Saturday, continued …
Observing Lu Jingho Anna knew that she had already stirred him to react. This was going to be fun, and all he could do was lose. Let the games begin.
Lu Jinhgo spat out a response "No one cares about trash like you, so why do you not go and leave the good people alone."
Calmly Anna responded, with a real sarcastic tone "Like you and those around you …"
"Absolutely, it sounds like you know your place, it just is not here."
"Good people, Ha! Let me think …"
"So, you can put together the few brain cells you have."
"Insults will get you nowhere. Mmmm…"
"Go away before I call security."
"Well try, but before you want to insult me further look at yourself and the people you have around you?"
Anna noticed that comment hit the mark. Lu Jingho's demeaner changed, He was not angry and about to explode. Perfect Anna thought.