn't even going to be surprised if Miss D amplified the effects of a standard interference generator in order to block every outgoing signals in the room.

'What's the matter, Mr President?' Miss D said, preparing herself to send out yet another devastating clap, 'having a bit of trouble?'

'Don'get cocky.' Brakagi said, as he thought through all of the options that he has right now. Projecting his artifact and destabilizing Miss D from a distance will take precious seconds that he doesn't really have, as he doesn't really get the luxury of Elmyra's time slowing powers when inside the Zone of Uncertainty. So to truly take out Miss D, he will have to get in close and personal, as a single touch should allow him to breakdown whatever defensive mechanisms Miss D has.

Of course, he doesn't want to break Miss D into a pile of goo and metal, as he still wanted to extract as much information from her as possible. With all that taken into account, all Brakagi needed to do is to close in the distance between the two of them and apply a single burst of his artifact, enough to distract and disorientate her but not enough to kill her completely.

Just a single pulse, huh? That should be easy enough. Brakagi thought, as Miss D lets out another clap, flipping the carpets on the ground up as it turns and tumbles towards Brakagi. He kicked the ground hard and dodged to the side as the carpet slapped itself against the window behind him, letting out a loud PONG sound before screeching down unpleasantly.

Miss D's techniques are simple and quick, and she looked like she would be perfectly happy with spamming it until Brakagi is eventually taken out. He glared at her angrily and thought of his options all around.

'Come on! I thought you will be fun to fight against!' Miss D said before yawning slightly, angering Brakagi even further, 'that's the only reason I am here on this planet!'

'I'd rather you not be here to screw with me!' Brakagi yelled out, pulling out his pistols to shoot towards Miss D at the same time as he reached out with his hands and projected his will towards Miss D's clothing. She clapped in response, and the wave of air hit Brakagi head on like a truck as he applies Instability towards her enhanced clothes at the same time he pulled the trigger.


Brakagi was thrown head first into the window behind him, and his enhanced skull cracked the reinforced window ever so slightly. His left elbow was popped out at an awkward angle followed by cracking sound that Brakagi wasn't sure was from the window behind him, or was it from his own bones. Fortunately, the nanotechnology enhancements worked to manually put everything back into place, though his combat ability is affected acutely.

Before, there was a trade off of him either dodging Miss D's attack or landing his own attack, but Brakagi has had enough of her nonsense. She clearly strengthened the defensive abilities of her clothes previously, which rendered the conventional weapons ineffective against her. Brakagi had also tried to directly destabilize Miss D's bodily and enhancement systems, but it turns out to be way to complicated to be done in combat quick enough.

But if all Brakagi wanted to do is to disarm.....or undress Miss D from her protective clothings, than the entire system is extremely simple. With the Ring of Instability, the strands of fabric making up the purple hoodie and jeans Miss D's wearing burst wide open as pieces of clothing slid down the curves of her her smooth white body. Her undergarments are also torn apart, and she instinctively held onto it in embarrassment.

Part of Brakagi felt bad for putting Miss D in this kind of situation, but that really is the only thing he could have done quick enough. The energy bolt nailed Miss D right in the shoulder and left a darkened mark, and yet the wound itself is only surface level. Brakagi can clearly see something pulsating and moving underneath the skin as they hurried to initiate the healing process. It didn't quite look like the conventional nanotechnological enhancements, but rather seemed a lot more alive.....

'That was perverted!' Miss D screamed out in anger and pointed a finger at Brakagi.

'Human bodies don't turn me on.' Brakagi said without a hint of care., knowing fully that the human girl in front of him is extremely dangerous, clothes or not. Taking advantage of the opening, Brakagi reached his hand towards the ceiling and immediately destabilized the parts of the materials right above Miss D as a roughly circular crack formed in an instant before chunks of building materials are dropped onto Miss D.

Where Miss D was standing is now replaced with a pile of concrete, rubble and dust, and Brakagi wondered if he had gone too far in this battle. He can see the skies above as his office is located on the top floor already as a cold breeze came with the falling ceiling.

Nah, enhanced artifact users are tougher than that.

Walking over towards Miss D's backpack, Brakagi went ahead to check for any other interference generating devices that are cutting off his communications with the outside world. Plus, the big sounds of falling rubble will also alert those that are working a floor below, so help should be on the way. Flipping through the backpack, Brakagi saw a stack of bubble gum within it.

A thought of regret raced through his mind as the gums expanded outwards rapidly, tearing the wrapping apart and puffing up the entire backpack before exploding right in front of Brakagi's face!

He only managed to toss it forward from his body before the blast through him through back towards the cracked window. The blasts and shock waves continued for seconds as smoke enveloped the entire top floor. Brakagi was pinned against columns between the windows and was fortunate enough to not be thrown out of the building as the windows have finally had enough and shattered, sending out pieces of materials down the side of the tower.

However, that means Brakagi is taking on the full brunt of the explosions instead of free falling to the ground.

The building's alarm was finally triggered, as the floors below finally spotted the battle going on overhead as buzzing sounds ringed throughout the tower and the region near by. For those officers and people that are allowed into the governing district stopped in place and looked up towards the tower, where everything in New Olympus revolves around.

Then, a few of the rescue police shuttles dashed overhead as they responded to the alarms.

As the initial blast has finally settled down, Brakagi knelt forward onto the ground and coughed out blood on the ground. The fur towards the front of his body are burnt away, and he felt as if he has been pressed underneath the feet of a giant as the sensations from his chest, ribs and stomach have all become numb due to a combination of the damage dealt to him by the explosion and the immediate anesthetic agents applied by the nanotech drones floating in his blood stream.

