Wednesday, continued …
After Inspector Gang was escorted out of the interview room the two investigators stood up. "Mr Nang, would you please accompany us. We have further discuss matters with you and wish to review the recordings with you."
"Not a problem, sirs"
With that they all left the interview room and walked out of the police station and across the road into another government building and took the elevator up to the 8th Floor. Alister Nang followed the investigators into a secure area that was accessed by card. He, as they walked inside the secure door, handed a "Visitor" pass, and followed the investigator into a meeting room.
"Mr Nang, before we get too far, we need to try and establish the facts in relation to the charges. We will be arranging to speak to Officer Mu, who but the sounds of it knows a lot about the situation. However, we need to clarify certain information."