How many near-death situations has it been now, 7, 13, 21, 44...
Every time, Raith escaped in the nick of the beast's claws and no matter how fast he is– he couldn't measure up to the ferocious speed of this monster that disappeared and appeared in front of him– well not that the monster is a teleporter, its movement was just faster than Raith's eyes could follow.
And what was more devastating was that Raith couldn't see any attack patterns.
The claws of the monster slashed him from behind, he rolled forward, tumbling and crashing his head over and over as he rolled like a ball. His coat was ripped in several places and all those places carried a pattern of blood with them. Which meant every of the panther's strikes slit Raith's skin- sometimes not too deep.
But Raith was reaching the end of his lifeline. And trust me, the beast was enjoying this.