When Ji Nuan carried the fish soup to share with others, Li Nanheng stood there seemingly inadvertently looking at Feng Ling who was helping Ji Nuan to divide the fish soup and tried to keep a distance from him, saying, "There have been no women in the base. It really feels different to have a woman here."
Everyone could tell that Boss Li was trying to start a talk with Feng Ling.
But Feng Ling simply ignored him. Noticing the other brothers were reminding her with their eyes that Boss was looking at her, she handed out the bowl of fish soup in her hand and said deadpan, "If you are not afraid of being poisoned to death, I don't mind cooking for you after returning to the base."
These two people were both stubborn.
Tam and K looked at each other with a grin while drinking the fish soup. They simply couldn't do anything about Boss Lin and Feng Ling.