Chereads / Ubel Online Age Of Twilight / Chapter 10 - Ubel CH1.3

Chapter 10 - Ubel CH1.3

I picked up the vile of elder blood. The benefit for me was the slow process. While I would change, I was led to believe it would be a gradual thing. Odds are, the adventurers would be gone long before that happened.

She clapped her hands at my choice and spun around, letting her skirt fly upward. "Very good choice. I can't believe thou picked something so fun. Now don't down it; we have to do this right with a blood transfusion." Black Rei said.

From nowhere, she pulled a brass tool free and jabbed a needle in my arm before poking another in the vial. Then she worked a pump. My blood flowed out of my arm and mixed with the blood from the vial before going back down the tube into my arm. A burning sensation swept through me, and my heart started racing.

My mind felt like it had risen, and I saw beyond the world and through a screen to see a man staring at me while controlling Black Rei like a puppet. I felt like I learned something I shouldn't have before falling back into my body.

Atom lvl0 

Race: Human/Old Blooded 

Select Class Category 

Mage, Warrior, Rogue, Trade 

I screamed as I stared at the floating apparition in front of me. My name was on full display, along with the class that the adventurer was talking about.

"I can select thy class good that means thou won't choose something stupid like illusionist. We want something that will help thou kill something way beyond thy current level without putting thou in danger. A mist elemental Lord recently came through, and they do have a weakness to lightning. Ok, that has to be the best option thou should get a lightning-based perk. This will also take half the damage out of holy lightning. At level 20, you gain a profession; if we make it jeweler or ring maker, thou can craft magic rings that boost your lightning damage. Ubel only allows 4 rings, with the right materials; thou should be able to boost thy damage significantly."

Atom lvl1 

Class: Lightning Elementalist lvl1 +2INT +3 WIS per level

Race: Human/Old Blooded 


Old Blooded: Gain access to Eldritch-only classes and gain +5WIS per level 

Human: Welcomed in all human settlements and +2INT per level 

Second Strike: All Lighting spells hit twice. 

HP 100

MP 120


STR 10

DEX 10 

VIT 10 

INT 12 

WIS 15

CHA 10 

LUK 10 

Black Rei tapped her foot while taking on a thinking pose before twirling around. "Methinks I know why your human bonus is so low. Thou art a human with no noble title or hero bloodline. Mayhap thou does not receive any Noble house bonuses from nobility or hero stat bonuses." She raised a mirror that appeared out of nowhere. Its surface rippled before revealing the people from the village. Yona, the girl I liked but never had the guts to ask out, looked around, confused as her body moved on its own. The sheriff was speaking, but I couldn't hear the sound. "They seem to be around level 50, so if thou can pull off a powerful lightning spell, you should be able to kill all of them. Lets set thou up with an early game dragon lightning spell mage assassin build. Killing enemies above thy level with a single attack is addictive, and there are lots of them in a group." Black Rei said.

"Why can't we save them? You are more powerful than anyone I've ever heard of." I said.

She gave me a look that I remember seeing from my mother when I asked why I couldn't court Yona. That was before Owen's offer.

"Mayhap I could and have as have others, tis not hard if thou know the way. In the calculus of value, we discovered low-level villages art not worth the price. The xp gained from killing them is worth more than the quest reward for saving them. Tis simple math potential drops from killing them, and xp is more valuable than most side quest rewards. A few silvers from a town become worthless over time." Black Rei said.

With a few silvers, my family could live comfortably for a year. Mother wouldn't have to invite strange men to do horrible things with her. A few silvers was enough to turn my life around.

"What about the Sabbath Church won't they save them?" I asked.

"I forgot thou were a peasant. The Sabbath Church would sooner butcher a human for their meat than rescue them from a terrible fate. Now read these scrolls." Black Rei ordered.

She handed me three items, and I opened them, and they vanished. I flinched as a new screen appeared. 

New Spells 

Dragon Lightning: Conjure lightning in the form of a dragon in a revolving circuit. 

DPS = 5 * INT * lvl

Cost: 5000MP 

Uses: 5

Solomon's Wisdom: Gain the powerful wisdom of the greatest wisemen for a time.

Time Limit: 30s

WIS +100

Uses: 5

Enki's Blessing: Gain The divine intelligence of the Sumerian God of Intelligence for a time. 

Time Limit: 30s 

INT +100

Uses: 5

"Did thou notice the uses down on the bottom of the spells?" I nodded. "Scrolls can impart spells but only for a fixed number of uses. While they art not one use, they aren't much better. Methinks after this encounter, their value to thou will decline. Don't get your hopes up for the buff spells. More will be available." Black Rei said.

The more she spoke, the easier it was to identify what her words actually meant. An early game meant early in life, from what I could tell. As a young not adventurer these spells would be useful.

"How would I make them permanent?" I asked.