Chereads / Careful Not To Break Reality / Chapter 112 - Chapter 28: Elmyra's Decision

Chapter 112 - Chapter 28: Elmyra's Decision

From Rydel's understanding, it appeared that when Elmyra entered the Space of Uncertainty, or the glowy eyes state as he knows it, then she has a short amount of time where she will have hypersensitivity towards things that may or may not happen to her. That's why every time she enters that state, she will come out of it with precognition of what is going to happen, and things would have been altered by her as to not happen. However, she cannot stay in that state indefinitely, like how Valerie cannot lock down regions of space for ever, or Torelamri as he can't slow down or speed up time in regions of space without limits.

The more one is to influence the fabric of reality itself, the more effort one will have to exert through the artifacts, and for Rydel that is reflected through how much force he will have to exert through the Glove of Summoning, or really how heavy things feel in his hands. If he wants to displace a large amount of mass, then it will feel about as heavy in his hands as if he is lifting something heavy.

Something similar will be the case for Elmyra, as he knew for sure that all artifacts operate on similar mechanisms of scaling, hence when she was hit by the second ball he tossed, he realized that there is a certain time limit that she can remain in the Space of Uncertainty before reality 'catches up' to her. That's where her openings are, and that's when Rydel can attack, in a training sense.

Elmyra has realized that she has a certain time limit from her perspective, though that time is drastically different from real time, there is still a time limit none the less. Something she also realized was that she is able to remain in that state for a little longer if she uses her powers to alter very simply and few things, and she would be 'kicked' out of the Space of Uncertainty very quickly if she is to alter something drastic, like the trajectory of herself in space and/or time. So it's almost like she has a certain limit in how much she can use her powers, and she is to choose carefully.

Something different is happening when Elmyra was facing Rydel's previous 'attack', she sees the trajectories of the balls both in the past and the future, however, those trajectories...make no sense.

How could this be possible, apart from being a result of intervention of an artifact? Is that Rydel's powers? Can he also alter the trajectories of things?

'Elmyra, the training here is not only to help you control the powers of your artifact.' Rydel explained with the hands down by his side, however, when he turned his wrist over again, two balls appeared in his hand one after another, as he left one in his pocket and held the other in his right hand, 'Most of us here that has fought with other artifact users knew that this kinds of fighting is different from everything that you would have done, regardless of your backgrounds. Each of the artifacts is truly unique in it's power set, but similar in its destructive potential.'

'And the fight is about figuring out the other's artifacts before they figured out yours, right?' Elmyra replied, 'I have given this some thought already.'

Ol nodded with an impressed look on his Aquarian face, though Valerie read it as he being extremely concerned.

'They will be fine,' Valerie assured the old man, 'if anything is to happen, I will step in.'

'That's one thing, figuring out the rules of the other's artifacts. The limits of their power is something different.' Rydel said, tossing the ball he has in his hand up in the air, then he quickly located and pulled all of the rest of the balls that were scattered in the arena and summoning it all in the air above his head, his hands moving at blinding speeds that Elmyra didn't think is possible for a human hand. All of a sudden, she is surrounded by roughly ten balls.

She reentered into the Space of Uncertainty in an instant, and all of the ten balls trajectories filled her entire visual field, and that's when she realized that moving each individual balls may not be very realistic. Rydel watches her closely, and as the balls shot through the air, the image of her dissolved as she flickered into a new position, now a merely meter away from Rydel.

Rydel took a step back before reaching out with his hand and pulling a ball that were on the ground far behind Elmyra. When the sensation of the ball is felt in his hands, he immediately jerked it backwards and send it flying towards the back of her. To his surprise, instead of stepping backwards to regroup and get out of the way of the ball, Elmyra instead charged forward with glowing eyes. Rydel has no idea if she can see trajectories that are behind her, but a thing as powerful as a reality altering artifact shouldn't really have a silly limit like that.

Elmyra knew that Rydel is trying to pull something, and with the knowledge that all artifacts glow a bright orange or red color when activated and in use, she knew that Rydel would try to throw a ball from behind her. Then, it's time to get him to get a taste of his own medicine. While the dagger of fate is activated, she moved herself around Rydel, flickering behind him instantly. Then, she reaches her hand out to tap Rydel, only to see him drop down to a half squatted athletic stance and exploded away to a few meters. He slid across the floor before turning around as a light sweat drips down his face.

'Damn! That was close!' Rydel knew that Elmyra would be somewhere behind him when she flickered away, so he immediately jumped forwards, and with the help of his enhanced reflexes and physicality, Elmyra couldn't tap him regardless of the great effort.

