Chereads / Dark Passion / Chapter 11 - Amnesia

Chapter 11 - Amnesia

Raine sat in the dark, near the bed where Winter was sleeping, watching her sleeping face with a deep gaze. The warm breeze blew through the window and brushed against her shining rosy red cheeks that glowed even in the dark of the night.

He watched the strands of her hair dance against the breeze giving a little warmth to her skin. Raine saw her pretty face looking more enticing in the dark and mumbled to himself, "How can she sleep so long?"

He leaned back in his chair and stared at the woman before him, sleeping in a deep slumber of endless sleep. Raine hunched himself forward in the chair. His patience was weary thin . Rain tossed his black curls back and jumped to his feet approaching the bed.

He leaned over the sleeping woman and brushed his fingers against her cheek.

"Winter…" he murmured to himself" Such a unique name for such a beautiful woman." Suddenly he saw a pair of eyes staring into his. He was speechless for a moment as an awkward silence crept into the room.

"Must you stand above me like that?" she whispered.

"Sorry," Raine took a step back, away from her.

As Winter sat up in the bed as she looked at her surroundings. She noticed the royal red paintings hung around the room and the smell of blood flooded her nostrils.

Raine passed her a cup of water and sat down a bit far away from her. Winter took a sip of water slowly. Feeling slightly stiff in the joints of her body, she put the cup of water down as she checked her body and stretched herself to feel a little comfortable.

"Umm I don't want to sound weird, but who are you to me," Winter asked him

Raine cocked his head to the side and said, "I'm nothing but a stranger to you." He smiled at her his curls bounced into his face his browns eyes sparkled with a glint and then he asked her, "The real question is, do you know who you are?".

Hearing this she froze and stared at him with a blank expression. She felt a sharp pain creeping into her head as she tried to remember her past.

Raine leaned over and grabbed her by her wrist and said, "Beautiful, Don't force yourself to remember if it is going to bring you pain."

Winter stared at him for a moment and felt at a loss of words. She thought for a moment looked at him and asked, "Why would you treat a stranger so well like this?"

Raine smirked when he heard this and replied, "Because it seems you are in need rescuing." Having said this he let go of her wrist and slouched back into his chair staring at her deeply for a moment.

Winter was still speechlessly pondering to herself if he was a silly man or a foolish one. Then a thought crept in her mind and she asked Raine, "If we are strangers then how did you find me? Why am I in this bed here with you?" she felt slightly proud of her question. Yet,also felt guilty for not knowing her own name.

Hearing her question his left brow raised slightly and he replied staring at her, " You crashed into the earth. I saved you not once but twice Miss. Beautiful your name is Winter!" Raine smirked to himself after saying.

Hearing the answer Winter whispered to herself, "Fell from the sky? Winter?"

Raine stared at her bewildered state in silence, watching her every movement quietly. Winter tried to force herself a bit to try to remember her past, but her memory still betrayed her and she couldn't remember anything at all, instead, all she felt was a pain. Immense pain in her head, so much pain that slowly overtook her entire body.

Raine watched her condition and her struggle to remember who she was. He shook his head and got up from his chair. He reached to Winter and pulled her out of the bed. F Winter stood on her feet and wobbled a bit before she could balance herself.

"What are you doing to me?" pulling herself away for Raine Winter asked him.

"I am stopping you from inflicting pain on yourself. Can't you see your body has not recovered yet. You have been in a coma for six months! I know you are trying to force yourself to remember about yourself and get back your memories.

Yet your mind is protecting itself from that. You can try to hide it but your face can not. Your once rosy cheeks are now pale and grayish-white. All the blood had been drained. " anger rose in his voice. Not sure why. But Raine stands his ground.

She stared up at him and finally believing his words she hung her head down and said, "I just want to remember everything but I can't, no matter what I do. Everything is a piece of blank paper to me. Even my name! I don't know even my name. But the moment you said Winter, I felt like the fog is slowly being lifted from my memories."

He patted her head and said, "Silly girl take your time. I'll take you to the queen in the morning to give you answer to your questions."

She was shocked and slightly mockingly she said, "And here I thought you were the king." Saying this she smirked to herself. She felt a pain creeping into her soul and her body begin to feel sore with that pain. She walked back towards the bed and pressed her body into the mattress.

Raine stood up and hovered over her, pulling the blankets over her body, tucking her carefully he whispered, "Rest beautiful! Tomorrow is a new day."

With a slight nod feeling the world closing into dark she felt a deep warmth of safety surrounding her.