Chapter 4: Horizon
Orion flew the spacecraft towards the stars, guided by the voice in his mind. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he had to get as far away from Earth as possible.
As he soared through the vast emptiness of space, he couldn't help but wonder about the being that had helped him escape. Who or what was it? And why had it chosen to help him?
"Who are you?" Orion asked the voice.
"I am a being from another dimension. My kind has been watching your planet for a long time, and we have been studying the humans and their abilities," the voice replied.
"What abilities?" Orion asked.
"The abilities of your kind to manipulate energy and control matter. We have been studying you for a long time, trying to understand how you are able to do what you do," the voice explained.
Orion was shocked. He had always thought that his abilities were unique to him, but now he realized that there were others like him out there.
"Why did you help me escape?" Orion asked.
"We believe that your kind should be free to use your abilities as you see fit. Your planet has been keeping you in cages, studying you like lab rats. It is time for you to be free," the voice said.
Orion felt a surge of gratitude towards the being. He had never felt so alive and free as he did now, soaring through the stars in his spacecraft.
"Where are we going?" Orion asked.
"To our world, where you will be safe and free to use your abilities as you see fit. We have much to teach you, and we hope that you will join us in our quest to understand the universe," the voice said.
Orion felt a sense of excitement and curiosity building inside him. He had always felt like an outsider on Earth, but now he knew that he was not alone in the universe.
"I'm ready. Take me to your world," Orion said.
And with that, the spacecraft accelerated towards a distant star, leaving Earth and all its secrets behind. Orion knew that he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.