'Is it just me, or do everyone move very quickly around here?' Elmyra certainly felt the physical repercussions of that effort.

'No, I am not sure if we have properly talked about this before, but Valerie and I were enhanced.'

'Enhanced?' Elmyra thought back to their encounters before, and she always took their inhumanly fast movements for granted. Now that she is thinking about it, she did throw Rydel against the side of a car, and all he felt was a little whiplash? And even before, those soldiers at Infinity, and even Zero. All of their everyday movements appeared accelerated, though it never felt that off to her seeing her surrounding circumstances are what she is primarily stressed about.

That's why she felt the way she felt at the farm. Everything is so slowed down, and she could finally relax. Though because of her, those three people are no longer alive in the galaxy. Elmyra lets out a short breath and tried to convince herself that the only thing she can do is to move forward, and yet it is so hard not to look back.

'Yes.' Valerie stood up and effortlessly jumped over the fence as she walked towards Elmyra, 'two different stages. The first one was simply physiological enhancements, and the second one is through nanotechnology enhancements. Both were down at Absolute Academy.'

Elmyra simply looked at them, and their look showed that this enhancements did not come for free. Perhaps all of those people here aren't too different. They have all walked a similar path to be where they are today.

'I know there are a lot to take in, Elmyra.' Cellica walked around the stands and said, 'let's go for a walk. You seemed tired.'

There isn't exactly anywhere to walk within the compounds, so Cellica simply took her out the back end of the indoor facility towards the opening behind it. That's where Dolon and Rydel fought for the first time.

'You know,' Elmyra were the first one to open up, 'I have had the respiratory membrane inserted since I was born, and the air on this planet isn't half bad.'

'It takes a little adjustment, but I am sure you have breathed much worse.' Cellica lets a little smile and thought to the homework she has done on Elmyra and her mining background.

'You know about my past?' Elmyra asked, all of a sudden a little unconsciosuly defense and Cellica spotted it immediately.

'I only know a little.' Cellica said, 'I work for the GBI, and going through records and intelligence is my day job.'

'Then why are you here?' Elmyra asked.

'Cause I am on my leave now.' Cellica said, then, she clicked a hidden button underneath a cover on the side of the rocks that formed the outer fence to the opening, and it slid open magically. There were already mechanisms installed into the surroundings, but it was never really used. Towards the back were a little hill, and it appeared Cellica wanted to take her to the hill top.

'There is a lot of things happening very quickly for you, I am sure.' Cellica said, 'most of us that obtained the artifacts have all experienced a lot of things happening in a very short period of time, and most often that's how we got it.'

Elmyra opened her mouth, and she wanted to talk about the family that took her him, but unlike when she was truly vulnerable on Venus, she now has some semblance of control and safety here on Athena 3. Perhaps there is nothing to talk about with her.

Deep down, she does know that nothing she can do can really bring back the family, even if she has fully mastered her artifact like some of the other bearers here, there is no saying that she can get to all of them within a split second. No, that's not what that hidden sickening feeling in her stomach is.

She climbed the mountain siliently, as Cellica continued to talk about what she can be expecting with her light and smooth voice. Elmyra's mind traveled back to the moment right after the family's body dropped to the ground, and she was moving so swiftly and quickly through the crowds of soldiers, that if anyone is looking from afar, they will think that they are watching a scene from a movie.

Instead of freaking out with anger or any of her usual outbursts, Elmyra seemed to have finally reached a threshold, and once that line is crossed, there is nothing but peace. She made up her mind to kill of all of the soldiers, and that was exactly what she did. She entered and exited the Space of Uncertainty in extremely quick successions, adjusting the bolts fired and flickering in between the soldiers at extremely fast frequencies. The way she is using is demands immense concentration and decisiveness, and she had both then.

Fatigue would set in extremely quickly if she stayed in the Space of Uncertainty for too long a duration, however, if all she does is to dip into it for a split second like putting her head under the water, then she could actually use her artifacts to do a lot.

Like a lot of 24 soldiers in less than a minute. She has barely used a pistol before, but with a rifle in her hand, and no recoil, she easily plowed through all of the soldiers, even those who were quick enough to switch on their shield generators. However, the movements of Elmyra is simply way too erratic and unpredictable for them to react to, despite their first stage physiological enhancements.

Elmyra shivers as those memories faded away and the pair has reached the top of the mountain, overlooking the mining colonies far out in the distance pumping out a stream of smoke into the air and slightly obscuring the sun.

'So, wanna relax for a bit?' Cellica said jokingly and pointed to a bench propped up conveniently at the hill top, 'that wasn't exactly relaxing, but let's hope the view is worth it.'