What was once his office is now reduced to an blackened empty room, and nothing remained but the piles of rubble that once burred Miss D. However, the blast also cleared away most of the building materials that piled on top of her body, and the half naked human laid face down in the dust and dirt. Then, she raised her head to look at Brakagi with a deathly stare before she slammed her fist onto the floor right beneath her, creating shock waves upon impact as she strengthened it's impacts, sending her flying towards Brakagi.

Brakagi lets out an animalistsic scream as he responded to her blood lust with his very own. He charged forward, bringing forth the strength he didn't know he had as he met Miss D head on in the enter of the room!

She swung an amplified fist, and Brakagi ducked underneath to avoid the initial impact before grabbing onto the underside of Miss D's right arm and slamming it down onto the ground. The impact between the fist and the floor's surface was amplified, and it sent Brakagi and Miss D flying together through the weakened ceiling as they landed on the very top surface of the governing tower.

The cold breeze woke up the entangled beings, and Brakagi kicked Miss D away before rolling away and standing back onto his feet.

Miss D spits out some blood too as she pressed herself up with shaking hands , as her broken bra snapped off from her shoulders, revealing her entire upper body that is covered in dirt.

A few of the police shuttles hovers around the area, as the officers spoke through a mic and asked if Brakagi is alright. Then, before Brakagi has a time to response, Miss D threw a piece of rock like a dart towards the flying hsuttle. Her palm glowed brightly at the very last instance, amplifying the kinetic energy of the toss and sending it flying like a sniper shot directly into the shields of the shuttle.

In the meanwhile, a news reporting shuttle also hovered much higher overhead and began filming the battle occurring on top of the building, and they were immediately approached by another police craft as they realized that this news agency isn't actually the official media, but rather a lesser known independent outlet that happened to be on the seen of this battle. The two shuttles faced off for a long while before the news shuttle finally decided to concede slowly, and yet despite the police's best efforts, the remainder of this battle is still caught on film.

Seeing Miss D distracted by the police crafts, Brakagi once again projected the ring of instability forwards and continued as he returned to the system levels of Miss D's body. When she turned back to face Brakagi, he isolated the circuit of her enhancements and switched it off. Suddenly, Miss D's movements slowed down drastically, as if she has suddenly become intoxicated.

Realizing that something was done to her enhancements instantly, Miss D bit down hard on her lips as a surge of pain shot through her entire system like a bolt of lightning and putting her right back into high alert. Her enhanced cells may be isolated and disrupted, but her enhanced physiology still remained!

She activated amplifier as she stomped onto the ground, multiplying the impact as a human-sized chunk of materials are brought up into the air in front of her by the step. Then, she delivers a spinning kick, amplifying the impact again and sending the chunk of building material flying towards Brakagi like a football that's two meters in diameter.

As the chunk of flying death ball became bigger and bigger in Brakagi's eyes, he knew that there aren't exactly any room for him to dodge on the top of the tower without him accidentally falling out of the building. Though there is a good chance that the police shuttles should be able to catch him in the fall with either some of it's air rescue droids or net spraying drones. However, he cannot allow the others to interfere in this fight and accidentally give Miss D even more weapons to play with.

He needed to take her down with the power of his artifact, and he needs to do it right now!

'Stay out of this!' Brakagi commanded, holding his hands out to his side towards the hovering shuttles.

Dropping into a split stance, Brakagi prepared his body for the impact, as he punched forward with his right hand, the Ring of Instability set at maximum output! His palm made contact with an nail that's poking out from the surface of the building material, then, everything began to disintegrate into dusts and dirt upon contact. All Brakagi felt was a sandy breeze and scratchy sensations all over his body as the Ring of Instability obliterated the massive chunk of material into nothing but tiny particles as everything dusted away.

Miss D cursed out, as she clapped her hand, going back to her most trusty attack and generating the shock wave that once devastated Brakagi. However, out here in the open with the high winds at the exterior of the tower, the strength of the blast is much smaller, adding onto the fact that Miss D's movements are also slower than before. Amplification isn't only about the strength of the amplifier, but also the strength of the initial signal, as even Miss D cannot amplify anything infinitely.

Brakagi protected his head with a cross guard before he rushed forward and jumped over the gap separating between himself and Miss D, going for the finishing blow. Miss D looked visibly afraid as the outlines of Brakagi's body is reflected from her slightly teary eyes.

'No!' She yelled, sending out a blast towards Brakagi at point blank, but Brakagi raised his right hand forward and dismantles it all. From the previous attack of desperation, Brakagi suddenly realized that he may not have to dodge or take on the blasts any longer. He was able to instantaneously dismantle the flying building chunk upon contact, and there shouldn't be any reason he can't do the same to what is essentially a tightly packed wave of air molecules!

'Your shock wave is nothing but an assembly of air!' Brakagi shouted, 'It is thanks to you that I know realized much more about the limits of my power!'

As Brakagi slammed his knee into Miss D's face and sent her head cocking back, He stepped onto her feet and prevented her from falling off the edge of the tower.

'Now, Miss D.....' Raising his right hand overhead, Brakagi prepared to deliver the final blow, a pulse of his artifact that should knock Miss D out for a good while, 'Thanks for the talk.'

'This isn't over!' Miss D grunted out in pain as she taps her finger on Brakagi's now smooth thigh before amplifying the impact and sending Brakagi and herself flying in two directions. Brakagi landed back onto his butt on the top of the tower, and Miss D's body made a dive towards the great below off the edge of the tower building.

'Grab her!' Brakagi ordered, and the shuttles on standby made a nose dive and chased after Miss D, as various rescue droids and drones are deployed immediately.

Then, as the sirens echoed through the city and the evacuating building, Brakagi stumbled backwards out of fatigue until he found the support of a piece of rock hard building chunk behind him.

Jozzor...I have done it, but where the hell are you?