Wednesday, continued …
"It is not what you really want?" completed Yao Tan. "You want the certainty of being at home rather than nursing shift work?"
James responded looking between his wife and father-in-law. "True. I knew when I started studying; shift work would be part of my career, so it was never an issue for me. Now I have wife I have to consider, plus I am in a new country where English is not the first language. Yes, I have been undergoing a language crash course, and I can communicate better than even I expected, I still have a long way to go. Let alone dealing with the technical side of nursing in a language that no one would claim that I am fluent in. That could be critical in a hospital situation when I may have to deal with people who do not speak English or in an emergency. That could be a disaster for the patient.
"So, you are looking at Uncle Yi's offer?" quietly questioned Alecia.