Chereads / resuscitated / Chapter 7 - Our long talk

Chapter 7 - Our long talk

It was the death God the reason I didn't expect to see him was because I thought that maybe he was mad at me because I hurt him I clearly new that Mia was a sensitive topic although I didn't know why but you really can't blame me of course I am curious after all I know nothing about me or precisely Mia that's why all I did the moment I saw him was say "Hi" awkwardly and walk past him I didn't want to make things worse the situation was already bad as it is.

He was leaning against a wall with his head down you could see pain in his eyes he seemed calm but I could tell he wanted to shout at the top of his lungs he was clearly a burning hot mess , and although I just said "Hi" and approached the door of the house attempting to get inside I just stopped for a second while grabbing the doorknob and looked back at him and turned the doorknob halfway through and then I heard that deep voice of his "we need to talk"

I turned around and said with an worried anxious voice "yeah sure I'll just go tell them tha- ahhh what are you"

as he grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him to the gate of fate that I didn't even notice was there . this time I was once again mesmerized by the amazing scene but I honestly couldn't care less I was actually concerned by what's going on with the death God he was dead serious I honestly was terrified i'v never seen him before like this it was really weird because it was like I knew him really well although it's only been a couple of days since I met him and what's weirder was that I was acting really strange but I also didn't care for that as well.

we finally reached I didn't really know where we were but it really felt familiar deep down I felt like I have been here before I was having a Dejavu and honestly all I could think in my head was "this exact same scene I have seen it before this feels realy familiar"

"that's right it should feel familiar after all this exact cliff is where I first met Mia it was also around this time of the day the sun was setting the sky was clear and the ocean was beutifull I remember that day really well after all it was the day my whole life was turned upside down" said the death God as he sat on the edge staring at the ocean with a painfull look in his eyes. I sat down beside him and told him "do you want to talk about it ?"

he nodded his head and said "it's a long story so I hope you don't mind."

"yeah sure I don't mind" I replied with a smile "Before I met Mia my life was empty and boring I had no purpose I just went to the underworld and did my job and got back to the upper world I used to be mean and rude with everyone and I was always mad so I didn't really get along with anyone they always played along with me just because they were scared of me and so one day as I was sitting on this cliff watching the sun set I heard someone coming and so I turned my head only to see the most beutifull scene I ever saw a scene that warmed my heart it was when I saw Mia standing near the edge of the cliff looking at the far deep ocean letting the wind pass its gentle fingers through her silky hair but what really got me was that she was looking me straight in the eyes with confidence and pride filling her up I got up and started approaching her slowly while I waited her to be filled with fear because at that time the only thing I enjoyed was seeing fear filling up those who I talk to or approach or even look at but Mia didn't even blink she was looking at me with the same exact look no matter how close I got . I heard her voice for the first time was when I was a few steps away from she casually said to me "hey your the death God aren't you ?"

I was shocked if she knew who I was then why isn't she scared , I stepped back steps and said "yes that's me ,and if I may who are you and why are you asking ?"

"oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is Mia Anderson , I have heard a lot about you and so I thought that id meet you . I wanted to experience the furious, angry, rude and mean death God by myself but I guess they were all rumors"

she was really getting on my nerves so I glared at her and said "huh do you want to die ?"

"honestly I heard people talk about you but no one ever told me that you had this huge amount of ego" she replied mockingly

I really wanted to summon the gate of fate and go some where else but instead I sat down where I orginly was and told her "so Mia what do you specialise in" said I in curiousty

"I capture dark souls I really feell sad for them but it can't be helped they must be captured"

she replied as she sat beside me

I remember us talking for a really long while that by the time we where done it was already dark but neither of us noticed"

"so that's how you two met and I suppose you two got along really well after that and you became the best of friends" said I in a lively tone

"you got it almost right its true that we were really close friends but that only lasted for a while before we satarted dating we were that lovy-dovy couple we would go on missions together and we did all kinds of things together we were really happy together until

???: Mia , death God your next mission is extremely dangerous if any thing goes wrong we can't guaranty your safety so please be extremely careful.

at that time we thought that it was nothing and that we could handle it easily ,our mission was to kill a couple of dark souls, but when we got there we saw a swarm of dark souls we were suprised but we couldn't comeback without doing anything humanity was depending on us because that swarm of dark souls was about to go hunt the under world of course it wasn't only me and Mia there was a whole team of elites so that's why we fought and fought everything was going so well until a dark soul came behind Mia and stabbed her with a cursed knife I remember it all happening in front of my eyes after she was stabbed she fell directly to the ground I rushed to her barely catching her before she makes contact with the ground I remember shouting with all my might "someone help she is gonna die quick someone please please" while tears ran down my face. Mia was looking at me with a smile on her face and said "I-I really a-am thankful that I got to spend my last m-monthes with you *cough* *cough* you t-truly made me happy you were the light of my life I used to be so bored with every thing my life was truly boring it had no meaning or taste without you I'm really happy I met you please dont be sad please live a happy life for you and me and show every one who you truly are"

at that moment my mind went blank as I saw her hand fall to the ground more tears escaped my eyes as I shouted "no Mia don't please dont do this to me I don't know what I am going to do without you I don't want to return to my old plain life , you are the only thing I look forward in my day I want to keep going to missions with you I want to stay with you for the rest of my life so please dont don't..." , I shut her eyes as more and more tears rolled down my face I felt a lump in my throat I couldn't breath I could feel my blood boiling I saw the whole world darken before my eyes . I stood up and within seconds I was in mid air , I looked at my teammates dead in the eyes as they knew what I meant so they huriedly went down to the ground and took Mia's body and backed away as I meanwhile was preparing to cast one of the most powerful spells in existence . I took a deep breath and started performing it , I looked at all the dead souls through the the circle of spells that I summoned using special hand signals and started chanting the spell as I was starting to feel the spell working . the spell was used to push your body way farther than its limits making you stronger faster and a whole bunsh of other things but of course it had horrible side effects. after you use it you will be extremely tired your body will be crushed but most importantly you won't be able to use magic for at least two weeks but I didn't care I just wanted to avenge Mia. and so when the spell started working I charged towards the swarm of dark souls and started killing a whole bunch at once . I kept on fighting and fighting till there was no one but me and I fainted.

I woke up in the hospital recalling all that have happened , but then I heard a knock on the door it was the doctor who was also a friend of mine he came in and closed the door behind him and said "Hey man how are you doing I hope your doing well and I wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to Mia and I hope you get well soon but till then rest here your body is in a miserable condition"

I looked at him and said with a painful voice "yeah I'm fine thanks its just alot to take in" .

after that weeks passed nothing special happened it was just like how it was before I met Mia but lonleyer , sadder , and darker. I remember how I would recall that scene every night and I would sobber up and to be honest that scene still haunts me till now.

after two whole monthes I was discharged from the hospital and after a couple days I was givin a mission and that mission was really helpful for me and my mental health it really was like a fresh start to me though I still really missed Mia, and that mission was...