Xio mi crying
Xio mi:I can't believe this,I'm not a monster
shu shu:it's ok xio mi,I'm assuring you that you will be fine ,just trust me.
xio mi stop crying and hug shu shu tightly
At dawn
shu shu:wake up princess
I stretch out my hand and yawn like a hungry lion anyway I'm hungry and shu shu has brought the right thing for me.
xio mi;what is this,let me see,is that a pearl
he gave me a smirk and turn away leaving me the roasted fish,I eat it happily but I was confuse,I don't know where I am and shu shu as been gone for a long time leaving only me
I heard a footstep and I was really scared
I saw a shadow and lifted my head and I saw a young lady dressed like a hunter.
lura:what are you doing here?
xio mi:who are you
shu shu:lura lura lura
lura:shu shu I've been looking for you thinking you will never come back.
shu shu:silly you,you know how important it is,oh xio mi I'm sorry,this is lura my friend
lura this is her xio mi
xio mi: what did you mean by her?
shu shu: my friend
he smile and we all left to his town