Despite being twins, Lu Weichun and Lu Xingyan didn't look alike at all except for their same eye color, black.
Lu Weichun's features were more to her father while her younger twin, Lu Xingyan was more to her mother's side.
Their personalities are the exact opposite as well so it really wasn't obvious that they were actually twins since they can easily be told apart.
It was interesting for Fan Jingli to see how different they were especially when this was his first time meeting a twin.
What was more intriguing was when it came to Lu Xingyan.
Lu Weichun was like a typical girl with it came to her personality. Yes, she may be beautiful but her face alone is just attractive for Fan Jingli.
On the other hand, Lu Xingyan is more mature than her sister. She has more personality than her and because of that, she became more attractive in men's eyes.