Chapter 10 - Announcement

For all the readers of Immortal Witch: Eldest Daughter of a Duke. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart.

IWED is now on Ringdom. A new app of novel in playstore and I agree to post my works on that app. I am not allowed to upload more than 10 chapters here in webnovel from now on. So chapter 9 would be the last. Please continue to support my work in that app and I hope you will like other works too.

Is it free? Yes, right now IWED chapters in ringdom app is free so you can read it for free again. But will soon become a pay-to-read. I already contacted my editor for the loyal readers of IWED here to at least give them free coins to read the IWED if it ever become pay-to-read. It is the only compensation I could do for the loyal reader here who are the top voters in Liberaine's adventure.

Please contact me for the details regarding free coins in IWED chapters if it become pay-to-read.

I bow my head to all of you guys because I keep you waiting all this time and IWED is now my responsibility that I must finished just on the different platform.

And again Thank You So Much for all the support here in Webnovel.

IWED in webnovel is now signing off.

See you again and thank you so much.