'We shall see.' Elmyra sat down, finally giving her legs a much needed rest. She let her feet dangle off the edge, and leaned back into the bench.

'So, do you have any immediate plans?' Cellica asked, 'not rushing you, but just so we can best help you around here.'

Elmyra pondered on that question for a moment, and she had to be honest that there is indeed a certain thrill when she is using the artifacts. In the right context, it could actually be fun, though dangerous fun.

'You know, before I came here, I wished to get rid of this thing.' Elmyra said, looking down at her fingers, 'and I am glad that you guys didn't spend a lot of time bombarding me with advice like I thought you would.'

Cellica looked at her understandingly, and Ol did instruct everyone to show a certain degree of respect towards her, only giving her pointers when it looked like she wanted it and not going too overboard with it all.

'I thought this artifact is to be afraid of, and I will probably need like a few chapters of character development from everyone to get out of it, but maybe I am just being a little dramatic with my situation. I have already mourned and be sad for long enough,' Elmyra said, looking out, 'you know, free food and accommodation isn't that bad a deal, no matter what background you came from.

'Perhaps I am not the first one saying this,' Cellica said, also looking in the same way as Elmyra, 'but artifacts attract a certain kind of people, and all of them are incredible in their own ways. From what I can see, Elmyra, you are strong, and I am sure that you can find your way around this. We will all be here to help you.'

Elmyra returned a smile and reached out with her hand, 'it is truly nice to meet you, Cellica Uleric.'

'Wow, you nailed the pronunciation in your first try, Elmyra Zin.' Cellica returned a big smile and held her hand, 'it's nice to have another lady with us.'

'Right, now that you have talked about it, I am actually very interested in a program to help me train with using the artifacts.' Elmyra said, 'when I am using it, I always felt that there are so many more things I can do, and simply seeing how Rydel uses his powers is quite exciting for me. Am I right to assume that I can have similar kind of potential?'

'I would say so. Let's go back to talk to them.'

'Is she going to be alright?' As Elmyra and Cellica went outside, Rydel and Valerie walked towards Ol and Zel who's still sitting in the stands.

'Seems alright, that girl is strong, and very good looking.' Zel said, and Valerie gave him a look, '...What? You are good looking too!'

'Somehow, I do not think that was the point.' Ol said with a low voice, 'despite what she seemed when we first met her, she is a completely different person when using the artifact. I can tell she is highly focused, and very fluent with her movement and control. Perhaps the feeling of control is what she will latch on, and what we can do is simply to help her with this.'

Everyone nodded, and Ol left Cellica a message as they all dismissed and went away.

Rydel and Valerie went back to their joined room, though both of them jumped onto the bed as the first thing they did.

'I need recovery!' Rydel said, throwing his arms upwards and letting out a big sigh, 'fighting against Elmyra is hard, and from the look of things, it looks like I will be training her for a little bit.'

'It would seem so.' Valerie agreed, as she undresses and hung up her jacket. Then, she went to the control panel of the bed and pressed a few buttons on her side as Rydel did the same. She chose a simple rest setting, while Rydel chose the recovery and recuperate setting, 'we haven't had a proper night sleep in a little while, so let's at least take a nap.'

It was early in the evening when the pair woke up from their night feeling groggy and somewhat recovered, and Cellica and Elmyra are sitting in the living room and watching the Galaxy news.

'You two were gone for a little while.' Cellica teased as Valerie rubbed her eyes and Rydel yawned loudly.

'Trust me, it's not what you think.' Rydel said, and grabbed two glasses of drinks from the food printer as Valerie hopped onto the sofa, 'Elmyra is pretty good at using her artifact already, and I definitely needed some rest after that.'

As Rydel sat down next to Valerie, Elmyra leaned her head forwards and looked at Rydel and Valerie, 'I have decided. I will stay around for a while and train to use my artifacts at least as fluently as you two!'

'Was that a jab at you?' Rydel looked at Cellica with a cheeky smile, who tossed a cushion at him in retaliation.

'I am just not the combat type like the three of you are.' Cellica said while throwing her hands in the air innocently, 'I am a support, you know? I got my own practice!'

'Well, in any case, we can begin tomorrow!' Rydel said with a smile, 'I will look through Dolon's training log tonight, and we begin tomorrow. Perhaps it would be great to get Zel on this too.'

'That sounds like a great idea.' The voice of Dolon came from the kitchen, and everyone looked back, 'a brand new model of a gormet food printer has arrived. Help me set this up and we can celebrate tonight!'

Everyone cheered, and Elmyra felt as if she was back at the Galactic IST, with a bunch of people with similar interests and goals. Hopefully the future will look brighter for her, and these people here will become her new family.