Doctors and Nurses rushed inside the ICU and started reviving Mia.
Mr. & Mrs. Chang anxiously watched through the glass window as their daughter was being resuscitated.
Mia suffered from several injuries, a few broken ribs, a broken arm, and a skull fracture. Nancy had a minor leg fracture and some scratches. Apart from a cut in the head and a few scratches, Samantha had a whiplash. Due to the position of their car when it crashed to the concrete roadblock, Mia experienced more damage compared to the other two.
As Samantha and her family waited outside, Nancy arrived at the hallway in a crutch. She somehow realized what was happening in the ICU and her facial expression became rigid. Nancy watched from afar and met Samantha's gaze. They both looked at each other for a few seconds before Nancy looked away.
The doctors have been trying to revive Mia for 23 minutes since the curtains of the window have been closed to spare the family members from seeing the chaos inside.