Wednesday, continued …
As soon as Anna was sitting comfortably in the car taking both of them back to Hou Enterprises, Anna turned to Hou Yi "What is going on? You have been up to something for at least a week? And I know that it is not a surprise for me."
"Who is to say that is not a surprise," came the calm collected response from Hou Yi
"If it was, you would not be in the office as much as you are."
"Hou Enterprises cannot take care of itself, particularly give our expansions from our traditional areas of operation. Plus there has been a few things that have taken me away from the office. And no, I am not blaming you, the cause of that is your ex."
"Yi, stop being smart and tell me. Whatever is going on is more than just simple expansion into non-traditional areas of business. You are too distracted for it to simply be business."