Chereads / Transition and Restart / Chapter 404 - Chapter six, 2017, Christmas carols: 3

Chapter 404 - Chapter six, 2017, Christmas carols: 3

And of course there had to be a second session where he was told how useless and wrong he was.

During the short break between fourth and fifth period Ryu sauntered inside Noriko's classroom where he knew he'd find Urufu as well. Anything to prevent them from from behaving too familiar with each other in public.

To his surprise Ryu found Yukio, Kyoko and Hitomi there as well, and he suspected Kuri would have waited for him as well but for him making her angry in the cafeteria.

Both Noriko and Urufu stared at the extra guests with more than a little consternation in their eyes, and Noriko's classmates gave the group a wide berth.

Just arriving was enough for Ryu to smell the bad mood in the air.

"Good, the main dish has arrived," Yukio said. "Hitomi, you know what to do?"

She nodded, and Noriko shot her a surprised glance.

'OK, whatever is going on sis and Urufu aren't in on it.' Ryu shortened the distance to Noriko's desk and waited for what was coming.

"Urufu, Noriko, you're not needed. Please leave!" Kyoko said, and Ryu shared a coughing fit with both Urufu and Noriko.

"Look, it's my classroom, so why are you..."

"Kyoko and I have sex with each other," Yukio said and cut Noriko short.

"So does Ryu and Kuri," Kyoko filled in. Then she raised an eyebrow and looked straight at Noriko. "One glance at you is enough to know you don't. Leave adult talk to the adults!"

This time Ryu shared a gasp with the targetted couple and several of Noriko's classmates.

Noriko rose from her chair, and Ryu saw tears forming in her eyes. "Kyoko! You pig!" With that she rushed out of her classroom.

"Hitomi," Kyoko said and nodded in the direction of the door.

Hitomi rose and left the classroom. Ryu guessed she went in search of his sister.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Urufu said, and for once Ryu agreed with him.

"Shut up, man! Your presence isn't needed. Go fetch!" Yukio responded without as much as blinking.

"Yukio, for..."

"He said shut up. What's most important, arguing with Yukio or finding Noriko whom I just hurt?" Kyoko interrupted him.

'What the hell is going on?' Ryu stared at Kyoko. She'd grown out her hair and lost some weight to become cuter, but right now she wasn't cute at all.

Urufu rose, still fuming, and Ryu watched him leaving the classroom, angry steps, angry backside and angry hands, until he vanished behind the door he closed with a loud slam.

But for Yukio and Kyoko everyone in the classroom jumped at the sound.

"Good, now you're going to do a lot of listening and no talking at all," Yukio began.

"Because Yukio is very good at keeping things to what's important, and your input isn't," Kyoko continued.

"Do you think that I'm just..." Ryu tried.

"Shut the hell up! Got some fucking problem with your hearing?" And that was a Yukio Ryu had never seen before. Probably the Yukio who befriended Urufu when he was put in an institution for juvenile delinquents.

'He doesn't really have the presence to force me, but this is probably important if they make a scene like this.' Ryu decided to stay. Besides, they'd made a pretty good scene. The classroom oozed of bad mood now, and Ryu admitted he'd got caught up in the feeling as well.

In the end he just nodded and waited for what Yukio and Kyoko had to say.

It was Kyoko who started. "As we said earlier, we have sex."

"As often as possible, which isn't often enough, at least not for me," Yukio added.

Kyoko's hand sought his, and Ryu saw Yukio place it in his lap and squeeze. "He's suffering from the misconception girls don't want sex. It's not often enough for me neither."

By now everyone in the classroom sat erect and listened to them in wonder.

"That's not the important part," Yukio started. "We're not eighteen,"

he added and lobbed the verbal ball to Kyoko.

"So from that point of view what we're doing is improper. Got that?"

Ryu nodded.

"Are you planning to interfere with our relationship?" Yukio asked.

By now Ryu understood where this was going, but he kept his silence and shook his head.

"You and Kuri have sex as well," Kyoko said. "I doubt it's not even close to often enough."

That brought a smile to Ryu's lips. Maybe once a month, when Kuri's schedule allowed. No it wasn't enough.

"Do you want me to interfere with what little love life you have?" Yukio asked.

Ryu shook his head. If he'd played along this far he could just as well see it through to he end.

"Urufu and Noriko doesn't," Kyoko said, and Ryu didn't need an explanation as for what it was they didn't. "You're interfering with what they don't even have."

'Nice try, but if you think you can…' Ryu's thoughts were interrupted when Yukio dropped the nuke.

"The Prince of Himekaizen is going to stop thinking shit and just listen," Yukio said, "or we're ending our friendship with you right here and now."

"I think you can live with that, but we'll bring in Sato-sensei and Sano-san on this," Kyoko added, and this time Ryu sat up erect in shock. That was a very real threat, one he couldn't just ignore.

"To make absolutely certain Noriko's not going to pay for your fucking shit I'll tell your parents about what kind of swine you've become."

Ryu stared at Yukio.

"Now get the hell out of here!" Kyoko said in a voice as far from proper as was possible. "This is Noriko's desk. Vermin like you doesn't deserve to be close to it."