Iris said "I am so sorry to call you here, but I want you to see something, it's about that creating forum thing, you know the thing Seira talked about, any ways hurry up and login".
So I logged in and entered Tecno World .
As soon as I arrived, I saw Wilson and Sera was standing next to him.
I was surprised to see her so I said out loud "oh, it's Sera".
And Sera said "hello Ann, how have you been?".
I replied "I am fine thanks for asking, so what are you doing here ?".
She replied "what else?, I am obviously following my master".
I started looking around, but then Wilson said "who are you looking for ?, I am right here you know".
I told him "wait, what?!, you're Sera's master?".
He replied "well that I am".
Then I told him "she's really good you know".
Then he replied "that she is, so why did Iris call you here?".
I told him "she just said, it has something to do with the forum creating thing".
Then Iris suddenly said "Ann look at the news board".
I told her "okay then, open it for me".
So she did, and after that Wilson also asked Sera to open the news board for him as well.
We saw the news, and one of them was about the lucky person who will get to create a forum for his ID phone.
The news said "ONLY 2 weeks left, until we announce the lucky person who we chose, and here is a hint that might lead to that lucky person ( the Lucy person is a female, we will keep giving hints until the announcement day to keep you guys excited".
I looked at Iris and said "is that really why you called me ??".
Seriously is that it, my food might get cold just because of this announcement.
Iris said "well yes, you are a female user aren't you?".
I was really angry, is that why she called me?, I thought something bad happened or something .
So I told her "of course I am".
Wilson interrupted us and said "since we are here and all, how about we go and have some fun?".
I told him straight forward "but the food outside will get cold".
He said "oh come on, the food needs at least 10 minutes to be served, which means we can stay here for an hour, what do you say".
I really thought he was hard to approach, but looking back at it, it looks like I was the one who was her to approach.
Anyways, I do want to get along with him and other kids my age .
So I told him "fine by me, however keep in mind that If we arrived late, I will put the blame on you".
He said "fine fine".
Then he grabbed my hands and said "firs let's get you an outfit that we'll make you move easier".
I stoped him and said "hold on a second, I like what I am wearing so let's keep it that way".
He then said "but there is no way you can move well with that dress".
I told him "you got a point there, fine let's go".
While we were walking he said "are you really good at painting ??".
I replied "well, I do like it and almost everyone around me says I am good at it, so I guess I am".
Then he said "I wasn't able to see your painting, but I well see it I. The gallery soon".
I had no idea my painting was in a gallery 😅.
But I said to him "I hade no idea about my painting being in a gallery whatsoever, but are you good at painting your self?".
He replied "that I am".
So I told him "Maybe you could show me your paintings some other time".
He smiled and said "sure, but first let's get you something easy to move with".
Then Sera said "we have arrived you guys".
End of chapter 28 :).